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Ummm hey

Sorry for taking so long to update

I just had an incident.....

I hope you guys can understand 😊

Anyway..lemme stop spilling out my personal life lol

Here we gooooo


Normal POV

" Wayzz, I'm telling you something isn't right here....." Master Fu said, squinting his eyes. " What do you mean, Master?" Wayzz questioned. "Shh, just listen!"

Mother Vulpine spoke up again. " I will rule you all much better than Hawkmoth planned to, do not worry my little vixen! I won't destroy Paris at all! I will improve Paris! There will be no more need for Ladybug and Chat Noir at all!", she cackled. Ladybug stopped dead in her tracks, with Chat Noir right behind her. " Those superheroes are making us all paranoid! Don't you all see? With superheroes around, we all think there is danger, when really, this is all a little prank by them to keep them on top! I can make you all like them! That is, if you do what I say." The civilians looked at each other and murmured.

"We don't even know who you are!", Chat Noir shouted at the sky. " How can we trust you?!" Mother Vulpine chuckled softly and asked, " How many of you know who Ladybug and Chat Noir are? And I mean who they really are! " The citizens looked down at the ground while Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged half worried and half disappointed expressions. " Exactly! You two superzeroes shouldn't be trusted by anyone if you can' t even reveal your pathetic identities! You're just like the rest of us and you know it!"

" Believe it or not, we are doing this to protect them!", Ladybug interrupted. " Tch! From what?!", one of the citizens said. The citizens all laughed. "More like protecting yourselves! I thought heroes were supposed to be selfless! Not selfish! Listen, I have way better things to do than argue with people that don't even matter, so, why don't you just give up your useless jewelry and we'll be good! " Mother Vulpine chirped.

Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other with defeated looks on their faces. " We can't!", Ladybug screamed, tears filling her eyes. "Paris is our city to protect! you cannot just- "

"Ladybug.", Chat Noir interrupted. "Chat, don't you dare say- " "We have to Ladybug!!! What do you care about more?! Paris, or your secret identity that isn't even a big deal?! " Ladybug looked away from him. The whole crowd was hushed. "I- I didn't mean it in that way." Chat Noir said, trailing off. She looked at him with hurt in her eyes and tear streaks on her face and said, " I should have known you were just another pretty boy..."

Chat Noir's electric green eyes filled with hot tears. He was speechless. Suddenly a faint voice was heard panting in the crowd. Chloe had come running to the front of the crowd. "Don't do it! Please! You two are so much better than this!" Then Mariposa came up with Kai and said, "Yeah! If you beat all of those other villains, including Hawkmoth, you can definitely beat this strangely nice villain!" Kai barked as a backup. "If she can't even show her face, she's either one, so low on fashion sense that she doesn't even want to show herself, or two, she's way too cowardly to try and fight you guys!", Chloe cackled.

Mother Vulpine cleared her throat and said, "Enough!", causing thunder to clap. Mariposa jumped into Chloe's arms and Kai started to bark uncontrollably. "Ugh! First of all, why haven't you put that mutt down yet! It gives me such a headache! And as for you miss Regina George, I don't know why you're trying to be such an angel all of a sudden! Everyone knows what a spoiled messed up brat you are! Anyway, princess, I have business to tend to! So just try and SHUTUP, and you might be on my nice list. Okay?"

Chloe muttered a 'whatever' and led Mariposa and Kai to the back of the crowd. "Are those your parents?", Chloe asked pointing to Caitlin's mother and father. "Yes! Thanks..." "Chloe!" Chloe finished. "My name is Chloe.", she smiled warmly. "I'm Mariposa!" Mari flashed her a toothy smile causing Chloe to laugh. "Come meet my mom and dad!" She exclaimed while dragging her with her towards her mother and father.

Ladybug/Marinette POV

"Your secret identity isn't even a big deal!" His words echoed through my mind as I tried not to look at him. His back was turned towards mine, and I just kept staring at the back of his head. Why did I expect him to be so perfect? My crush had taken over me. I sighed. This wasn't the right time to be thinking of such a thing. I have a duty. "So, CatBug, even though I totally ship you guys, I don't give two craps about your sad relationship, so, what's it going to be? " Mother Vulpine said.

I looked at Chat Noir, who still refused to look at me. "Just take mine", he huffed. "It's pointless anyway..." He said looking at me dead in the eye while saying, "Plagg, Claws in!" Adrien stood before me glaring with tear streaks on his tan face. The whole crowd expectedly gasped. He ignored the murmurs and the taunts and climbed down the building. Pretty boy... I rolled my eyes. His kwami followed closely behind him with a miserable look on its face. I couldn't imagine hurting Tikki like that. I looked in the crowd and spotted Alya running with a girl with glasses I had never seen before. When she caught my glance she quickly turned away. Why would she even come if she wants nothing to do with me? I thought. I stopped focusing on Alya and scanned the whole crowd. All I saw were glares and disappointed looks. I even saw my parents with a look of hurt in their eyes.

They knew. I knew they had to. With one look at Master Fu, who gave me a reassuring nod, I looked up at the swirling black clouds and said, " Mother Vulpine, whoever or wherever you are, I accept. Tikki, Spots off.." I sobbed while detransforming. The crowd was still hushed. "She's no one important!" a woman said, "Just the baker's daughter!" the crowd started to laugh and I had never seen Tikki look so disappointed.

Melaka/Orcinus POV

"Great job! Adrien Agreste and who was it? Pillsbury Dough girl? You two will stay with me! I have some interrogation!" Mother Vulpine cockily laughed and Baker girl and Agreste boy just faded away into dust.....just like that. It traumatized me to look at. That 's when I realized how much danger I was in also. I had just detransformed right in front of that girl by the pool at the zoo. Luckily, she promised to keep a secret, and now I'm stuck by her. I noticed she was sobbing quietly. Just when I was about to comfort her she ran away. I noticed the clouds were gone and everything was sunny again. The crowd cheered and chanted Mother Vulpine's name.

I ran over to my parents and my sisters. "I'm so glad you guys are okay!" I yelled squeezing them tightly. My mom was frozen stiff and my dad spoke. "Girls, we need to go back to America now. This is too much." "NO!" I yelled. For some reason I knew something wasn't right. I couldn't just leave the people of Paris living in this illusion. Plus, Ladybug and Chat are my friends, more like my adopted older siblings! I had only known them for a day but it just hurt so much to see them...I could not even think about it. "If you go, I'm staying!" I said firmly. Expecting my mom to pop me in the mouth, I braced myself, but all I felt was my moms hand on my cheek.

"Honey, we are all staying. This obviously isn't really a good person were dealing with." she said. "I'm with you guys too....and is it ok if I stay with you guys? I could help get the girls ready for school a-and" the blonde girl stuttered. "Of course Chloe!" my mom exclaimed.

Suddenly I felt an urge to change this situation. I peeked in my brown bag and saw Khoral smirk at me. "You know, I could use a few more years off, or..." she sang. I sighed. "Fine."

"We leave tomorrow?" Khoral asked excitedly.

"Yeah", I chuckled. Mother Vulpine didn't get all of the miraculouses. I smirked to myself and walked home with the rest of my family.



If you noticed I was thinking about Infinity War ;-;

Anyway on a much happier note!

I finally updated yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Love you guys.

Tom Holland out ✌🏽😪

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