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I don't own anything other than the storyline. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general. 

I'm on a hunt with my brothers Sam and Dean. We don't really know what were hunting yet but we know something bad is going to happen tonight. We are in some abandoned building. 

"I think we should split up and look." I tell them.

"Good call. Be careful ok" Dean says. I nod and make my way one way whilst Sam and Dean go another. I carefully look around when I hear something behind me. I turn around but I wasn't quick enough I fall to the ground as everything around me goes black. 

Lucifer's P.O.V

I don't know how but I managed to escape the cage after being thrown back in. Ever since I got out I've been looking for Chloe Winchester. It's been 4 months and I'm begging to lose hope. When I feel like I should give up I feel a little bit of pain. It's not me so it must be Chloe. I follow the feeling and come to a building. I go inside and see Chloe tied up unconscious. I fight the monster that has her and kill it pretty quickly. I then pick her up and we disappear. We make it a abandoned hotel. I set up a room to look luxurious. I lay Chloe on the bed and make sure there are no wounds. Once I see that she's ok I just sit and wait for her to wake up. 2 hours later I hear her waking up.  

"Where am I? What's going on" I hear her say. I watch as she looks up and sees me.

"Hello" I say.

"Lucifer. How? What?" She says shocked.

"I'm out" I say to her. 

Chloe's P.O.V

I am shocked to see Lucifer out of the cage.

"How are you out" I ask him.

"I don't know how and I'm not going to question it" he says to me. 

"Well that's all well and good for you and now we have to try and put you back or kill you" I say to him getting up.

"Where are you going" he asks me. 

"Back to my brothers " I tell him pushing on the door only for it to remain shut. "What's going on" I ask him.

"I'm sorry but you can't leave" he says to me. The funny thing is I see he is a little sorry. I ignore that and go back to trying to get out. When that doesn't work I go back to the bed and just ignore Lucifer. 

Over the next few weeks I've been trapped with Lucifer and I am slightly seeing a difference. But that doesn't matter I still try to get away.

"Why won't you let me go" I ask him.

"I have my reasons" is all he keeps saying.

"And what are they" I ask.

"I just do" he says.

"I want to go home" I tell him.

"Well you can't" he shouts at me.

"Why" I shout back.

"Because I love you" he shouts.

"What" I whisper.

"I love you. I have since you were born" he tells me.

"What" I say disgusted.

"No not like that listen" he says.

Mini Flashback Lucifer's P.O.V

I am sat in the cage bored out of my mind. When I feel it and hear it. I hear the sound of a baby's cry and then flashes of that baby and see a life I could have with her. It's all a little white picket fence for my taste so I just ignore it.

Flashback over.

"I don't know why but I think I am changing. Not much but a little. I will never change to much" he says. "I do however love you" 

"I don't know what to say" I tell him. 

"You don't have to. I know after everything I've done you wont feel anything and I am sorry. I just hope there's a chance you will change you're mind" he says to me.

"I don't know" I say to him.

"It's fine" he says before leaving.

Over the week I have been thinking and I think I should give him a chance. 

"Look I'm not saying I love you. Heck I don't really like you but maybe we could give it a chance at being friends first. Only if you change. No killing things for the fun of it and torturing people because your bored ok." I tell him. 

"All right. I;m not saying it's going to be easy I've been torturing and killing for a long time but for you I will try" he says to me.

"OK then we can leave I will make sure my brothers don't kill you" I say to him.

"OK" he says a little reluctant "Let's do this" 

I look at him and his worried but exited face. I hope this goes ok. I really want this to work.  

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