Jo Harvelle

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I don't own anything other than the story line. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general. I know it never happened exactly like this as the roadhouse got burned down but please go along with it. 

I am an angel that has rebelled. Ever since I ran away from Heaven I had wondered around on my own. Till I found this place called the roadhouse and that was were I met the love of my life Jo. 
At first I was just a friend but I knew I liked her and I had to watch her flirt and be with other people. 
It wasn't till the day were Sam Winchester was possessed and took Jo that she realised she liked me, and we've been together ever since. 

Me and Jo have finished a hunt and decided we we're going to have a little break. We go back to the roadhouse so she can see her mum. As I don't need much sleep I was driving and Jo was sleeping next to me. 
I don't want to wake her but we've arrived. I get out and go over to her side and carefully open the door. 

"Jo babe we're here" I say a giving her a little kiss. 

"What" she mumbles out tiredly. 

"Come one babe we got here" I say helping her out the car. 

I get our stuff out of the car and we go.

"Hey mom" I hear Jo say.

"Jo baby what you doing here" I hear Ellen say as I come through the door and see them hugging. "Hey Lyn" Ellen says giving me a hug. 

"Hello Ellen. Is it all right if I go up and put our bags away." I ask her. 

"Yeah. Go on up" she says going back behind the door.

Me and Jo make our way up to the room and put our bags on the bed. 

We hear the phone ringing downstairs and we listen to some words as we cant hear all of them. 

"Well be there" Is the only thing we hear.

We look at each other and take our bags back downstairs and we meat Ellen in the middle. 

"We need to get to Bobby's" is all she said before she goes back down the stairs and we follow her. 

It was a silent ride to Bobby's as no one wanted to ask why we were going. When we get there we all just go inside. 

We walk into a room and see Bobby, Sam, Dean and one other man that I couldn't see as they have their back to me. 

"What's going on guys" Ellen says to the people in the room.

"Hey thanks for coming" Sam says.

"We have a plan to take down Lucifer" Dean blurts out. I am shocked. I heard rumours about Lucifer being out but I didn't believe it.

Suddenly the guy turns around and stares at me. I look at him and see past the body. It's Castiel. He's an angel that was sent to look for me before being given a new mission of saving Dean. 

"Babe. I'm going outside for a minute" I whisper to Jo before I just leave. 

I get outside and try to calm down. 

"What's wrong babe" I hear Jo say and I jump not realising she had followed me. 

"Nothing I just needed some air" I tell her hoping she will believe me. 

"Want to try that again. You don't need air" she says to me. 

"The guy in there I know him" I tell her reluctantly.

"Who is he" she asks. 

"Yes. Who am I Lyndia" I hear Castiel say behind me. 

"Jo. Go inside I will try and explain everything later" I tell her not looking at her.

"But" She tries to say.

"Go" I say looking at her. 

She looks at me for a minute and then goes inside. I watch her until the door closes and I turn back to Castiel.

"You have broken the rules" he says taking a step closer to me. 

"Castiel please you have to understand" I try to plead. 

"I don't have to understand anything" he says coming towards me. "I have to take you back" he says grabbing my arm. 

"No. Get off her" I hear behind me. I look and see Jo running at me. I don't know who she manages it but she gets him off me and stands in front of me. The others all come out to see what's going on. "You can't take her" she says.

"She has to go back. She has to be punished" Castiel says getting up.

"Why. What has she done" Dean says a little sceptical of me now. 

"Nothing. She did nothing. She just couldn't do it any more" Jo tells them but still staring at Jo.

"She broke the rules she ran away from her post she didn't obey. She needs to be punished" Castiel says. I see he's not going to change his mind. 

"It's ok Jo. Just know that I will always love you" I tell her trying not to cry. I see her crying and I can't help it I start crying as I pull her to me.

"I can't lose you. I love you" she tells me. 

I just give her a kiss and make my way over to Castiel.

"Ok. Lets go" I say to him. 

"No. I understand why you did it. I'm sorry" He says to me before making his way to the car. 

Me and Jo hug as the others go to there car. 

"We need to go" she says. 

"Ok" I say and we go over to Ellen and we get in the back. On the way to wherever were going they explain what's going on. 

After we get there me and Cas can see reapers everywhere. He goes off and tries to find out why and I stay with Jo. I just keeping looking at all the reapers not hearing what's going on until I can hear barking. I look up and see Hell hounds and pull Jo behind me. We starts running away when Jo falls and gets attacked and I pick her up and we barricade our self in a shop.  I look at Jo and see her all ripped to shreds. 

I walk away from her and try to think. I don't hear what's going on when Dean comes over to me.

"She is scared out of her mind but trying to hide it. And all she wants is you" he whisper shouts at me. 

I look over at her and see her looking at me. 

"We're going to go but she's staying to blow them up" he says before walking off with Sam. 

I go over to them and see Jo about to die. So I heal her whilst pressing the button for her. And then I transport us out there back to Bobby's. He looks up shocked. 

"You guys are supposed to be dead" he says to them before I pass out. 

When I wake up I see Jo. 

"Your'e ok" she says. 

"Yeah. I just over exerted myself" I tell her 

"I'm glad you're ok" she says to me. 

"I'm glad you're ok" I say to her giving her a kiss so happy everything turned out ok. Well for us at least. 

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