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So in order to understand some of the facts of this book and the storyline you will need to know these facts:

Demi-gods are a thing- for example,

Jordan(captainSparkles): being 'the child of Herobrine' is a thing in this, and Adam is his adoptive brother, Adam was discovered to possess Herobrine's powers and was taken in by him as a way to teach him to control the magic.

Ty: is the son of the Enderdragon and Enderlox does technically exist as a completely separate entity and Ty's 'Twin' in this universe, will be nicknamed Endy at times.

Jason: is NOT a wither, he was orphaned by his biological father and his mother died when he was young, after which he bounced around in foster care until he inevitably grew into his hybridism, as a result of this, no family wanted him around. So he left, he is a technical 'runaway' and could be claimed as such, however no one wants to be the one who'd have to claim him, as such, he lives alone in an apartment that he pays for.

Jerome: is a bacca, a special breed that isn't classified as a hybrid but rather a high social classed creature. They were once a wild breed in the past that became very advanced and made peace with humans (thanks in part to Notch). However advanced they are, they still have a pack mentality, and if one is ever seen then it's safe to assume that there are many others around, Jerome happens to be the 'Future Alpha' of his pack, and as such a lot is expected of him.

Seto: doesn't remember his biological family, he was kidnapped from them when he was only a few months old, and because of this, he believes that Mitch is his BIOLOGICAL brother, he doesn't listen when others comment on their 'obvious differences' or when Mitch tells them that they are 'adoptive siblings.' Also Seto comes from a sorcery using family, but his kidnapper/'father' would punish Seto for using magic when he was little which made Seto associate magic with danger, and as a result Seto despises magic users and will lash out aggressively if called out as such.

Dakota (Kermit, get ready for some real lengthy stuff): he's been friends with Mitch since childhood, they have grown up in the same schools and have been close since they first met. Dakota is a slightly feminine person, sorta, he prefers to dress feminine but sees himself as male and gets EXTREMELY angry when called 'she' or transgender. He and Mitch tend to shop together so that Mitch can help him 'see what looks best' however, he is very self-conscious about his clothing preference,and as such, not many people know about his cross-dressing hobby, when going to school he'll wear boyish clothing but will immediately discard it at his house. His family is a sore subject, he lives with his mother, step-father, and half-sibling (named Janie), his father was a CARRIER for the hybrid trait, which passed to his TWO children, Dakota's mother left his father after discovering his hybrid-gene when Dakota first showed signs of hybridism. Dakota has another half-sister on his father's side named Daryn (hehe anyone remember me saying I wanted to use these old Ocs?). Dakota is the only one of Mitch's friends who Mitch told about the game where he met Jerome, Adam, Ty, and Quentin, Dakota became interested in the game and joined secretly, he and Mitch would play occasionally together when Mitch had time. One night he ran into one of the friends Mitch mentioned, 'HuskyMudkips,' and the two are currently in some form of relationship, communicating with each other often and having met up 7 times since their meeting, Quentin knows of Dakota's 'hobby' and actually quite enjoys it, he loves to see his little froggie all dressed-up. The two got together after having talked, texted,and Skyped for at least 11 months and having met up twice in that time, they were together for 1 year before Dakota told Quentin of his cross-dressing, Quentin fully supports Dakota and plans to move closer to him when he finishes med school, the two would like to get a house together and have discussed letting a few of their closest friends live there as well to help with rent.

Quentin: has grown up with pampering, he was groomed to be a doctor and has made it very far despite his hybridism. His family is very respected and remained as such even when it was discovered that their only child was a hybrid. At first Quentin underwent some bullying when he showed signs, but Jerome- his longtime friend- would stand up for him and constantly got into fights with those who were cruel to him, but now that Quentin is in med school and not bothered by the few people who tease him, he is simply waiting to see where his life goes.


Welp, that's all you'll need to know for the book, don't worry about Mitchy, you'll find out about him throughout the book, well.. let the drama begin ;)

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