My Shot

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( T - T)
It's me
Keep scrolling and you'll see what you need to see
Wow you're still scrolling I see
Uh I didn't think you'd get this far....
Um I have to make up something
Nvm just read the story
Melaka POV
I woke up in my bed early in the morning. Well, it wasn't too early because the sun was rising. It looked really beautiful, actually. I looked out the window and saw pink, blue, gold, and purple hues of light bouncing off buildings.

Then I remembered something. Something very odd. Something very VERY odd. Some odd thing that I thought had happened the night before. "That's weird.", I said to myself.

"I just remember going to bed and having a crazy dream!" I laughed. Then a little voice spoke. "Was it about you looking for your doo rag or whatever and finding a weird looking box? Or was it about you opening that weird box and some AWESOME creature flying out? If so, that's completely true. Good morning Melaka!!"

Khoral. *sigh*

"Wow. It's a dream come true.", I said sarcastically. "You really mean it?", Khoral said, her huge teal eyes glistening. "Do you know what sarcasm is?" I asked. Then her whole expression changed. She rose an eyebrow.
I don't even know how she had eyebrows, but suddenly I read her expression. "BAAABYYY", she started. "DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW LONG IVE BEEN WALKING THIS EARTH?"

"Um. I don't even know what you are so-"
"I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR OVER 5,000 years! You aren't the very first Orcinus, you know." She said with a serious look on her face.

"What are you talking about? And what is an Orcinus?" I asked pacing back and forth in my room. "Ugh! What kind of fantasy tv show am I in?! You aren't real. I'm not in Paris right now, and-"
"Child." Khoral started. " Can you at least let me tell you what an Orcinus is?" She said while rolling her eyes. "Whatever." I sighed.
" I'm already confused anyway."

"Ok, Orcinus is YOU." She said floating to the top of my head. "What? You're kidding. What do I do?" "Congratulations! You're a protector of Paris!"

"Excuse me!?" I laughed. "But I thought that was what the police were for!" I laughed for a good minute. Khoral just sat on my bed and stared with a 'She-has-no-idea' look on her face.

Finally she spoke. " I'm serious. The dangers in Paris are WAY too much for the police. The keeper of all of us kwamis told uus that there was new danger."

"Wait, new danger? What was here before?" I asked. "Have you heard of Hawkmoth?" She asked. "Um, have you heard of Tupac?" I asked. "Ok so I'm guessing that's a no. But the point is, he was a villain."

"Ok, who's in charge of this cosplay convention. And are you some kind of high tech robot?"

"Melaka, hold out your hand." Khoral said.
She put on this bracelet with patterns of Orca tails on it. It also had a dark blue background.

"Khoral. It's- "
"Important." Khoral finished. "This is your Miraculous. It can help you transform into your superheroine form. Don't let anyone know that I exist, or that you are Orcinus."

"Wait so let me get this straight." I said.
"You kwa- kwu"
"Kwamis?" Khoral said.
"Um yeah. You Kwamis really think I can do this alone?"

"Pffft. I mean you COULD, but I don't think you want to. You have partners. Six other miraculous holders. Two are already highly experienced. They fought Hawkmoth as a duo before he was defeated."

"Their names?"
"Uh. Well, I just moved here! What do you expect?"
"But I thought they were popular worldwide!"
"And I thought Tupac was popular worldwide...."

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