A New Life

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Hello erbody

I'm so tired right now but I guess I'll do this early.

Happy Kayla?

Enjoy the storyyyyy


Melaka POV

"What?!" My mind was racing in all kinds of different directions. If I had had as much energy as my mind I could win an Olympic gold medal in sprinting! First of all, "Why?". I mean, we had no reason to leave! Our life was just fine in Washington! All of our friends and family were here! Secondly, "When?!" When had they even established this! Suddenly my mom spoke. She seemed hesitant to say what she was about to say, but her I-know-what's-best-for-my-children look took over her hesitation. It had just been her and I in the dim living room now, because Mariposa and Mya had gone upstairs to celebrate. For what?!, I thought. There was nothing to celebrate.

"Melaka,we are also leaving tomorrow and you will be happy in Paris! I promise!"

"TOMORROW?!" This was way too much. You would think that they would be nice enough to at least tell us before, I don't know, the night before?! But I had to accept that this was they way things would be and it was out of my control. Suddenly I felt my eyes starting to heat up with tears. I couldn't believe what was happening  right now, and what would happen in only a few hours. I mustered up the feeling to ask another question instead of running upstairs to my oh so comfortable and familiar room or crying my eyes out like I'd poured salt in my eyes. My mom looked at me with sympathy in her hazel eyes. Then she spoke:

" Melaka, you do know I only want the best for you right?"I kept looking at our hardwood floor. The floor I would miss so dearly. I had never in my life felt this way about a floor before. I felt like I was going insane, like a character from a book. She wanted the best for me. That's exactly what she said when she put me in this random school I'm going to. I remember not wanting to go, but I have to admit I liked it there now.....BUT STILL! It would probably take a lifetime to get used to Paris. No matter how beautiful and romantic it was, and how I would be able to feel buttery croissants melting in my mouth almost every morning, mmmmm. Maybe Paris wouldn't be so bad after all...

"Melaka, we need to start over! Have a new life! Don't you agree?"

I did

"Yes, I do....it's just that, you know this will be hard for us right?"

" I know hun, but life brings us change! I know deep down inside your happy about this. I'll just give you some time to take in your old life", she said chuckling going into the cozy guest room.


Since my mind was still a raging hurricane I decided to call it a night. I crawled into my temperature smart bed. Well, it wasn't exactly temperature smart, but it knew when to be toasty and when to be icy, so it was to me. Tonight was a 'toasty bed' night. " I love you" I whispered to no one whatsoever.

Then I drifted off to dreamland where none of this was happening.

                                                                 ~timeskip to next morning~

I felt a strong hand shake me awake. I thought maybe it was my dad awaking me from this terrible dream where we were moving to Paris. But then I glanced at my alarm clock. 3:30 a.m.

"Ughhhhhhh" Wow. Not only were we leaving, but we were leaving this early?! I was so done. Right then and there I vowed to never like Paris. No matter how ancient but beautiful the Eiffel Tower would be...... " Wake up!" It was my dad alright, and he was beaming. He could've stood by the sun and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two. It actually made me sick. "Excited for today?"

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