Moving and tears

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Hope's peak Academy.

It was a magnificent school to get into, as only the most talented can get in. Students with ultimate talents, students who exceeded standard school curriculum. Students with the brightest futures can be found here.

Yet Shuuichi did not feel like he belonged. Sure, he managed to solve a case almost all on his own and aided his uncle at his detective business, but he still did not feel that his placement in this school was right. Besides, he didn't even like his talent as the ultimate detective. He remembered the pure anger and hatred that was in the culprit's eyes as he was being handcuffed. The way he stared at him while muttering how Shuuichi "ruined his life." It made Shuuichi feel even worse when realizing that the culprit had killed the victim because the victim made someone in his family commit suicide. Since then, he had always looked down upon himself, like he was nothing. That is until he met her.

Kaede Akamatsu.

She was the sweetest girl he had ever met. She had so much hope and joy contained in her. The way she would encourage Shuuichi, the way she would boost his confidence. He can still remember her gentle yet boisterous voice saying to him:

"You can do it Saihara-kun! Just believe in yourself!"

"I-I'll try.."

He'd respond back. Was he really trying? Did he even have the right to say that?

Yet the point remained, Kaede was a very special person to him. She helped him gain that confidence that he thought he had lost, he thought that with her guidance, he'd finally manage to make eye contact and speak with others. Than it happened..

"I'm sorry Saihara-kun, my dad just got a promotion and his job is at the other side of the country, I won't be able to go here anymore.."

Her cheerful voice now sounded dejected and miserable. Her face looked so much different than the Kaede he knew, she was trying so hard to hold back tears and not to choke on her own sobs. Shuuichi, on the other hand, let the tears stream freely from his eyelids. Even with the hat obscuring most of his face, the sadness in his grey eyes can still be seen. The tears streaming down his eyes dripped from the corner of his chin and onto the ground.

Why? Why when everything was getting better that she had to leave?

These thoughts swirled in his mind as he felt the impact of another body. He looked down to see Kaede hugging him, comforting him for the last time.

"I'll make sure to call often, okay?" she said, looking up at him. Even with tears streaming down her face, she was still smiling and remaining hopeful. Shuuichi envied her so much, he appreciated her company, but he just wanted to be like her so bad. He wanted her confidence and high spirits; he wanted her courage and hope.

Kaede remained for the rest of the week. She still sat with Shuuichi, but it wasn't the same. They were quiet and the air felt heavy, since they knew that they were going to be separated. "Hey, Shuuichi." Her voice sounded soft. Shuuichi was taken aback by her calling him by his first name. It was so sudden as she never did that during the span that they knew each other. She giggled a little at his response. "I didn't want to startle you but.."

Her face grew serious.

"When I'm gone, please don't be sad. Please don't revert back to who you once were before I met you. Please, learn to appreciate yourself and believe in yourself. When I'm gone, I want you to continue developing, I want you to remain happy and grow more confident. That's all I want."

It was her last day yet she was saying so much. Shuuichi shook as he was being told all of this, by the courageous Kaede. He could see and hear how hard she was trying not to cry yet he could hear her heartbeat through her words. He can see all the meaning and emotion in her bright, lavender eyes that pinned right at his eyes.   He was exposed to her bold courage one last time.

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