The day before that day

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It was a Monday morning and like on about 80% of Mondays, Enya had to go to school. She was woken by her alarm at 6:30am. She got changed into her school uniform, washed her face, brushed her teeth, made a vegan cheese and cucumber sandwich and scoffed it down.

At 7:00am, she picked up her heavy school rucksack and walked out of the door. She didn't say goodbye to her parents or siblings because she knew they didn't give one about whether she was at home, school, falling off a cliff or anything else but just pretended to. Because Enya lived on the outskirts of a city named Elkwood and her school was in the center, it took her about an hour and a half to walk to school. But Enya didn't mind. In fact, walking to school and from school were her favorite parts of the day (excluding the occasional times when she spoke to or smiled at Margo, or Margo spoke to or smiled at her). Most of the journey to or from school was a peaceful, relaxing time where she could just listen to music, go to her world and enjoy life without having to face her parents, siblings and 'friends'.

She plugged her earphones into her iPod and put The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance on shuffle. The river of music flowed through her ears and carried her mind , in its boat, to her world.

"Hi, Enya. How are you today?" asked Eleanora.

"I'm great, thanks," said Enya, with a smile.

"We're gonna have loads of fun at mine today," said Sienna, "I've got loads of stuff planned that we can all do."

"Sounds great," said Enya happily.

Just as her and her friends were making plans for the day, Enya's mind rapidly transported back to the human world. There was a mouse in front of her.

Enya screamed. Then she started hyperventilating. She couldn't think straight. All she could think about was her rapidly beating heart, her uncontrollable hyperventilating and the mouse in front of her. Not knowing what to do or thinking properly, Enya sprinted across the busy road as fast as she could. Many drivers beeped at her and glared at her as they slammed on the brakes to avoid running her over.

"Aww, you poor thing," said Eleanora, as she hugged Enya.

"It's okay, Enya. We understand that it's not easy for you to control your fear sometimes," added Sienna.

"We'll always love and support you, even if you have phobias," said Harriet.

Unfortunately for Enya, some not-so-nice real life people happened to cycle past at that point.

"Oh look! It's Anxious Anya! What's she running away from this time? Her own shadow?" laughed Frank.

"My name is Enya, not Anya," said Enya, angrily, "Frankly, Frank is an idiot."

Jude Darwin (Margo's incredibly obnoxious boyfriend who Enya couldn't hate anymore, mainly because he was annoying and going out with her crush) cycled quickly to catch up with Frank.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" exclaimed Jude, "The girl can roast better than you can!"

"Hey Jude," Frank sung, just to be annoying.

As the boys were cycling quickly, Enya took this opportunity to walk slower so she was behind them. Enya thought about her world, where the only even relatively annoying people were Sienna and Serafina's brothers Sylvester and Stefan and Eleanora's brother Bobertron. And even those stereotypical younger brothers who she'd only created to make the world more realistic were no trouble at all compared to Aron, Hans, Jude, Frank, Clarine, Katy, her parents and all the other annoying people in her life.

Once she had finished listening to the whole of The Black Parade, Enya listened to some of her favorite Guns N Roses songs. Before she knew it, she reached the miserable prison which was school. She unplugged her earphones from her iPod and hastily shoved everything in her school rucksack as she walked through the gates.

Juliette and Ivy were wating for Enya in the usual position.

"Hi, Enya," said Juliette.

"Hi," said Enya reluctantly, staring at the floor.

"Are you okay?" asked Ivy, as she did every day even though she was the cause of a lot of Enya's pain.

"Yeah I guess," replied Enya.

"Did you even brush your hair this morning?" asked Juliette, staring at Enya. Juliette pulled her pocket sized mirror out of her pocket and handed it to Enya.

Enya stared at herself in the mirror.

"Oh God, I didn't!" exclaimed Enya in horror. She handed the mirror back to Juliette and began rapidly brushing through her long, brown hair with her fingers as she walked into the building.

Juliette and Ivy just laughed.

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