The new kids

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Enya and Eleanora sat down on the uncomfortable, wooden floor. This time was different, the new students were not stood at the front as they had been earlier that morning.

Enya noticed Bobertron was sat with Frank and Jude at the end of their row. The three boys- especially Frank- would give Enya and Eleanora a strange stare every so often, like they knew Eleanora was lying about her and Enya being cousins.

The headmaster was stood at the front again.

"Good morning, students of Elkwood Central Academy," he shouted, "Sorry to inconvenience you again, but we have even more new students. I will try and make this assembly as short as possible."

The new students walked to the front and stood next to the headmaster.

"Oh god, it is them," whispered Eleanora, laughing as quietly as possible.

"Here we have Sienna Chan- who will be in year ten, Serafina, Sage and Sylvester Chan and Harriet and Hector Marling- who will be in year nine and Stefan Chan- who will be in year seven," announced the headmaster, "I welcome you all to our school! You may all now leave the assembly one row at a time."

Enya noticed the new students were leaving with the front row.

"As we're on the third row, how about we hurry and try and catch them up. They're bound to know who we are," whispered Enya.

Eleanora nodded at her. Once the third row was dismissed, the two girls walked as speedily as they could to catch up with the new students. Eventually, they managed to do so.

"Hi Sienna!" said Eleanora.

Sienna Chan turned around. "Oh, hi Eleanora! And hi, Enya!" she said.

Eleanora and Enya greeted the other new students.

"So, am I correct, Enya and I were your imaginary friends?" Eleanora asked Sienna.

"Yes!" said Sienna happily, "Serafina and I discovered that this morning when we first met our friend Harriet, and when Sage, Sylvester and Stefan met their friend Hector. It's weird but cool, all of this, isn't it?"

"That's one way of describing the situation," said Enya, smiling at her friends.

"Enya and I met this morning because I was introduced in an earlier assembly," explained Eleanora.

"We've been pretending to everyone that we're cousins," laughed Enya.

"And also, my brother Bobertron is here," Eleanora told Sylvester and Stefan, knowing they were close friends with Bobertron.

"Yes!" exclaimed Stefan happily.

Enya went to talk to Harriet and Serafina, who were best friends.

"Hi, have you two got your timetables yet?" Enya asked them.

Serafina nodded and showed Enya her timetable.

"Harriet's is exactly the same as mine," she explained.

"That's great!" said Enya, "Mine is also exactly the same. Come on, I'll show you two to next lesson."

Enya led Harriet and Serafina down the corridor to maths, due to the fact that this was what the three of them had next.

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