The Beginning

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Mitch's Pov

I let out a tired, pain filled groan, attempting to sit up- which only ended in me yelping pathetically. "Mitchy? you okay bro?" I yelped and pulled the covers over my half naked body, "S-Seto! You could knock!" I shouted, my face bright red from embarrassment. He simply stared at me in confusion, "um, I never knock, why would I start?" He tilted his head innocently, his slim tail twitching curiously,"I- w-well- it's a common courtesy!" I shouted slightly, " oh well, hurry up Jason will be here soon," he stated, turning away and closing my door.

I let out a small sigh and pulled myself out of the bed carefully, whimpering softly at the pain, "could've at least tried to be gentle, aggressive fucks," I growled to myself, grabbing my hoodie and t-shirt and quickly slipping them on my naked torso along with my jeans. I quickly walked out the door, hoping and praying to whatever god was out there, that a certain 'dad' wasn't awake yet, "Morning Mitchy! You hungry?" I looked to see Seto in an apron standing over a stove. "Bro, why the hell are you cooking?" "Because Jason texted and said he didn't eat, and I know you haven't, and we will have plenty of time before we have to leave, so you're both eating," he stated, turning away and back to the pancakes and bacon, the pancakes were definitely for Jason, that vegetarian weirdo.(fun fact: i looked up whether Vegans or Vegetarians could eat pancakes, so Jason is vegetarian now.)

I jumped softly as I heard a knock at the door, "it's open Jason!" I cringed slightly at the volume of Seto's voice, "hey guys, ready to- food?" He stopped and looked at the plate of bacon Seto sat in front of me and letting his ears tilt backwards in disgust. "Well neither of you have eaten so-" "Seto I don't eat meat," "calm down Jason, I got you pancakes," he smiled, placing the plate next to me, "dig in," he smiled handing Jason some syrup.

"I guess cats are useful," Jason teased, taking a bite of the pancakes, "mmmmmm, these are amazing! Where'd you learn to cook Seto?" "Just picked it up over the years I guess," Seto smiled, "what the hell is that smell?!" I jumped at the rough, demanding voice of my father, Seto however remained calm and oblivious to my now rising anxiety. "It's just breakfast dad, I wanted to cook for us before school," Seto stated, "oh, well next time let me know first," he told him, having a threatening undertone that was lost to the innocent kitten, Jason and I however caught the tone easily. "Mitchell, do you have what you owe?" He growled, I sighed and pulled out a small wad of cash and handed it to him, not bothered with Seto's confused look. He made a grunting noise and left the kitchen, "Mitch did you borrow money from dad again?" Seto scolded, Jason gave me sympathetic look, I remained silent, not wanting to snap at my brother, "I'd think you wouldn't need to borrow money from dad, especially since you have a job, maybe you should ask for more hours or something, anything to stop borrowing money," he stated, "yeah, whatever," I sighed, "you done Jason?" I asked, he nodded taking his plate to our sink, "then lets go," "but Mitch you still ha-" "I'm not hungry anymore," "but it's not heal-" "for fucks sake Seto, I'm not hungry!" I growled, jolting when I saw the scared look in his eyes.

I didn't say anything to them after that, I just sat in my own thoughts, why did I have to snap? Why at Seto? It's not like any of this is his fault after-all. It's not his fault my family hated me, that I was a mistake who vanished, that I trusted a maniac, that I was a freak, none of that fell on him, it was all on me, I felt my ears tilt backward, why was this my curse?

Seto and Jason continued their playful cat and dog act while Jason drove, ignorant to the total mess sat in the backseat. I jumped slightly at feeling a buzz from my pocket, pulling it out I saw two texts, one from a random number asking for me to work... overtime, the other from my dad, claiming I was short on my money, I sighed and began trying to defend myself:

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