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A/n hehe
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Mitch's Pov

"Hiya Froggie!" Seto shouted, making said boy let out a small yelp and turned around towards us with fright in his eyes, "o-oh, hey you guys," he said awkwardly, I couldn't help but notice how he attempted to hide his phone that he'd previously been staring intently at. "Sorry we're a tad late, Seto made us breakfast," "o-oh, that's a-alright," he smiled softly, "I'm gonna head to class, you coming doggy?" Seto teased, Jason chuckled and followed close behind, "we'll catch up with you two at lunch!" He shouted back at us, "sounds good!" I smiled, waiting till the two of them turned a corner to turn towards the green-haired boy, "so, who are ya texting?" I asked with a smirk, the boy's pale cheeks quickly flared up with a red blush, "d-don't worry about that," he said, "was it that secret boy of your's that you still won't let me meet?" I asked, turning to my locker that was next to his, "y-yeah," he said softly, "how long have you two been together now?" "Almost two years now," he smiled softly, "awe," I cooed, "you gonna go see him anytime soon?" "We're planning to spend time together at Pax," he smiled, "you know, you really brighten up when you talk about him, maybe I could finally meet him?" I asked him, pouting softly, "maybe," he giggled. I closed the locker and went to start towards my class when I suddenly ran face first into someone's back, resulting in me falling straight on my ass.

"Ouch," I grumbled, "who tha- oh, why am I not surprised," my eyes widened at the familiar voice, of all the fucking prissy ass people of this school, I run into the man-whore that topped them all, Tyler fucking Ellis. "Can you not walk around without running into someone like a blind imbecile," he spat, Dakota tried to help me up, only for one of the sluts that surrounded Ty to step on his bag stings and yank him down too. "And I thought frogs were supposed to be graceful?" The girl giggled, "Ty~ an we go? These freaks are making me feel dirty~" one of the girls whined, "heh, anything for you lovely ladies," he smiled, walking away with the sluts hooked to his arms, "pft, and they call me a whore," I growled lowly, "at least they weren't all together, I don't think I could handle all of them today," Dakota said softly, "it's a little odd that Tyler is away from the other two," I muttered, we stood up and quickly got our stuff together as the time hit us, the bell ringing seconds later.

I sighed softly as I walked into my English 11 class, earning glares from my classmates, "Mitchell, so glad you could join us, hope you realize you are late," the teacher stated, "by a few minutes, I didn't think that'd be a big deal," I sighed, "hm~ well stay after class, I'd like to talk with you," he smirked at me, I smiled flirtatiously, "ohh~ well I hope it's not about last night, because I happened to realize that you came up short on your payment, maybe I should ask your wife for the rest?" I whispered, a smirk clear on my face, "that will not be necessary, I-I'm sure you had your reason for being late," he stumbled over his words, "of course, but that doesn't make us even, you either pay up or spend the rest of your life alone with your blue-balling wife," I smirked again, silently bathing in self-loathing, "fine fine, give me till after school and I'll have the rest," I smirked, "that's what I thought," I turned and walked to the very back, a few eyes following closely, some being out of resentment others out of desire. I sat down without another word, smiling at the boy in the next seat, "ahem, if there are no further interruptions, let's begin, not like any of you actually read the chapters like you were supposed to, but lets take a shot in the dark, who wants to volunteer?" I watched as everyone remained silent, but one kid sat two seats away was chuckling with his friends, wonder what's so- oh no. 

I followed their gaze to the poor kid next to me, I decided to train my ears on them, "you sure this'll work?" "yeah just watch," I watched as they threw something, knocking into and startling the boy, he yelped and fell out of his seat, the teacher glared at him "Mr. Extabyte. If you must insist on making a scene then why don't you go ahead and summarize the three chapters for the rest of us?" he smirked slightly at the boy. "Sir, with all due respect Sub can-" "Quiet Mitchell. If he can make a scene then he can speak out his thoughts," the other students giggled softly at the poor mutes shaking form, why does everyone in this school insist on being cruel to those of us that can't help our flaws? Is the world really this cruel? I was about to speak up again, but someone else stopped me, someone who I'd never seen, "I'll happily take his place Mr.Hilliard," the voice was masculine, the boy who spoke had short, black hair, oak brown eyes, tan-ish skin, and wore a strange amulet around his neck, "what was that Mr.Venom?" The teacher asked with a scowl, "I said I'd happily take his place, my class at my old school was a bit further ahead but I can clearly remember these chapters," he smiled, "and why are you volunteering for this little troublemaker?" "because he looks terrified and I'm pretty sure the whole incident was an accident and he didn't mean to do any of it," he smiled, "what was your name again?" "um, Taylor Venom," a few snickers passed around at his name, "well Taylor, around here we don't appreciate people acting out in class, now unless you want to have your high school life be a living hell, I suggest sitting down and shutting up." He glared at the boy, who immediately did as told.

