Le Nexothermic

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It's been  what— a year, right? 😬
That's cRaZyyyyyyyy
Ok if anyone has any complaints just DM me or comment or something lol
But Miraculous 7 is alive again 😊
A lot has happened since last time, but one thing still hasn't changed:
I still have no life. 🙂😁
Melaka POV
I scurried up the rigid steps when I heard the sound of the principal summoning us. I glanced down at my suffering schedule sheet. "Science with Ms. Mendeleiv. Sounds pretty ok." I took the time I had in my passing period to take in the sights of my new learning environment. "Two floors, a hUGE open space in the middle,— or is it a basketball court??."

Before I knew it, I found myself stopping over the railing upstairs in awe. "What an insanely large corridor! It could probably hold approximately— all of us! Just in case of an attack, I guess. But still, this school isn't much of an 'escape friendly' environment. Oh well." As I turned to head into the science lab, I bumped into a four-eyed girl with porcelain skin and long jet black straight hair. She tumbled to the floor with her books.

"Sorry, are you alright?" I said while extending  my hand to help her up. She picked up a mysterious book with a familiar quote on it. "Yeah, I'm fine. My name's Cristal, by the way. She had an Australian accent. "Uh, I have to go now, bye!" She ran past me and ran downstairs to the restroom. Um, is she ok? And what was that on her book? Were the common noncritical questions I was thinking about.

Given the mere fact that I didn't care enough to follow her at the moment, I decided to finally head to science class, though I was still pretty curious. As a person, I have a weird way of acting really strange after seeing something strange, which I think most people do, but given the fact that the day before was 'stranger' than usual, I was on edge. So, that meant I would try and distract myself by paying attention to such irrelevant things as the architectural structure of this school building. I would try and "focus on my new school!" because that's what a normal kid who hadn't seen anything abnormal would do, right? I was the queen of running away from my problems in times like these back in Washington.

But I knew deep down that my days of running were over, and that I wasn't just a bystander anymore. I knew that I had a serious responsibility on my hands, and to tell the absolute truth, I was scared as hell. I knew the lives of Marinette, Adrien, and all of my friends and my family depended on me and the other four unknown holders. Speaking of which, I still had to figure out who those holders were. Just then, I heard a playful scream in the science classroom, and about a nanosecond later, a tall, slim angry woman briskly walked past me and I just trailed her.

Expecting the worst, I walked into the classroom full of strong fumes, tired faces, a toxic spill, a short girl with the same length blonde hair, and and one angry looking woman with a lab coat and purple hair. Ms. Mendeleiv, I thought. "Obviously!!", whispered a little voice from my brown bag. "Khoral?!! How on earth can she read my mind?!! I closed my bag and continued to stand there with a scared expression on my face like an idiot, watching the dramatic scene in front of me. While the girl just stood there watching the substance melt the ground, Ms. Mendeleiv craned her neck in surprise over her desk and her eyes widened.

"Rose!!! What have I told you about mixing ANYTHING without permission from me?!!!"she shrieked. The blonde girl was then shaken out of her trance and responded with a squeaky voice, "I-I'm sorry Ms., but you told us not to bother you, and you also told us that the mixture had to be done by the time you returned!" She was practically shaking in her flats. Her feet were really petite and getting paler by the second, and on the contrary, her face was getting redder. "Ms, I- "

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