Afternoon tea and talking

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Enya and Carrot walked into Cheisung's Tea Palace at virtually the same time. They hugged as soon as they saw each other.

"I hope you're okay," said Enya.

"Oh I'm fine. I'm over that bitch now," said Carrot.

Enya led Carrot to a ten person table.

"Why so big?" asked Carrot, as they both sat down at the table.

"You'll see," said Enya, smiling at Carrot.

"You weren't thinking of...." said Carrot, silent with shock when she suddenly saw the group of people who walked through the door.

Hector and Carrot ran towards each other and hugged. Then, Hector, Harriet, Eleanora, Sienna, Serafina, Sage and Carrot all sat down at the table.

"You okay?" asked Eleanora, hugging Carrot.

"Meh, I'm fine now," said Carrot, "thanks for asking, though."

Margo and Karma arrived and sat in the two remaining seats.

"So what's happened?" asked Hector, placing his hand on Carrot's shoulder.

"I told Alexandra about Enya and her imaginary world becoming her real world and she said that Enya and I are stupid babyish liars," said Carrot.

Margo and Karma looked confused.

"Oh God, we didn't tell them, did we?" said Eleanora. Everyone was awkwardly silent for about five seconds, staring at each other. Eleanora burst out laughing.

"So basically we all had imaginary worlds where we had imaginary parents and stuff and we were all each other's imaginary friends. Then fate brought us together," explained Eleanora.

"All of us, except for Enya, have siblings that were also connected to the imaginary world but we only discovered this when we all met last week," explained Sienna.

"Well, I guess that explains why nine new people randomly turn up at school one day and all know each other and Enya," laughed Margo.

"It seems kinda weird that I'm actually believing this but it's clearly true," laughed Karma.

"So, you're not actually cousins then, I guess," Margo said to Enya and Eleanora.

"Nope, we're 100% unrelated, unfortunately," laughed Eleanora.

"So, how come you all ended up at our school?" asked Karma.

"My parents just told me and Bob that we were moving house one day. The next day, we were here and at Enya's school. It was really weird," said Eleanora.

"That's literally exactly what happened to Serafina, Sage, Sylvester, Stefan and I!" laughed Sienna.

Just as everything was going so well, an unexpected guest marched through the door.

"Carrot Grimstone, how do you even feel you can still be seen in public after what you said," shouted Alexandra, laughing. Alexandra strolled over to the table, her oversized high heels scraping the floor as she moved.

"Piss off!" exclaimed Eleanora, "Leave Carrot alone!"

"Oh, so you're Eleanora Cobalt-Jackson," laughed Alexandra, "Enya's bezzie fwend from her imaginary world!"

Carrot marched up to Alexandra.

"I've had enough of you!" she shouted, "Leave my friends and I alone!"

"Wanna fight me?" laughed Alexandra, "Little vegetable wants to fight me! Aw!"

All the staff and other customers watched intently. Luckily, another unexpected visitor entered the building.

"What the fuck is Margret Hud doing here?" Carrot whispered to Enya. Enya shrugged her shoulders.

Margret winked at Enya and Carrot. Alexandra began to slowly levitate towards the ceiling. As she realized what was happening to her, she stared downwards in fright. After a couple of seconds, she began to scream. Not long after, Alexandra reached the ceiling. She appeared to be stuck to it. Green slime dripped onto her and after about a minute, she was completely covered in it.

"You okay up there, dearie?" asked Margret, laughing.

"No, I'm not! Get me down now!" screamed Alexandra, "I'll call the police on you, you stupid old hag!"

Still laughing, Margret ran out of the building and down the street.

The staff all stared at each other, and Alexandra, worriedly. After about 30 seconds of staring, they all huddled together and began to whisper to each other. They all walked towards the storage cupboard.

Two staff members came out of the cupboard with ladders, two with giant spatulas and two carried a trampoline between them. The trampoline was placed directly below Alexandra and the ladders were placed around the trampoline. Two staff members began to climb up the ladders carrying the giant spatulas while the others went to get more ladders and giant spatulas out of the cupboard. Then, they began to do the same. The staff members all stood at the top of their ladders, attempting to scrape Alexandra off the ceiling. For the next half an hour, everyone watched the scraping attentively.

Finally, Alexandra fell off the ceiling and onto the trampoline. Her slimy body bounced up and down a few times, until it eventually stopped. Alexandra climbed off the trampoline, stuck her middle finger up at the group and marched out of the door, furiously.

Once Alexandra had gone, everyone laughed for ages.

"Well, good old Margret Hud sure made sure that Alexandra she got what she deserved!" laughed Carrot.

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