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I don't own anything other than the story line. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general.

The first time I saw Castiel was a week before my brother Dean came back from hell. I didn't actually speak to him I just saw him. When I finally met him things went a little crazy. 

It's now been five years and I have slowly fallen in love with the angel Castiel, but I know he won't ever love me. 

Me, Sam and Dean were currently on a hunt. We were hunting a Wendigo. We were in the woods looking for where it might be when we somehow got separated. I keep looking for the Wendigo when I get hit on the back of the head and I feel myself be carried off before everything becomes black.

When I wake up I feel myself tied up on the floor of what looks like an abandoned hut. I look around for something to help me break free. I see a nail sticking out of the floor so I gently move over to it and start rubbing the rope against it in order to break the bond. After a little while I hear the growling just as the rope breaks. I keep my hands behind me making it look like I have been in the same position. I feel it come towards me and sniff. Then it walks off. I get up and look around I see someone that looks like they've been torn to shreds. I find a flare gun and hope it will work. I make my way out the room trying to find a way out or the Wendigo. After having no luck for either I hear growling coming from behind me. I turn and then get swiped. I feel the blood pouring out but the adrenaline pumps and I wait till it gets a bit closer and then I fire the gun just as Dean and Sam come into the room. 

Once the flames die down they run over to me and try to stop the bleeding. I hear Dean calling for Cas as Sam picks me up taking me to the car. They drive me to the hospital Dean still calling Cas and Sam telling me it will be ok. I just keep thinking where is Cas. 

I pass out just as we get to the hospital and when I come around Castiel is there holding my hand. 

"What happened" I ask.

"You got attacked by a Wendigo. I am so sorry I wasn't there. For some reason I couldn't hear Dean" Cas says putting his head down. 

"It's ok. I'm fine now" I say to him trying to make him fell better. 

"No it's not ok. I should have been there. This shouldn't of happened to you. I am really sorry" he says squeezing my hand.

"Look it's happened now. All that matters in you being here" I say to him. 

"I'm really sorry. I won't let anything happen to you ever again. I love you so much" he sort of blurts out. 

I lay there shocked for a little bit. 

"You like me" I ask him. 

"Yeah. I have for a long time" he says to me.

"Me too" I say pulling him closer and kissing him.

It was the best kiss I have ever had. 

For a long time I thought he only saw me as a friend or Dean's little sister. I never knew he liked me. It's the best feeling in the world to know the person you like, likes you back.  

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