Karma is great

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When Enya arrived at school the next morning, Eleanora, Sienna, Serafina and Harriet were all already stood in a group waiting for her. For the first time, she was able to stand with friends who she liked. Friends who appreciated her. 

It was starting to seem like Juliette and Ivy had forgotten she existed.

The first two lessons were much more bearable now that Harriet, Serafina, Hector and Sage were in Enya's class. They would all pass notes to each other during boring lessons.

Before Enya knew it, it was break. And today, break meant Eleanora's plan. Enya walked speedily out of the door and tried to find Eleanora. She found Eleanora, who was with Karma, in the middle of the corridor.

"Oh hi, Enya," said Eleanora, "this is my friend, Karma. Karma, this is my friend Enya."

Karma Blackthorn was as beautiful and perfect in every way as Margo. Her jet black hair went down to the middle of her back, and not a single hair was stray from the rest. Her eyebrows were as dark as her hair, and a perfect shape that complimented her face. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean. 

"Hi," said Karma, smiling at Enya.

"Hi," said Enya, smiling at Karma.

The three girls walked down the corridor together. Enya was getting an idea of what Eleanora's plan was, though was still very confused. People looked at Enya. Differently to how they used to. It was as if being with Karma made Enya cooler or something.

"So, you're in my sister's year, aren't you?" asked Karma.

"Yep," replied Enya. This was no big deal. It wasn't as if she'd spoken to the coolest girl in the school.

Once Enya went to third lesson, it was obvious that she had indeed had a popularity boost. Before she knew it, Frank was smiling at her, Clarine was saying 'hi' to her, Katy was standing near to her and Margo and Jude were saying how great her work was. This was great.

At the end of fourth lesson, Eleanora and Karma were waiting outside, ready to meet Enya. While Karma said something to her sister, Eleanora asked Enya how effective the plan had been so far.

"Very effective, thank you so much," said Enya, "they'll all talk to me now, including Margo."

"That's great," replied Eleanora, satisfied with herself.

Enya felt on top of the world. She was becoming closer and closer to her brilliant new friends, she had spoken to the coolest girl in the school and the popular people now liked her.

She also was now one step nearer to Margo.

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