Training Pt 2

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If you can understand that kudos to you!
Anyway I'm back with a much better part 2 to make up for my crappy part 1😅
I hope you enjoy this fellow Miraculers!
Normal POV
"She actually did it!", Chat Noir laughed. "Shush Chat! She'll hear us!", Ladybug said covering his mouth. When Orcinus had dissappeared into the sewage opening, Ladybug jumped onto Chat hugging him saying, "It's working! She's learning! Do you know what this means, Chat?! We're teachers, maestros, senseis, MASTERS!!"
Chat laughed and said, "Calm down Bugaboo! Yes, I know our child is growing up so fast, *sniff*, but she hasn't helped us defeat an akuma just yet!"

"First of all, Mr. Agreste, akumas dont exist anymore, duh!" Ladybug rolled her eyes. "Well, Mrs. Agreste, I forgot mind you." Chat rolled his eyes in response, mocking her. Ladybug blushed and nudged him. "So, has anyone else found out about us being LB and The Greatest?" Chat smirked.

"Um, who's ' The Greatest'?", Ladybug asked while moving her fingers up and down. "You already know Marinette. Anyway, have they?"

Ladybug bit her lip and her countenance fell. "Chloè and Alya know....Alya hasn't spoken to me since that night....Chloè is ecstatic."
"Marinette? Why are you so sad?",Chat asked in concern.

"I just want my best friend back....but we need to focus! Let's go to the lake, kitty." Ladybug responded with a reassuring smile. "Ok, but I'm going to help you, whether you like it or not.", he said with a serious face.

"Sure Adrien. Let's go. I'll meet you at the lake." Then they went their opposite ways.

Alya POV

"Alya, you need to talk to Marinette." Nino said over the phone. "What are you talking about Nino? We were just talking about the LadyBlog and now you bring this up?"

"It's been a week!", Nino replied. "I need time Nino..." "For what Alya?" I wanted to tell him. But even though I'm still pretty upset at Marinette for keeping this secret, she's still my best friend. "Nothing, Nino. Oh! I think I hear your mom calling! Bye Nino!" "Alya wa~" Before he finished his sentence I hung up.

"*Sigh* I should probably delete the Ladyblog...." I proceeded to get my tripod camera and started to set everything up.
I put on a fake smile before pressing record.

"Hey! This is Alya from the Ladyblog!", I sang.
" Unfortunately, this is the last vlog I'm making, then I'm deleting the Ladyblog. Simply because I've realized it's impossible to find out who Ladybug and Chat Noir are." I was only half lying when I said that, because I don't know who Chat is yet, though I'm pretty sure it's Adrien..... "So, any sane person would just give up. I just want to thank you guys for joining me on this journey. I love all of you. Au revoir!"


*Sigh* I miss you Marinette....

Mariposa POV

I woke up to the bright sun in my face. "Ugh!" I groaned. "I'm really hungry. It would be nice if my great big sister could give her helpless 8 year old little sister some pancakes! Don't you think?" I said peeking in Melaka's room. I didn't see her, so I walked up to her bed with my fake bat and hit it. "I know you're in bed! Are you on your phone?"

Then I realized she wasn't in her bed, not even in her room. "It's way too quiet." I muttered. Melaka wasn't here. "The pancakes will have to wait. I'm finding my sister." I ran back to my room to put on some boots and clean clothes and, after looking in my parents' room to see if they were awake, I ran out the door.

The Parisian streets had many unfamiliar faces. A few girls about Melaka's age stared at me and looked me up and down. I was starting to second guess myself for coming out here, and I was about to run back to the aquarium screaming 'mommy' , but I stood my ground and kept walking. Apparently I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, because I bumped into a girl in all pink about my age.

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