What the hell......

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It was Tuesday morning and that meant Enya had assembly. She walked down the cold corridor to the main hall, following Juliette and Ivy and looking around, trying desperately to spot Margo.

She could have sworn she saw a girl who looked exactly how she'd pictured Eleanora to look.

"Meh, probably just a lookalike," Enya thought.

They reached the assembly hall and sat on the uncomfortable, wooden floor.

The girl Enya had seen before and a boy who looked very similar to her were stood at the front next to the headmaster.

"Good morning, students of Elkwood Central Academy. Today we are welcoming some new students to our school- Eleanora and Bobertron Cobalt-Jackson!" said the headmaster.

"What the hell......" thought Enya to herself.

These new students looked exactly like Eleanora and Bobertron Cobalt-Jackson from her world and had the same names as them too.

Somehow two imaginary people from Enya's world must have come to life, tracked Enya and turned up at her school. No big deal.

"The only logical explanation," Enya thought to herself, "is that these are real people who I saw and heard a bit about somewhere. Then I must have thought up more details about them, made them part of my imaginary world and forgotten they were ever real people."

"Why are you so shocked?" Juliette asked, laughing.

"Yeah, you look like something incredibly rare has just happened," giggled Ivy.

"I thought no new students would ever come here. It's such a shitty school," lied Enya.

"That's true actually," said Ivy.

"Ivy Greenman, be quiet!" shouted the headmaster.

Enya couldn't focus on the assembly. All she could do was stare at Eleanora, examining her every feature, which were all exactly how she imagined them to be.

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