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During the next two lessons, Enya couldn't focus on anything in either her real or imaginary world, no matter how hard she tried. She decided that at break she'd try and find Eleanora, just so she could look at her more. Enya didn't plan on talking to her because it would be seriously weird to admit to a real person who she'd only just met that they had been her imaginary friend for the past few years. Even though Enya was starting to feel like they'd grown up together.

As soon as the bell went, Enya rushed out of class and to the yard, as that was where she thought Eleanora would most likely be.

Enya didn't even need to look for Eleanora. Eleanora found her first.

The two girls almost bumped into each other in the middle of the corridor, as they walked speedily towards each other from opposite directions.

"Hi, Enya!" said Eleanora eagerly.

"What the hell, she already knows my name!" Enya thought to herself.

"Hi, Eleanora," Enya replied.

"I get the feeling I know you somehow," said Eleanora, trying not to give too much information away about her situation.

"That's exactly how I feel about you! How about we go and chat about stuff on the yard," suggested Enya.

"Sure!" said Eleanora.

As the two girls walked down the corridor together, Enya seemed to be attracting the attention of her classmates. It was as if they were shocked that Enya would ever make any new friends, not even to mention new friends two school years above her.

Once on the yard, Enya and Eleanora sat at a table together.

"So, you were born on 21st July 2002 and are in year eleven, am I correct?" asked Enya.

"Correct, and you were born on 30th October 2003 and are in year nine, am I correct?" asked Eleanora.

"Correct," replied Enya.

"Well this is fun," Enya thought to herself, "let's just play the guessing game and see what I can find out."

"Erm, I have something I've been meaning to say ever since I laid eyes on you," whispered Eleanora apprehensively, getting nearer to Enya, "I think you are one of the imaginary friends I've had over the past few years."

"Oh my gosh! You've actually got to be kidding me!" exclaimed Enya.

Eleanora went red. "I know it's weird for fifteen year olds to have imaginary friends, but..." she began to say.

"That's exactly the same way I feel about you!" exclaimed Enya.

"Oh my fucking God!" exclaimed Eleanora.

A prefect walked past the table. "Language!" muttered the prefect.

The two girls burst out into laughter.

"If anyone asks how we know each other, we'll say we're cousins," said Enya, still laughing.

"Both best friends and cousins," said Eleanora, laughing even more.

Suddenly, there was an announcement on the loudspeaker.

"Once break is over, all students must return to the hall for the second assembly of the day, to welcome our other new students," it boomed across the school.

Most of the students moaned about how they'd have to endure another assembly. Enya and Eleanora didn't.

"It would be funny if the new students were the Chan and Marling children," laughed Enya.

"Wait, you know the Chans and Marlings too!" exclaimed Eleanora.

"Yeah of course I do, they've were my imaginary friends while you were," said Enya.

"Same!" laughed Eleanora.

When the bell rang, the two best friends walked down the corridor towards the hall.

"Who's she?" asked Frank, as they walked past him.

"I'm her cousin," laughed Eleanora.

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