A Familiar face

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Mitch's Pov

The world around me was dark, but not a terrifying dark, the type of darkness that brings a sense of serenity with it, my body felt as if it was endlessly floating in space, and for the first time in a while I felt at peace. But as the peaceful world started to fade I was suddenly dropped from my place and sent hurtling through my dream scape, the black bottom felt as if it was getting closer by the second, before I was inches from it.

I jolted up immediately as I hit the floor, looking around at the world around me, I was sat in a bed that was clearly not mine, in a room that was completely foreign to me, wait, did I get kidnapped while I was unconscious? I knew guys had a thing for me but this was ridiculous!

My heart was pounding in my ears, my breathing became erratic, what if I get stuck here? What if they know about Fox-hybrid heats?! Oh dear Notch up above please let this just be a misunderstanding, I don't want any part of that!

"-Mitch! Snap out of it!" I jumped at the familiar voice, looking up to see the boy I had tried to cut away from before, "T-Taylor?" I asked, he sighed, "Ant. Please call me Ant, and also here," he said, hand me two pills and what appeared to be water, "what the hell is that?" I asked with a small growl, "ibuprofen, it'll help with the wrist pain, and water to get them down and rehydrate yourself," he stated, not seeming fazed by my growl. I hesitantly took the medicine, downing them quickly, before a realization hit me, "How did you know about my wrist?" I asked suspiciously, he turned a soft red color, "W-well-" "-because I told him." My ears tilted back in fear, now seeing Jordan standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, Adam strangely nowhere in sight.

"What is he doing here?!" I shouted terrified for my own wellbeing, "calm down Mitch, Jordan won't do anything while Adam's not here and I'm around," Ant attempted to calm me, "And why the hell would that stop him?!" I growled, "Because Ant is my boyfriend," Jordan stated, baffling me, "B-but- Then why the hell did you use to call me a faggot all the time?" I questioned, "Because I haven't come out to my family, I still hide around Adam, Ty, and my dad, as far as they know Ant is an online friend of mine who moved here because of family stuff," he shrugged, I growled lowly still. Ant sighed softly, "Jordan, can you go get his stuff? I'll take him home in a bit," Jordan sighed but nodded and left, "Better?" He asked, I relaxed and nodded, "why am I here, and where am I?" I asked, "Because Jordan was worried Adam's magic may over stimulate your bodies natural functions, resulting in you passing out, so he messaged me and told me to go check on you, and I found you passed out, so I brought you to my apartment, so I could make sure you're okay, and Jordan just so happened to come over around the time you woke up," he explained, "How did you get me out of school?" "Well by the time you I found you it was already time to dismiss and it was easy to carry you," he shrugged, I huffed softly, I hate people mentioning how easy it is to pick me up. "So how's your wrist feeling by the way?" "Feels sore.. better than before though," I said, moving it and feeling a small sting run through it, "so what's this whole thing about you being a school whore?" He asked suddenly, I felt a pang in my chest at the words, I'm not a whore, they choose to do it, I never had a choice. "What, haven't heard how I have sex with any guy I can get my hands on? How I seduce every guy with my looks? How I practically beg for them to screw me?! Isn't that the basic definition of a whore?!" I shouted angrily, he looked shocked by the outburst, but it wasn't over just yet. I started laughing hysterically, "Why the shocked face? You just told me you're dating Jordan Craft! I would've thought he'd of told his precious little secret about the little whore that prowls the halls looking for his next fuck buddy! Well here's the shit they don't tell you I bet, how about the fact that their little 'Dragon pet' has personally ordered my services for one of Adam's parties, or how when we were little Jordan and Adam were my closest friends! But the second they find out I sleep around they ditch me! They didn't even ask for my side in it! If they had then maybe they'd know that I have never willingly done any of that shit! They'd know that my father sells me as his on personal hooker! But I doubt anyone ever told you anything like that, right?!" I growled, "Well-" "Exactly! No one cares about my perspective! All I am is the dumb whore who everyone can do whatever they want to and never have any complaints!" I began panting heavily at the little amount of air I had left myself, I could see tears build in the corners of my eyes, wanting to begin their journey down my face.

He opened his mouth but I quickly cut him off, "Save it. Just hand me my bag and I'll call a friend to pick me up," he acted slowly, me snatching it from him as soon as it was near me. "Listen, when you see me tomorrow, don't act like a friend, I don't care if you want to befriend Sub, but stay away from me. I want nothing to do with Jordan's secret little toy," I growled, he looked hurt by the words, but stood and left the room, I messaged Jason very quickly waiting for the brunette while staying away from the two who were outside of the room.


*innocent whistling* secrets, hints, and feelings oh my!

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