A/n More Silence

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HAPPY LATE VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!okay, I know I say it a lot, but I'm really sorry for the silence, I'm a senior in high school this year, and I have a few months left before I graduate, when I first began Wattpad I was in middle school and things were easier and not as hectic, now I'm literally just struggling to stay above the water and make it to shore so this hell will end, and then I can begin my passion for writing again, SO I WILL RETURN! But it may be a bit, but I'll see if I can sprinkle in some updates on the way, no promises though, thank you all for understanding

also i did not make a valentines chapter because.... well Valentines isn't the best day of the year for me... i am an extremely loving person, but also a fragile one, i don't enjoy seeing all these people so happy while i'm so alone, it just kinda hurts, ya know?

but that doesn't mean i'm against romance what-so-ever, quite the contrary, i'm a major romantic, so i'll probably be returning here soon, possibly with a setolox chapter >u>

and yes, I know this is a merome book, but i feel i should at least show the beginnings for each relationship in this book, plus i hate skipping around with little context *cough cough* WhatIdidwithFallingForEnderlox*cough Cough* and it'd help to have some context to some future interactions between characters, and not to mention Drama~~~~ 

so yis, that's all, loaf chu guys <3

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