Dean Winchester (2)

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I don't own anything other than the story line. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general. 

I was walking down the street after having an argument with Dean when someone pops up in-front of me. When I look up I see Crowley and I'm about to run someone grabs me and knocks me out. When I wake up I'm tied to a chair. I don't know how long it's been but it must have been a while as there's a little light coming through a high window. I hear someone walk into the room and try to pretend that I'm still unconscious.

"Don't pretend. I know you're awake" I hear Crowley say. So I open my eyes and just stare at him. "Now I'm going to ask you a few questions and I hope I get the answers that I want. What is squirrel up to"  

"I don't know what your'e on about" I say casually, but then I feel a punch.

"Wrong answer. What is Dean up to" he asks again.

"I don't know" I tell him only to be hit again. This goes on for a little while. I don't want to tell him what Deans up to but it's starting to take a toll on me. I am in so much pain. 

"If you wont tell me then maybe Dean will" he says. I can only just see him holding me phone. I hear it ringing 

'Hello Lyn where are you it's been three days' I hear Dean say.

"Hello Dean. I have something of yours and she's not in good shape. Why don't you try to find out where we are or tell me what's going on and you can have her" Crowley tells him.

'You listen to me Crowley if you hurt her-'

"Too late. I promise not to kill her... yet" Crowley interrupts Dean. 

I give up. I don't know how long it's been but I have finally given up. Dean is never going to find me and Crowley is just making it worse. He's finally left me alone for a little and I just sit there waiting for him to come back when I hear banging. I look up at the door and just wait to see what happens. After a little while all the banging stops and I just wait for someone to come through the door, when I hear.

"Lyn" I hear Dean and Sam shouting.

I just bang on the floor with my foot as that's all I can do. I can't scream as I'm gagged. I keep looking at the door and see it being opened. I hope to see Dean. When the person comes in I am relieved to see it's Dean he rushes over to me and unties me. 

"Are you ok" he asks. 

I can't really say anything due to the pain and I just cry in his arms. He picks me up and takes me to the Impala. He puts me in the back and then phones Sam as they split up trying to find me inside, I guess to tell him that I'm ok and that he has found me. He sit's with the car running but he's in the back with me. I hear him tell Sam something but I'm too tiered to care. Sam finally arrives to the car and we drives off. I keep opening and closing my eyes. 

"You can sleep it'll be all right" Dean tells me. I just close my eyes and fall asleep with Dean holding me and I feel safe being in his arms. 

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