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I don't own anything other than the story line. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general. 

I have been hunting with Gabriel for about three weeks now and for two weeks before that I was on my own. Let me explain a little. 

My name is Kayla Winchester. Sam and Dean's little sister. Normally I would be hunting with them but for some reason Castiel told me it wasn't safe and I had to leave them. He was really convincing so I did. For two weeks I was alone trying to avoid anywhere Sam and Dean will be. Then Gabriel found me and said he would look after me. 

Anyway. I am on a hunt with Gabriel and I am pretty certain it's a Djinn. 

I was carefully walking around the warehouse to try and find it when I heard a noise behind me I quickly turned and followed the noise. I didn't see anything when I came to a dead end so I turned back around and saw what I could only guess is the Djinn. I try to kill it but it hit me first and everything went black. 

Gabriel P.O.V

I heard a scream so I ran to find where it came from. After looking around the whole of the warehouse I couldn't see Kayla anywhere. I also tried sensing her but it's like she wasn't in this world. 

I know she asked me not to but I had to call them. I get my phone out and hesitate on the number. I finally press the call button and put the phone to my ear. 

"Hello" I hear the gruff voice answer.

"Dean" I say.

"Who is this?" I hear him ask.

"I need your help" I say.

"Gabriel" his gruff voice asks. I can hear Sam and Castiel in the background.

"Kayla's gone missing" I say hesitantly.

"What have you done to her" I hear him say whilst putting me on speaker. 

"We were hunting a Djinn and we separated to try and find it. I heard her scream and then when I tried to find her it was like she disappeared completely." I say to them. 

"We're on our way" Dean says. 

Kayla's P.O.V

I wake up wondering what's going on. I remember being hit on the head but how did I get in the bed. I sit up and look around. This doesn't look like the motel room. 

"Gabriel" I call out. But nothing. "Gabriel" I shout this time and I hear foot steps. 

I hear the door open and look at a really normal looking Gabriel enter the room.

"Hey sleepy head everything ok" he comes over to me and asks. 

"What are we doing here did we get the Djinn"  I ask him feeling my head for some sort of bump or cut but I feel nothing.

"The what. Babe are you feeling ok" 

"What do you mean. We were hunting the Djinn" I tell him.

"Kayla this sounds like a dream. Ok don't worry everything's ok." he tells me. "Now I have to go to work. I have called you in sick so don't worry. You can go back to sleep. Either Dean or Sam will come to check up on you all right" he tells me walking out. 

I for some reason fall asleep again. I wake up to hear knocking on the door. I get up and make my way to the door. I open it and see both Sam and Dean. 

"Thank God you're here I don't know what's going on" I tell them.

"Are you ok. Gabriel told us about your dream" Sam says to me coming into the living room. 

"What it wasn't a dream why won't you believe me" I ask them. 

"Because there are no such things as a Djinn" Dean says to me. 

I look at them and notice little things that are different. So I go along with it till I can find out how to get back. Because now I remember what's going on. A Djinn can make your dreams come true but it will suck the life out of you till you die. The only way to kill it is a silver knife dipped in lambs blood. 

Once Sam and Dean left I wonder how long I will have till Gabriel comes back. So I go out and find a place to get lambs blood. I finally found a place and hid it in the boot of the car. 

I make it home and see Gabriel in the window. I walk into the house and see Gabriel come up to me. 

"Where were you. I got home and you were gone." He asks me. 

"I had some errands to run" I tell him and give him a hug. "I'm sorry" 

"It's ok. But leave a note or text me or something next time ok" He tells me.

"Yeah ok. I'm sorry" I tell him. 

For the rest of the night we just do normal stuff. Gabriel makes dinner as apparently I'm ill and we watch movies. 

"Let's go to bed" Gabriel says to me.

"OK" I say. 

We make our way up to bed and both get changed into our PJ's and then get into bed. We just look at each other and then kiss. I turn around and try not to cry. I don't want this to end but I know it's not real. 

Once I know he's asleep I get up and carefully make my way downstairs. I quietly look for some silver and finally find it. I make my way out to the car and drive off to the warehouse that I know I was last. 

When I get there I just wonder around till things look familiar and things start to flash in my mind. I see myself tied up with a tube in one of my veins. And then I'm back in the ware house. I see Sam, Dean, Castiel and Gabriel running up to me. And I turn around and see Sam and Dean come out of the shadows.

"What are you doing here" I ask them.

"What are you doing. We followed you" Dean says to me. 

"I have to do this. None of this is real" I tell them.

"No but it could be. I know how much you love Gabriel this could be real" I hear behind me. I turn around and see Gabriel.

"That doesn't matter. I have to go back. I can't let people die just for me to be happy" I tell them pulling out the knife. And turning it into me.

"Don't do it"  I hear at the same time I hear. "Come back to me please" one came from Dean here the other came from Gabriel in what I assume is the real world. 

"I have to" I say taking a deep breath and stabbing myself in the stomach. I feel every wobble and finally I wake up in the arms of Gabriel whilst I see Sam, Dean and Cas fighting the Djinn. I look in Gabriel's eyes and start crying. 

"What's the matter. Your safe now" He says healing me.

"I just didn't want to leave" I whisper.

"Why" he asks with some look in his eyes that I couldn't quite tell what it was. 

"I didn't want to leave you" I force my self to say.

"What do you mean" he asks. 

"In the dream we were together and living a normal life and I know that you liking me would never happen anyway let alone the normal life" 

He just looks at me for a little while. 

"Who said that" He finally says to me.

"What" I ask.

"Who said I don't like you" he asks.

"I just assumed you didn't" I tell him.

"Well that's what people say. You shouldn't assume things" He says and then kissed me. 

Supernatural One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora