Carrot's considerations

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It was the next day, 4:00 and Enya was at Starbucks, as agreed the previous day. With her was Eleanora, Sienna, Serafina, Harriet and Carrot. They were all sat at a table with their drinks.

"So everyone, this is my friend Carrot," Enya said, pointing at Carrot," And Carrot, these are my friends from my world- from left to right- Eleanora, Sienna, Serafina and Harriet."

Carrot greeted all of Enya's friends and they did the same in return.

"So, you all had imaginary worlds which featured each other and Enya, right?" Carrot asked Eleanora, Sienna, Serafina and Harriet.

"Yep," said Eleanora.

"That's so cool!" exclaimed Carrot.

"I know right!" exclaimed Serafina.

"So, you have a pretty cool name," Harriet said to Carrot.

"Thanks," said Carrot, smiling at Harriet, "my parents chose it in memory of my gran, who loved all vegetables, especially carrots."

Everyone managed not to laugh at this strange tale, as they knew it might upset Carrot, but found it funny anyway.

"I should bring along my new friend, Alexandra, next time we have one of these meet ups," said Carrot, "she's so nice! You'd all really like her."

"Wait, she's that bitch who stole Carrot from you, isn't she?" Eleanora whispered to Enya. Enya nodded.

"Oh yes, I'm sure we'd all love to meet Alexandra!" lied Eleanora. Enya almost burst out into laughter. Sienna smiled at Enya and Eleanora, like she knew Eleanora was lying too.

"Anyway, I have an important announcement to make!" Eleanora said loudly.

"What?" said Serafina, excitedly.

"I'm hosting a party at my house. 8-11pm on Sunday night. You're all invited, including Carrot," Eleanora said.

"Thanks, but why on Sunday night? Why not Saturday night?" asked Carrot.

"I have some important stuff to do on Saturday night, but I want to host this party as soon as possible," explained Eleanora.

"Will there be anyone else coming apart from us lot?" asked Enya.

"Oh yes," said Eleanora, "I've also invited Hector and Sage. Oh, and I invited Karma and Margo."

Eleanora winked at Enya.

Sorry this chapter is short but thanks for over 100 views on this story :) This may seem small but it is a big achievement to me. Please remember to vote if you enjoyed this chapter :) Also, the next chapter will probably be very long.

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