What happened, and where is Colby?

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Sam's POV

  I decided that I needed a little time to myself tonight, so I told Colby I was going out to a bar to drink for a bit. I asked him if he wanted to come, but he was too lost in little space to even want to go into big space for a while. So I left him home, and went on out to the bar. When I got there (in an uber. I'm not that dumb), I got a couple of shots, and decided to dance a little. A girl came up to me and offered me a blue drink. I wasn't sure what it was, but after I drank it, everything else went blurry. I don't remember anything that happened after that.

I woke up the next morning, and I looked beside me, expecting to see a sleeping Colby, but he wasn't there. I got up and went to his room.  He wasn't there either.

"Colby?"I said down the hall. No response. "COLBY" I yelled a little louder. Still no response. I went back to my room and dialed his phone. I heard ringing coming from down stairs. I ran down there and only saw his phone. Now I am getting worried.

Where the hell is Colby?

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys. I have just been so busy with school, that I haven't had time to update. Sorry it is short too. Until  next time <3

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