A Jealous Zombie

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{Addison POV}
Four hours have passed and it was finally lunch. So far I have had two classes with Luke. Every time I'm near him, he always ends up smirking and staring at me. All I could think about was the note he'd given me. I went back and forth deciding whether or not I should tell Zed. I felt guilty about the whole situation. I don't know why though, it's not like I was with anyone. ( Oh how I wish Zed would ask me out already) I sat down next to Zed, Bongo, Eliza, and Bree (my bestie).

"Addy, are you okay?" I was completely focused on the note that I forgot that I was at lunch.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied still thinking about the note.

{Zed POV}
I noticed that Addison was worrying about something. She does this adorable thing where she fiddles around with her fingers every time she worries. WAIT.... Addison is worrying about something. I haven't seen her since this morning so I have no clue what she could be worried about. I started feeling this empty pit in my stomach and purple veins started to grow on my arms. If someone hurt my... I mean Addison, I wouldn't be alright. I needed to know what happened.

"Let's go." I whispered in Addison's ear and grabbed her hand in a second. I quickly pulled her to our spot. Our spot was the Zombie Safe Room. This is where we met and had our first punch, and ever since that day we always came to this room to talk.

"Zed,what...... are..... we.... doing here?" She asked in between breaths. I don't blame her to be honest. We basically sprinted here. I carried her and sat her down on the counter. She quickly looked down at the ground and again start playing with her fingers.

I took my index finger and thumb and lifted up her head to face me. "Addison, talk to me. What's wrong? I know for a fact there's something wrong with you. Please just talk to me." All of a sudden she just started pouring tears. I felt my heart shatter knowing something was bothering her this bad enough to make her cry. I didn't know what happened to her, but trust me I was going to find out.

Addison and I just sat in the room for the rest of lunch without speaking a single word. She just rested her head on my chest and I hugged her like there was no tomorrow. Even though me and her weren't together I could 100% say I was in love with this girl. I just couldn't tell her that.

The bell finally rang and I gave her one final hug before going our separate ways. On her way out she dropped a pink note and I picked it up. After reading the note I clenched my fist. Who was Luke? Why is he going after my Addison? This is probably why she was crying and didn't want to tell me. I felt my blood boil and anger started to take over. I didn't know who this "Luke" guy was, but when I find out I won't be able to control what I do. I walked over to class focusing on the time. I couldn't wait for practice to begin.

Sorry for a short chapter. Now that Zed knows about the note what will happen? Will Zed confront Luke? Will Addison notice she lost the note? Find out what happens next in Someday....

Someday........ (zeddison fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum