A Savior?

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Whoop More Seto chapters! Also I'd like it to be known I did massive amounts of research before writing Seto being in heat! And also, I wanted to say this; Mr.Polis is named Derek I. Polis, yes it's essentially Derpolis, and no he is not a minor character there to give sub-plot, he's actually going to be a HUGE part of the story, both for Mitch's and Seto's futures, and yep he's a antagonist


Seto's Pov

I whimpered softly, the heat was getting worse and worse, and Tyler was not helping what-so-ever! The whole time we were supposed to be studying he has  done nothing but mess with me; leaning over on me, messing with my tail, blowing on my ears, and even moving his hand on my thigh! At this point I don't think I'd care if he pounced on me with everyone watching!

The thought lingered in my mind, him calling me 'his kitten' in front of everyone, telling them I belong to him, no one else would be able to touch me and how he'd easily drench my heat with his- no! Damn it Seto knock it off, this is no time to fantasize! I couldn't help whining as those thoughts continued to dance in my mind, and they only added fuel to the now roaring fire that burned in my body, how the hell am I supposed to last a fucking week with this?!?!

A slam of a book in front of me startled me enough to end up on the floor, which resulted in an audible shout, "Seto?! What the hell! He wasn't even doing anything!" I vaguely registered Tyler standing above me, "My apologies Mr.Hughes, I hadn't meant to scare you that much, but I do not allow daydreaming when I'm teaching," the man bent in front of me, gaining a smirk on his face as he eyed me again, moving to pick up something-or so it seemed- before whispering in my ears "maybe next time you'll keep that dirty little mind of yours focused on someone else" I gulped as his demeanor went back to the cheery man he seemed to be, "Alright, now get up and pay attention!" I whimpered softly, before suddenly being forced to my feet, Tyler having grabbed my arms and now glaring at the teacher's back.

A few people began whispering as Tyler moved me back into the seat, pushing it closer to his, but their mouths quickly shut when he glared in the direction of the whispering. "Alright class! Get to your projects, remember I'll be changing your partners after this is finished!" There was a series of groans before our project was placed in front of us, "you a-actually remembered it?" I asked, rubbing my head, a part of it being sore from the fall. "Well duh! After all, what am I supposed to do when you take off and leave it with me?" His tone was harsh and made me shrink back slightly, hearing a soft sigh before he leaned in close to my ear "I'd stick closer to me if I were you," his breath felt so warm on my ears, but they still tilted back, my body seemed to oddly cool, the roaring fire slowly dieing, which surprised me, why would it calm now?

The class passed easily enough, Tyler was quite a bit more clingy than previously, well at least in a different way, instead of having his hands all over me, he kept me from even remotely pulling out of his reach, and seemed to ignore all of my words. I'd be lieing if I said it didn't feel very demeaning, he wouldn't even look me in the eyes. Thankfully the new form of clinginess seemed to make the heat quell itself, it appeared that more sexual interactions made it flare, or maybe it depended on me? I mean the previous attention he was giving me was quite attractive, and my heat seemed to just be urging me to give in, but this? This level of clinginess was not something I enjoyed, and now my heat was calmed, so maybe it just acts up with my tastes? That'd definitely make sense, "Mr.Hughes" I yelped softly, looking up at the man in front of me, "I would like to talk with you after class," I couldn't help noticing Tyler glaring at him again, "W-well I have Lun-" "this is not a choice. You will see me after class." "Bu-" "or you could see me after school." "We-" "he's got plans after school, right?" Now both of them were staring at me, Tyler was looking at me as if he expected me to go with him, but agreeing to meet after school would give me a excuse to get away from the sex-crazed dragon-boy next to me.

"I-it would be better if we could meet after school," Tyler gave me a furious look, I could feel the anger pouring off of him. But the man smirked at me, "very well then, I look forward to meeting with you later," his smirk sent an uncomfortable feeling down my spine, when he turned around I felt a small amount of relief wash over me. It was quickly pulled away as I was tugged closer to a fuming dragon, "if you think that this is some dumb ass game , it's not. I'm not gonna save your ass." Save me? From what? I didn't get my answer, because as soon as the bell rang he left without me, I waited for the room to clear before leaving myself, only to be stopped, "Mr.Hughes, I just wanted to say, you're welcome," I tilted my head, "ex-excuse me?" "you won't need to come after, I merely did that to get that menace away from you," "Menace?" "Tyler Ellis. I could clearly see he was harassing you,  but unfortunately he can't be reported considering his title in this world, it does please me to see him upset," He patted my head, ruffling up my hair and making me chuckle, "Oh, well thank you Mr.Polis," "please please, Mr.Polis is so formal, call me Derek," "Derek, w-well in that case call me Seto," he smirked at me, "well then Seto, if you ever need an escape from that beast, my door is always open" "Beast? I-I don-" "ah-ah-ah, off you go, no meal should be skipped, so off you go" he pushed me through the door, closing it behind me. "okay?" I turned away, seeing the empty halls and sighing softly, beginning to head down towards the cafeteria.

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hmmm, interesting turn of events huh?



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