Sam Winchester

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I don't own anything other than the story line. This is sort of based on Season one Episode six (Skin) I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general. 

I am in college at Stanford. It's where I met my best friends Sam and Jess. 
I met Jess first as in our first year at college, we shared a dorm room. She then introduced me to Sam about two years after. I really liked Sam when I met him but then I found out he was Jess's boyfriend. 

I was devastated when Jess died, she was my best friend, my only friend other than Sam but then he left and I had nobody. I just spent my time doing school work. Until I met Becky and her brother. They became my friends. But I couldn't get Sam out of my head. I was just wondering if he was ok and what he was up to. 

Zac, Becky's brother was arrested and I don't no why. They said it was because he killed his girlfriend, but he wasn't there at the time, he was with Becky and me. I am at Becky's just trying to comfort her about Zac. The doorbell goes so I tell her I'm going to get it. When I get there I open the door and I'm shocked.

"Sam" I ask

"Ellie. What are you doing here" he asks. I notice some guy next to him looking me up and down.

"I'm helping Becky out and I could ask you the same" I tell him. 

"Sam" Becky says and runs to hug him. I just look to the door upset. Becky invites them in. I look at the clock.

"Beck I have to get to work. I'm sorry. I'll be back later yeah" I tell her.

"Yeah, sure" she says briefly and then pulls Sam into her living room.

I just walk out and to work. I work in a diner. When I get there I just put my apron on and wait the tables. I notice Sam and the guy with him come in and sit at one of my tables. I take a breath and go over.

"Hi, how can I help you" I ask them. They look up and smile at me.

"Hey El. Can I have A grilled chicken salad" Sam asks me.

"Sure" I say and then look at the guy with him. 

"What burger do you recommend" he asks winking.

"There's 2 that I like. The BBQ chicken bacon burger or the never gonna happen burger" I tell him making Sam laugh.

The guy shoots a look at Sam "I'll have the BBQ chicken then" 

"Ellie this is my brother Dean. Dean this is a friend from school Ellie" Sam tells me.

"Hi" his brother says smiling at me.

"Hi. I'll just go put your order in" I tell them. I walk off to the kitchen and place there order, then take someone else's order to there table. I keep taking orders or bringing them out and then I see Sam and Deans food is done. When I get to the kitchen the manager/ cook tells me I can take my break. I deliver the food and then make my way to the back. After finishing my lunch break I go out and see that Sam and Dean are ready to pay.  

"Was everything ok" I say to him after walking over. 

"Yeah" Sam says. 

"Sam why don't you go out to the car I'll be out in a minute" Dean says. 

Sam goes out and Dean comes up to the till. I start to ring in the food they had.

"Can I have a pie" Dean asks.

"A whole pie" I question.

Dean just nods. I get his pie and continue with ringing up the food.

"That will be $15.98 please" I ask.

"I saw that early" Dean says looking at the money making sure he has the right amount.

"Saw what" I ask.

"The look you gave Sam earlier. How long have you liked him" he asks giving me the money. I am too shocked to sort it out yet.

"I'm not" I tell him.

"Oh come on, the look you gave him, the disappointment when Becky took him away. The leaving quickly. You like him and I just want to know for how long" he says.

"Since I first met him" I say after a minute or 2 with some sort of disappointment.

"Wow. If it's any consolation he likes you too. The most I heard about was Jess and you when we left. Jess sort off fadded a little but never you. I think he will always be in love with Jess but I think he finally sees you for someone who he could be with" he tells me. "Keep the change" 

He walks out and I try to get over what he said, thinking he's not telling me the truth. 

After work I go to pop into Becky's to see how see's doing. I get there and see the door wide open, I start to panic. I wonder if something happened. I walk in slowly and see Becky tied to a chair, when she sees me she flips. Before I could get her untied and try to calm her down I see myself staring at me. She comes running at me really quickly, so quick that I can't do anything. She/it knocks me out.

When I come to I see police surrounding me and then they handcuff me and take me away. We get to the police station and they take my stuff and put me in a cell. 

After whole load of questions and CTV they let me go as they see that I was at work when the attack happened. Instead of going to Becky's I just go home. When I get there I notice every room has been trashed by the police. Instead of tidying up I just tidy my bed and go to sleep crying. 

For the next few days I go from home to work, then work to home. It's been about three days and is 1 in the morning when I wake up to someone grabbing me. They drag me into the living room and tie me to a chair. Whoever it is turns on the light and I look up. I am shocked to see Sam. 

"Sam? What's going on?" I ask

"Nothing. I am just doing what Sam has always wanted to do" 'Sam' tells me confusing me.

"What are you banging on about" I ask, starting to become scared when I see the knife. 

"Sam has had feelings for you for a very long time. He just never acted on them because of Jess" it tells me. "And then he had to leave you and all he could think about was Jess dying and if you would be ok. He worried so much about you" 

Suddenly there's a bang at the door and I see Sam and Dean run in holding guns. They start fighting with 'Sam' and then the gun goes of. I look and see 'Sam's ' body slowly turning to a pile of goo. Sam comes over to me and unties me.

"Are you all right" they ask. 

"What was that thing" I ask. 

"It was a shapeshifter. Something that can turn into other people" Sam tells me. 

"What" I ask. 

And that is where I learn what Sam has been doing since he left Stanford. 

"So this thing. Shapshifter can change into people and know what there thinking" I ask shocked about everything. 

"Yeah basically" Sam tells me.

"There's one thing bothering me. It said that you liked me for a long time" I tell him. I see the shocked look on his face when I tell him that.

"Uh. Yeah I have" he says. 

"Oh" I say. "Well if it helps I've liked you for a long time too" 

"Really" he asks. 

I nod my head and he leans in, I met him in the middle and it's the best moment of my life so far. 

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