The last night

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Enya kept randomly bursting out into laughter that whole evening, because of what happened. She tried to do some homework, but found herself unable to focus on it because of how hyper she was. 

At about 6:30pm, her phone vibrated. She had a text from Eleanora.

Eleanora: Ik this is short notice but sleepover at mine 2night. I've invited everyone, including Margo, Karma and Carrot

Enya: Why, it's a school night?

Eleanora: Margret Hud told me I needed 2 do this when we were at Cheisung's Tea Palace

Enya: She didn't!

Eleanora: Maybe she said it in some strange, magical way that meant that only I could hear it. My point is, it's completely necessary. Trust me on this, please.

Enya: Good point, and fine, I'll ask my mum now

Eleanora: Tysm, lemme know what ur mum says immediately 

Enya walked downstairs to where her mum was sat.

"Eleanora's called an emergency sleepover for tonight," said Enya, "is it okay if I go?"

"If it's an emergency, then yes," said Enya's mum, "pack your stuff now and I'll drive you round there in a minute."

Enya rapidly shoved her school uniform and phone charger into her school rucksack. She hastily texted Eleanora.

Enya: My mum is letting me come and is gonna drive me round 2 urs soon :)

Eleanora: Great, somehow everyone's parents seem to be letting them come. Maybe it's more of Margret's magic.....

Enya shoved her phone into her bag, ran downstairs and put her coat and shoes on. Then, her mum drove her to Eleanora's house. When she arrived, Sienna, Serafina and Sage were already there. Sylvester and Stefan had also come to sleepover with Bobertron.

"How come those two are here?" asked Enya.

"My brother wanted friends to sleep over too. Unsuprisingly, the Chan parents had no issue with Sylvester and Stefan coming along too," explained Eleanora.

After not long, Harriet, Hector, Carrot, Margo and Karma all arrived. 

"What are we gonna do tonight then?" asked Harriet.

"I was thinking we could watch films and stuff," said Eleanora.

"Sounds good to me," said Karma.

Everyone gathered on the three sofas in the front room. For some reason, everyone seemed to be closer to each other than ever. Harriet, Serafina and Sage talked continuously, even through their favourite parts of their favourite films. Enya, Eleanora, Sienna, Margo and Karma all smiled at each other way too much. And Hector and Carrot kissed and hugged countless times throughout the night.

The night went too fast for everyone.

"Wait, what the hell, it's 5:48am!" exclaimed Serafina, staring at her watch in shock.

"You're kidding, right?" said Sage, staring at his sister, wondering whether to believe her or not. He looked at his own watch, still shocked.

"Oh gosh," said Eleanora, wondering what to do, "how about we all take a short nap before school?"

"Good idea," agreed Hector.

Everyone closed their eyes and slept, not prepared at all for what would happen when they awoke.

Imaginaryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें