Old.. enemies

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A/n Adam and Jordan are going to share a last name I know it's not their actual last name but they are adoptive brothers and I kinda wanted the last names to be different

Also this is at the end of the day

Mitch's Pov

I growled softly entering the study hall, this was my least favorite time of the day, this was the time when students were expected to go to our library and study for upcoming tests or just catch up on missed stuff, but did anyone use it for that? Absolutely not. Everyone used this time to goof off, make-out, have sex, or just be imbeciles, for me it consisted of sitting in a quiet library and being forced to endure the torture of two brothers. My eyes landed on the two in question, they were laughing and carrying on with each other, Adam and Jordan Craft, Adam- the more social of the two- was surrounded by a flock of girls who clung to his every word, and Jordan- though less social still equally if not more popular- having a small pile of books around him, probably just for show though. The two of them made for a great duo, anywhere one went the other was close behind, I did my best to dodge their field of vision, I'd had enough of them today already. Unfortunately, it seemed impossible to avoid the sons of Herobrine, something was pulled in front of my feet almost- and most likely- magically, making me fall forward, my slightly opened bag coming completely open and spewing it's contents in front of and around me, everyone around me began laughing at the pathetic hybrid sprawled out on the floor, "Well look who just had to make a scene~" Adam stated in a sing-song voice, I remained quiet and started to pick up my books, trying my hardest to ignore them. As I reached for my phone it was tugged out of my grasp- the girls softly giggling- making me aware Adam was doing this, I let out a small sigh and reached for it again only for it and my hand to be pulled sharply forward "Gah!" I screamed- making the lady at the front shush me- I pulled my arm back towards myself, tears running down my face from the pain.

"What is your problem with me?!" I shouted, standing and running towards the men's restroom- leaving my pack behind me- I hid in a stall for a while, hearing the sound of the door opening and footsteps nearing me. I peeked out the crack to see Adam and Jordan, panicking I pulled my feet up and kept my hand close, biting my lip to keep from making a sound, "Oh Mitchy~ where are ya hiding little fox~" Adam's smooth voice rang through the pain that wracked my body, along with the sound of stalls opening, before complete silence rang through the bathroom, hearing footsteps fade away I let out a silent whimper as the door closed, relief washing through my veins. It was quickly replaced with fear as my stall was forced open and an invisible force threw me to the feet of the Demi-god brothers, "Well well, seems the cunning little fox fell into the hunters trap~" Adam smiled, I scooted away from him only to back into a wall, "what's wrong little fox? Are you scared~?" He asked, reaching out to touch my ears, "Adam." He stopped millimeters from touching my sensitive appendages, "You've made enough of a mess, now back down." Jordan commanded him, making him huff, "until next time little fox~" he smiled, walking away from me, Jordan taking his place in front of me. He adjusted his shades, scowling down at me, "let me make this clear Mitchell this does not make us 'pals' I'm only helping your pathetic ass to stop dad from probably killing my irrational brother- " "Dude!I'm right here ya know!" "-Can it Adam!" Said boy huffed and crossed his arms, but kept quiet.

Jordan suddenly grabbed my injured hand, pulling a scream from my lips, "tch. Shouldn't be surprised that a whore like you can't keep his mouth shut," he growled, forcing a cloth to be tied between my lips. "There that should keep you quiet," he stated, as the invisible force wrapped itself around my lower right arm, sending a panic through my body as I tried to push away from him, making him growl and a new force wrap itself around my body, holding me in place against my will.

"Alrighty, now that we have you still, let's clean up this mess shall we?" He asked, but not to me, "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" "Let's try another hundred," Jordan shot back at his brother, "now get your ass over here and fix your mess," he ordered, Adam walked over to me, "what happened to 'cleaning up my brothers mess' huh?" He asked with sass, "you won't learn to control that damn power of yours if I keep cleaning up your messes," Jordan stated, stepping away from me but leaving the magical restraints on me. Adam took his place back in front of me,  "alright Adam, use your magic to wrap around his arm underneath my restraints," a yellow aura appeared on my hand and lower right arm, feeling like a hands gentle touch, "alright now you want to command it to fix the dislocated area back into place without causing any other damage," he stated, "alrighty then, this may hurt a bit little fox, well more like a lot," before I could comprehend his words I felt the searing pain of him pushing my wrist back into place, I tried to scream but the cloth made it impossible, tears starting to flow faster than previously.

"Is he crying? How weak are you." Jordan growled, picking up a bag and tossing it near me, soon making my restraints vanish and allow me to collapse to the floor, "heh, I had fun today Little Fox, hope tomorrow is even more fun~" Adam smirked and turned, exiting with Jordan and leaving me in a ball on the floor, hearing a bell ringing before darkness started to envelope me, the joys of an apprentice using their magic on you, at least it'll be better than being in this hell, the last thing I could hear was the sound of the door opening again before the darkness wrapped me in it's loving wings.

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