School cont.

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Alya POV
I was almost to school when I saw Chloé walking with the girl from the zoo. I decided to go over and introduce myself. "Hey Chloé!", I said waving enthusiastically. "Oh hey, Alya!", she embraced me. "This is my new roomie, Melaka !" She said gesturing to the girl. "Hey. This whole situation is crazy, don't you think?"
She laughed nervously.

"Yeah.." I returned the nervous laughter. The night before I had seen her detransform in the dolphin pool. She begged me to keep it a secret, and I agreed. Obviously we needed to talk more.

"So uh, I'll see you in class I guess?" I looked at Chloé and nudged her forward. She eyed me and said, "Alright fine Alya I can take a hint!" She sashayed away. I just hate it when that girl sashays.

I turned my attention towards Melaka, who was undoubtedly confused with this new environment. I mean it's a new school, so obviously she would be confused. "Uh, so", I started, "Do you have a schedule?" "Huh?", she said jerking herself out of her void of confusion. "Oh... yeah. Right here." She showed me her crumpled up planner. "Sorry", she laughed, "If there's one thing I don't possess, it's organization." I laughed nervously. "I'm sure I can help you with that. Hey! We have a class together!" I beamed.

"We do?", she looked down at her schedule (wow that thing had been through hell and back), and beamed also. "Science! Ok Alya, I'll see you third period!"

Melaka/ Orcinus POV

Alya ran off to class and I walked over to the bench. Right beside me there was this boy with glasses and a baseball cap. The tan-skinned boy stared at Alya in admiration as she ran up the stairs. He was still staring even after she had for long disappeared. "Um, hi?", I chuckled.

He was so startled at my voice that he almost fell off the bench. "Dude! You scared me half to death!" He flared his nostrils at me. "S-sorry?" I stuttered in confusion. Suddenly he stared at a block of concrete that had been blown off the ground during yesterday's explosion. "Death..." he started, "shouldn't be a word taken so lightly. So I'm sorry." he morbidly spoke. That's when I realized how badly people had been affected by this whole experience.

"What's your name, kid?", I hesitantly asked. When he turned to look at me, there were dark circles around his eyes. "Nino..." he trailed off. "I-I have to get to class", he stumbled up the steps and I followed him. I still needed to know information from him.

He went up the marble steps in a haste and went into the bathroom. "Seriously?", I groaned. I stood outside the door and heard Nino talking to someone. "I don't know Wayzz, I'm really emotionally unstable right now, little dude." Then I heard a smaller voice, a kwami maybe? "Nino, Master Fu chose you for a rea-"

"Why?!", Nino interjected, "So I can fade away into dust just like them?!" Then there was a silence that made me anxious. "Nino," the voice started, "You don't have to do this, but there's only one thing I'll say: Quamdiu homines sumus, si tamen defendere. I'll go now, but I shall be back when school ends." There was more silence. It lasted a good five minutes. Then I ran down the hall to my class.

Quamdiu homines sumus, si tamen defendere? What does it mean? um

I have a perfectly terrible explanation for this.

I forgot

So I know that this chapter sucked

Don't worry, it'll get better

I'm sorry❤️❤️💀💀

Yaoi out ✌🏽

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