Enya's world

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Enya Akazawa was a fourteen year old girl. She was just an average teenager who attended a public secondary school and lived with her parents and two siblings in a house. Except for one thing: she had an incredible imagination.

During lessons at school, at home, when she was trying to get to sleep or just whenever she wanted to, Enya would transport herself to her own world. In this world, she faced none of the problems of real life. In her own world, Enya didn't have to deal with mean friends, loneliness, phobias, suicidal thoughts, irritating siblings, unfair parents, panic attacks, crushes that were way out of her league or any of the other problems real life threw at her on a daily basis. In her world, Enya was popular, happy, well liked, rich and accepted for who she was by everyone. Enya's world was perfect in every way.

Enya's world was filled with her imaginary friends, imaginary parents, imaginary possessions and much more. She used it as a way of coping and escape.

The only person who knew about Enya's world was her best friend, Carrot. Carrot Grimstone was thirteen years old and had been Enya's best friend all the way through primary school. It broke Enya's heart when her and Carrot went to different secondary schools. They wanted to stay together, they wanted to go to the same secondary school- Elkwood Village Girls High. Carrot successfully gained a place at Elkwood Village Girls High. Enya, on the other hand- didn't. Enya's parents forbade her from applying for a place at her dream secondary school due to the fact that her brother Aron would start secondary school four years after she did and her parents wanted them to attend the same secondary school when the time came.

Enya and Carrot now only saw each other once a month. Enya still thought of Carrot as her best friend, but she was pretty sure Carrot didn't feel the same way about her. Carrot had a new best friend, Alexandra. Carrot still claimed Enya was her best friend, though whenever the two were together, Carrot would ramble on about how great Alexandra was.

Enya would often cry at night, wishing that she was at Elkwood Village Girls High. She would think about how different things would have been. About how she would be with Carrot every day and could have stopped her from ever meeting Alexandra. About how she wouldn't have to see her terrible new friends every day.

At her secondary school- Elkwood Central Academy- she had just two friends. She knew that she should be grateful for her friends due to the fact that some people didn't have any. But it was just too hard. Juliette and Ivy were nice most of the time. Enya just had two massive issues with them. One was that they were best friends and left Enya out of their conversations a lot. Another was that they were often mean to Enya, both to her face and behind her back, and would make hurtful jokes about her. They could always find something to tease her about- ranging from her many irrational phobias to her love of reading to her vegan diet. It was at the point where Enya felt like crying whenever she was near them, even when they were being nice to her. She kept hanging out with them and holding back the tears, though. Because after all, it would just make her even more incredibly uncool if she had no friends at all, right? At least Juliette and Ivy would claim Enya was their friend. Enya just kept trying her best to go to her world when with them and ignore their hurtful remarks.

Things were not much better at home. Enya had two brothers- nine year old Aron and four year old Hans. It was obvious that her parents preferred the boys, especially Aron, over Enya. Enya thought this was because Aron excelled at football and had friends and a life, unlike her. And even Hans was popular and a talented sprinter. Her brothers didn't just spend their lives locked in their rooms, reading books and listening to Panic! At The Disco songs. Her brothers didn't have phobias of sharp objects, hospitals and mice and have regular panic attacks. Her brothers didn't insist on eating a vegan diet. Enya also felt her parents were very unfair. They treated both Enya and Aron like they were the same age even though Enya was five years older than Aron. This included making Enya go to bed 8:30pm every night, not letting her out of the house unaccompanied by an adult except for walking to and from school, providing her with only a very small amount of pocket money and only giving her the cheapest mobile phone they could find. They also expected her to look after Hans whenever they couldn't be bothered and shouted at her for the slightest thing she did wrong. And if this wasn't already bad enough, they regularly lectured Enya on how stupid her phobias were and how she needed to stop being such a coward and how inconvenient it is to have her buying and cooking her own vegan food all the time.

The only thing besides her world Enya had to live for was her crush. Margo Blackthorn was the most beautiful, popular, humorous and fashionable girl in the whole of year nine. Best of all, she didn't actually seem to hate Enya. All the time she wasn't in her world, Enya just wanted to stare at Margo's stunning eyes, perfect black hair, incredible figure and cute smile. Enya and Margo sat near each other in a few subjects. Occasionally they would smile at each other, or talk to each other a bit. Whenever this happened, it would make Enya's whole day.

Enya identified as a lesbian, but she told no one this. Obviously all her friends in her world knew and loved her for who she was, but telling real people was just too risky.

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