Felicia Day (Sister)

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I don't own anything other than the story line. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general. This is a protective sister story.

It's my first day on the supernatural set today as I got a part on the show. I am so happy. I get to see Felicia again. She's my sister from another mister. I meet her about a year ago and we just clicked straight away. 

I walk about and see people like Jensen, Jared, Misha, Ruth and finally I see Felicia. 

"FELLI" I shout. Getting everyone's attention but I don't care. 

"BETTHY" she shouts running at me and I give her a hug. "I heard you were coming on set I can't believe my sister is here" she says pulling out of the hug. 

"Me either" I reply.

I look behind her and see Ruth coming over to us.

"Who's this Felicia" she asks her.

"This is Bethany. She's like my sister. Betthy this is Ruth, she plays Rowena" Felicia introduces us. 

After spending the whole day getting to know people and getting told what would be happening over the next few days for the first episode I go home as it's late. 

A few days later and I'm doing a scene with Misha when suddenly we both get pelted with water balloons. It's absolutely freezing water. I look up and see Jared and Jensen there with a few more balloons that they throw at us and then they laugh. I can't believe this. I storm off to my trailer. I pass Felicia and she tries to ask me what's wrong but I just ignore her and Misha who has been calling my name. I get to my trailer and change out of my wet cloths I can't believe they did this. Whilst I'm drying off I think about what I can do to get them back when someone knocks on the door. I answer it and see a now dry Misha and Felli. 

Felicia comes in and hugs me. 

"Misha told me what happened. Let's get them back" she says to me smirking.

"Yeah. I mean it's constant and I've had enough of it" Misha says.

So over the next few days we come up with some way to get them back. When we finally come up with it. Me and Misha are going to throw water balloons at them when the're filming and make them think that's it we're even. Then after about a week or two we turn all there trailers upside down and fill it up with foam.

It's been a week and we decided today is the day as they finally have a scene where they are by themselves so it's perfect. 

Me and Misha finally finish some of the scenes we need to do and meet up in order to get everything ready. Once we get all the balloons ready Felicia and Ruth comes over an takes some as well. I didn't know that Felicia had convinced Ruth to help but the more the merrier.  We slowly make our way to where they are filming and just stand there as though we're watching when I see Misha nod. I then nod at Felicia who then nods at Ruth who then finishes it off back at Misha. We all bring our arms back and fire our water balloons at them and we watch as they jump shocked away from what's going on.

"That's payback" Misha and I say. We don't run or anything as we know that they were expecting it.

"This was good guys" Jensen says.

"Yeah really good. We're going to dry off" Jared says and they make their way to there trailers. We sneakily follow them as we knew they probably wouldn't like this part of it so we try to stay hidden. We watch them open there doors and all the foam falls out. Once most of it's out Jared makes his way in and looks at the celling and all his stuff is nailed to it. 

As all the scenes are now done. The crew were behind it so they had the scene already we just needed a little more time. We could now go home. So we make our way to our cars laughing. I get in the same car as Felicia because I'm staying with her and we go home talking about what happened. I don' think any of us thought it would lead to a month of pranks happening. 

After a months of silly little pranks between me, Misha, Felicia, Ruth and Kathryn (who plays Claire Novak) against Jared, Jensen, Mark and a few others. 

One day we were filming and all the lights and things when off, after about a minute someone grabbed me and covered my mouth. I fought back trying to get them off and when I finally did I just ran. I could here laughing but I didn't stop and the next thing I know I fall and it my head on the floor. I start to black out when I see Felicia running over to me. That's the last thing I see. 

Felicia's POV

"What were you thinking. You idiots" I scream at them whilst holding my sister. I look at them and see that they are shocked about what happened.

"Were sorry. We weren't expecting that to happen" Jared says.

"I don't care just go away" I scream.

"Let us help get her to the hospital" Jensen says.

"No I'll take her myself" I say and try to pick her up I mean she is tiny. But I find it difficult so I feel someone come up to us.

"Let me help" I hear Misha say. I let him pick her up and me and him make our way to his car. Ruth and Kath follow us.

"Keep us updated please" Ruth manages to get out. I just nod my head and we make our way to the hospital. When we get there they take her off to do some tests. When we finally get told that she just needed a few stitches and she can go home when she wakes up, me and Misha make our way to her room. 

After watching her for a while I look up and see Jared and Jensen there.

"What are you doing here" I ask.

Bethany POV

"What are you doing here" I make out Felicia saying to someone. 

When I finally come too I see Misha and Felicia sat in the room I'm in and Jared and Jensen standing by the door. They notice that I'm awake. J2 come over to me.

"We're really sorry. We didn't know this would happen" Jared says to me.

"It's ok. I think we all just got a bit too carried away" I tell them.

"Thank you" he says back yo me. 

"Ok fine. You all forgive each other. But if this happens again I will not be held responsible for what happens to you. I mean. My sister ends up hurt like this then who knows what might happen to you" Felicia says to them. They nod there heads and everything goes back to normal. 

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