"Let's move on shall we?" the asshole smirked, "and you," he directed his voice to Sub,"get up and try to make yourself presentable," he growled at the terrified mute, I waited until he turned around and helped the boy, "you alright Sub?" I asked, 'yeah, nothing new to me'  he signed, I nodded and picked the few things of his that had fallen up. The class passed pretty normally after that, everyone whispering about the mute, and hybrid slut like their lives depended on it, and I chose to simply sit there and comfort Sub, the poor kid had been a mute for as long as I'd known him, and happened to be the boyfriend of a deaf boy, kinda fitting each other I guess.
When the bell finally rang to dismiss us we chose to be the last out to avoid the idiotic students that never realize there are multiple doors, but were thoroughly surprised when the boy from before approached us, "hello there!" he smiled holding his hand out to me, "Are you talking to us?" I asked, he looked a little nervous, awkwardly pulling his hand away at my skeptical look. "W-well u-um-" he cleared his throat and took a breath, "yes, yes I am, my name is Taylor, but I prefer for my friends to call me Ant," he smiled, "and you two are...?" he urged, I let out a sigh, "I'm Mitch, and this is Sub, he is a mute, and I'm label a whore by everyone in this school, so I recommend just turning around and hoping no one saw you speak to us," I growled softly, my ears laying back in a threatening manner, his eyes caught the movement and were drawn towards them, his face lit up upon seeing them, "oh my gosh! You have cute little fox ears!" He damn near squealed, "where I used to live there wasn't a big variety of hybrids, mostly cat and dog hybrids," he smiled, "well they are one of the most common types," I stated, "still, your ears are so~ cute!" "um, thanks?" I questioned. Sub tugged my sleeved shirt, "huh?" he gestured to the door showing that the class was cleared, "well nice meeting you Taylor,-" "-Please, I want us to be friends, call me Ant," "alright Ant, we need to get to our classes, so we'll be going," I stated, he looked a little disheartened "o-oh, alrighty then, I'll-" he stopped and turned as we walked away from him, "I'll see you guys later!" he called after us, not gaining any reply. 

A small tug earned my attention, "huh?" I looked over and saw the smallest hint of sorrow in Sub's emerald eye's, "what's up Sub?" I asked, 'Why were you rude to him?' he signed, "Sub," I sighed softly, "don't get me wrong, I liked him, he was nice, bubbly, and probably would have been a great friend, but let face it, being friends to a bunch of outcasts just ruins your life, I mean look how it ruined your's," the boy frowned, 'you didn't ruin my life Mitch, you helped me see who was truly there for me,' he smiled, I smiled back with a fake smile, "heh, and I wouldn't want it any other way," I laughed messing with his hair and making him giggle. However happy I appeared externally, it was all an act, I tried my hardest for them, my friends, I had to stay 'happy' for them, they looked up to me- being the eldest has it's downfalls- they depended on me to be there when they needed me, I was there when Jason needed a few extra dollars to keep his apartment, I have been there for every heartbreak Dakota has had, I'm there to shield Seto from our abusive 'father', and I've been there for Sub and Ethan when they were 'forced to come out', I'm the one everyone depends on, I must hide my weakness for their sake. 'Mitch?' he signed, "hm?" I hummed, 'do you think that we could maybe invite him to hang out with us next time we see him?' he asked, a pleading look in his eyes, "okay, okay! just don't give me those damn puppy-dog eyes of your's," I laughed, he smiled and walked ahead to catch Ethan before class while waving at me, I smiled my most believable smile, this is what my life is; outcasted to even the ones I call my friends, what a lovely existence eh?

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