Dean Winchester

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I don't own anything other than the story line. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general.

"Why would you do that? You could have got seriously hurt Lyn" Dean yells at me as we walk into the bunker. I just ignore him and go to our room lock him out. He knows to leave me when I'm like this so he stays in the library. I blast out Abba to my hearts content. 

About two hours later I have calmed down so I turn the music down. Dean comes to the door and knocks. I open the door and just look at him. 

I'm sorry" we both say. He lets me speak first.

"I know I shouldn't have gone on the hunt by myself but you don't let me do anything any more. Not since I broke my leg. Dean I'm fine. It's been fine for 2 months now" I tell him. 

"I get that and I was going to let you hunt with us but not this one. Lyn it was a Wendigo and you got hurt" he says to me. 

"I'm sorry" I tell him. 

He starts to wrap my arm which I had cut by the Wendigo when I got distracted by Dean and Sam, I managed to turn and get him before he could get me. 

"I love you, you know that right" Dean tells me. 

"Yeah I know. I love you too. I just wish you would let me hunt. I like helping people" I tell him. He just looks at me. We lean in and just before we could kiss.

"We have another hunt" Sam comes in and says. 

Dean walks out the door and I think he wouldn't want me to come. 

"You coming or what" he says coming back.

"I thought you wouldn't want me to" I tell him.

"I don't but your right you need to do your own thing. I don't want you doing to much, but if you want to come then I have to be ok with it" he tells me. I follow him out the room and see what Sam's found. 

"There's a vampire nest in Wisconsin. Cas told me, he's gone to see how many and where they might be" Sam tells us just a Castiel turns up behind him.

"There's about 6 of them" he says shocking Sam. 

"Let's go" Dean says. We walk out to the Impala and drive of. It would take a while so I try to get some sleep. 

When I wake up I notice that we are nearly there so I wake myself up with a red bull. When we get there we find a motel and put our stuff there. Castiel goes and looks for where the nest is whilst we prepare our self for them. 

"The nest is in an abandoned warehouse 2 miles from here" Castiel tells us. 

We go out to the car and head to the warehouse. When we get there we all just go in and start taking out the vamps. After we killed some there's 2 left. One goes for Sam and the other goes for Dean. I watch as it tackles him to the floor and starts strangling him. I run over and chop the vamps head off. Dean looks up at me and just walks out to the Impala. We just drive to the motel and go to sleep cuddling so I know that we're all right. 

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