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I'd finally quit. It had been a long year but I was finally over the retail industry. I was tried of customers talking to you anyhow when they were wrong but somehow, they were always right. It was a bunch of nonsense. I would rather be broke than work in such a dysfunctional environment. I didn't know human beings could be so dirty until I started working in retail. My final straw was this afternoon, watching to this stupid woman allow her child to pee in the changing rooms- and I was supposed to clean that up? That was not in my contract and I wasn't getting paid enough to cover such nonsense. I walked out of the staff room with no intention of returning. I didn't say bye to anyone because I hadn't made any friends worth keeping. They just needed to pay me my money and leave me alone. On my way home I decided it would be best to change my number rather than block people on Whatsapp and so on. It was too tiring I would just change my number. I sighed as I waited for the bus to come to come, breathing deeply into my scarf. It was blitz outside and seeing as it was Christmas time, the sun had gone down very quickly- it was only 4pm. The bus needed to hurry up and come. I'd been there only five minutes but it felt like forever.  I occasionally glanced at the bus countdown willing it to change. There were about three of us standing at the bus stop and we were all freezing our bums off waiting for this bus. 

It was at times like this when I wished I had a lot of friends. It was also at times like this I wish I knew someone who could drive. Like you in those stories, where the girl always has a man or a best friend who always has a car. Well, my real life story if it were told in book would be a sad comedy. Virgin- no boyfriends... But it didn't mean I wasn't happy. I was happy. I was extremely happy. I wasn't in a hurry to lose my 'big V' however, I just wished I had a man to drop me off home. Or the very least, I wished the very few friends I had could drive. These bitches weren't shit. I wasn't shit! None of us had a license and we were nearly 23! It was abysmal.   I rubbed my fingers together thanking God as the bus finally arrived. It was only a ten minute drive to my house- that counted as another bonus in my life of Ls. After about five minutes, my hands began to warm up again and I was finally able to take out my phone with little effort to reply to the messages I knew would be in the group-chat. 

My friends, well my friend, one friend was planning a birthday party and they were all convincing to come but I refused. I wasn't the clubbing type. It just wasn't me. I was a Christian yes but that wasn't the reason I didn't like clubbing. I just hated the whole atmosphere of people especially girl who were drunk. I felt vulnerable like that. I wasn't comfortable drinking (which I rarely did) and letting myself go in a room full of strangers. My thoughts returned back to the conversation in front of my and I wasn't going to scroll up the hundreds of messages they'd been exchanging during and after my time at work. I just knew reading from the current messages it was no longer a party in a club.

A Boogie

So a house party it is then.


Yessss! So excited!


Is this okay for you your Royal Highness Avela? (even though its not your birthday)

I grinned at the change of plans grateful for having such considerate friends.

Thank you guys so much. I love you! So it'll be a house party at yours Alisha? By the way I quit this dumb job! I'll call you guys later to explain or vn you. Putting my phone away now its cold.

I saw them all typing but put my phone away as the bus neared my home. I was excited to go home, have a shower, grab a few snacks and jump into bed and find a romantic or action film to watch on one of these illegal websites. I hoped my house would be empty  because that was just the way I liked it. My brothers and their friends were incredibly annoying and loud and my parents- were just loud full stop. I hated that about my family. How loud they were clashed with the silence I required. But this is London and there was no way I was moving out of that house possibly until I married a millionaire or something because there was no way I could afford these mortgage deposits with the stupid jobs I was getting. I guess I was the intellectual let down in my family. By finishing college and deciding not go to university or take-up any apprenticeships I was seen as the black sheep in my family. It made matters worse that I didn't have a career plan or any aspirations and was not in a hurry. As far as I was concerned, social media had painted an unrealistic picture of the of everyday people. I didn't feel the need to start a business, nor did I have any plans for the future (at the moment) I just wanted to live my life. Even Jesus waited until he was 30 to start his ministry. Don't get me wrong, I'm not  a hater either so whether you're 3, 13, or 30- whatever you have going on, I respected it. 

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