Attempting To Quell The Heat

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Did I spell that right? quell did I?

XD I make myself laugh and that's all that matters, now onto Seto's heated dilemma!

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Seto's Pov

I can't take it! It hurts so much! My body feels like it's burning with a flame that won't die down no matter how much it's smothered, and my hips feel like they've been smashed like a... a.. oh screw it! They really fucking hurt!

I couldn't help the small growl that came from me, everyone's voices were nothing but slurs and murmurs, and the scents around me are so strong I felt like I was going to puke, "Mr Hughes!" I yelped softly, looking around to see all my classmates eyes on me, "Y-yes si-sir?" I asked, trying to ignore the flaring warmth, "Please pay attention. I had asked you to answer why you believe the character had lashed out?" He looked at me with a squint- mainly out of the fact he couldn't see without his glasses- "I-I believe he lashed out b-because he feels the guard has used him for his own purposes a-and he's su-suffering in a way that th-the other doesn't understand," I stumbled over my words as he nodded, "Correct. Now if you would get out a piece of paper, I want all of you to copy this down and this shall be your homework," he pulled down a rolled up board which revealed a long list of work for us to do, everyone began groaning and whining, trying to convince him to give them less, but it was useless, I simply took a few breaths to quell the flame and began copying it down.

I was shocked to see a note slipped onto my desk, and looking over I saw the one person it could've come from; Tyler Ellis. I couldn't help swallowing at the thoughts that filled my brain from yesterday, my face heating up, I couldn't help remembering how warm I felt in his arms, how he easily dominated me during that make out, how my entire body screamed at me to submit and just let him do as he wished. I shook my head to remove the thoughts, this was nothing but this heat, just the stupid heat making me want to do weird things, I looked down and opened the note, reading a bit slower so my heat-adiled mind could comprehend it;

Hey, meet me after class by the janitors closet by biology, we need to discuss what happened yesterday.

I felt a lump form in my throat, he wanted to discuss that. Everything started to slow down for me, what would he want to talk about? Will he be pissed that I ran off? Will he tell me it was some prank? What could he wanna say?!?!

The bell interrupted my panic, and everyone began filing out the door, Tyler was already gone- Probably the first out the door. I couldn't help slowly making my way out, trying to lessen the pain that spread throughout me as I walked, even more scents began to swirl around me, some making me be on edge, others making me want to fall to my knees, I believe Mitch defined this as 'sensing other mates or submissive hybrids' apparently my instincts made me slightly on edge towards submissive hybrids since they were competition for mates, the joys of being a hybrid I guess?

Before I knew it, I was faced with a choice; go to biology class and pretend yesterday didn't happen or go to the janitors closet and feel shame for the rest of my life. I started to turn to the class, taking a few steps forward, but before I could go any further, I was suddenly grabbed from behind and my mouth was covered, I barely had a moment to panic before I feel a dizzying feeling and was face-to-face with the shelves of cleaning supplies. I felt the panic finally set in and I start to struggle against the person who holds me, "will you knock it off! It's not my fault you decided to ignore me and not face me willingly." A voice I greatly recognized growled in my ear, making a small whimper come from me- unwillingly mind you- once I stopped struggling, he turned me around and shoved me back- not really in a way to hurt me, just to get some space between us- and began staring me down with his domineering gaze.

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