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At six fifty sharp I stood in front of my mirror with my hair curled and slightly pinned back from my face, in a dress too tight for me, but I don't care, it was all fun right. My shimmering pumps caught the light as I turned around, just in time for the doorbell to ring. Early, how nice. Scuffing softly I nod to Erica, the maid as she passes me in the hallway, before going to the front door. I open the door to find Jared in a soft blue shirt and a pair of lack slacks. His eyes wrack my body hungrily, taking in every piece of exposed skin and edge of curve his blue eyes turning a dark shade of blue.
"Like what you see?"
"Very much so." He purrs before motioning for me to step out of the house. Sighing I follow the gesture stepping out of my house and onto the cobblestone sidewalk leading me away from the army green house and to his flaming truck. I roll my eyes before casting him a glare over my shoulder, but his eyes were too stuck fast to my ass to notice.
"You should've told me you were taking me. I would've dressed differently. I thought my driver was taking us wherever the fuck it is we're going."
"Why? I think you look perfect."
"Yeah, and how am I supposed to get in your truck dressed like this?"
"Easy. Pick up your leg and get in." He chuckles.
"Oh, yes, earning my love one move at a time, at this point I won't even go on a second date."
"I'll help you." He says chuckling again. I shake my head before getting myself into the truck, without showing off anything vital, before smirking at him.
"Perfectly fine without you thanks." I sit back against the seat as he looks at me.
"Okay." He sighs walking around the front to get in the driver seat.
"What's the matter? Realizing how in over your head you are?"
"Of course not, I know just how to win you over."
"Oh? And how? You know nothing about me."
"That's okay I don't need to know anything about you."
"Oh? How so?"
"You'll see." A smirk pulls at the corner of my lips as I sit back.
"Your house?" I give him a questioning look before glancing around his house. "I don't get it."
"We can't go to put in public."
"Okay, but we can still go somewhere that's not here."
"Why do you have a problem with being in my house?"
"Not per say."
"Then I don't get it."
"You expect me to fall in love with you by bringing me to your house? This was the whole you-don't-need-to-know-me-to-win-me-over-plan?"
"No, I mean I can't get you to love me on the first date, but it's not like I can take you to anywhere public."
"I know that." I take a seat at the island as he stands behind the stove. "The way to a mans heart is through his stomach, not a womans." He smirks at me slightly.
"You're so stubborn."
"No, I'm realistic. What are you getting out of this anyway? You just met me why do you want me to love you?"
"I don't want you to love me, I just want to prove that you're not emotionless like you claim you are."
"Why? What are you getting out of this?"
"Hopefully, a good occasional fuck."
"I can give you that without the emotion."
"Then I wouldn't get to say I told you so." He smirks at me.
"I don't know why you've suddenly attached yourself to me."
"I don't either." He says looking at me seriously. "There's just something about you, something more to you that you're not telling anyone about."
"Like?" I press.
"I don't know, I guess I have the next month or so to get to know what it is that you're hiding."
"I'm not hiding anything." I say shaking my head as I lean against the counter watching him, letting the silence settle in.
"Tell me something about yourself."
"I don't do well, with this dating thing. I mean I know we're not 'dating' but you know what I mean." I shrug half heartedly.
"I'm not good with dating publicly."
"I don't think any of us are too good at that. I mean it's one thing to have people follow you around and print shit, but it's another when your relationship is at stake."
"I've never slept with anyone." His eyes snap up from the frying pan to look at me.
"You're still a virgin?"
"Why are you so shocked?"
"But when I asked about your orgasming-"
"I didn't lie. I've done things before but it's never gotten to go all the way. I've been close ten too many times but it's never gone all the way, things came up that were more important."
"Like what?" He asks tilting his head.
"My career. My mom taught me that acting comes first, always."
"Who is your mom?"
"Kelsey Jorgen we used to go everywhere together, well we had to go everywhere I was too young, she was my agent."
"What do you mean was, what happened?"
"I cast her aside when I was fifteen, took on a real agent."
"She's your mom."
"My mom." I snicker. "She's gold digging white trash who got what she deserved."
"It's Avery." I admit softly. "My real name, is Avery McGavin. I changed my name when I became famous, to keep my life as normal as possible." I admit lowly. "Griffin was my father's last name, not that I ever met him, and Lillian was my grandmothers name on my dads side."
"You never met your dad?"
"Not even when you became famous?"
"He was a junky, so my mom always said anyway." I shrug half heartedly.
"Does that bother you?"
"No, nothing bothers me. Isn't that the whole reason for this?"
"I'm sorry you didn't have the life you should've."
"Why? My mom calls me the perfect acting protégé, a bad start in life, family issues, working to make myself and others better even if it means being dead inside."
"Stop saying that."
"Come on! You're the one living in a false world! You think you've had it hard you think the entire world was against you because your father left your mom and you had to do things you weren't proud of, but at the end of the day she was there. She cares, she supports you, she's always there when you need her but what's going to happen when she's not? I had to learn that the hard way. My mom didn't come to my rescue! Ever! For anything! It was me and me alone when I was nine, when I was fifteen when I was five, I was always the only one to support myself." I stop talking realizing just how much I've over shared. He wouldn't understand anyway.
"What did they do to you?" He asks me softly.
"That's none of your business." I snark at him through clenched teeth.
"Lil- Avery. I'm just-" He pauses midsentence to take a deep breath. "I'm just trying to understand you."
"You don't need to. I'm going home."
"Avery please."

"You look perfect." Sally says finishing off my hair with half the can of hairspray, I don't say anything, not reassuring her nor smiling, I couldn't care less about any of this and she knew that. My fake lashes brushes the tops of my cheeks as I blink lazily before turning my attention back to my phone. "Are you ready to get dressed?"
"No I'd much rather go naked. Can you imagine my mothers face then?" I snicker. By now Sally was used to my verbal assaults on just about anyone, so she didn't say anything, instead she grabs my full length dress from the rack, unzips it and shows me the shimmering gown. I already hated every little aspect of this dress, the award thing, I'd much rather be home sleeping where people didn't excise, just myself. The worst part of the entire thing was my mom was going to be there in all her hierarchy. "Snide bitch." I mutter as I look at myself in the full length mirror in the door.
"What was that?" Sally questions from behind me.
"Nothing." I grunt before turning to face her as she hands me my phone a text from Jay coming through at the same moment.
'I really want to see you." I'd been ignoring his calls and text messages for a week now all because of what happened at his house, but he was stubborn.
'Maybe you should watch TV some time.' I reply dully before heading for the door, my hips swaying as the dress cling to my curves the shimmering rhinestone catching all the light and stealing the attention drawing it the more naked parts of my body.
I still didn't understand what was so great about me what had the men I worked with a walked beside stop and look. I was surprised I hadn't spread my legs for anyone so willing, I guess I did on more than one occasion but we were always interrupted at the good parts. It happened so often I just wanted to skip the foreplay and get right to the good stuff but it seemed like someone always knew when I was getting what I wanted.
Worst of all I didn't know why Jared was so hell bent on proving that I had feelings. I didn't understand his angle, if he wants to fuck me so badly we've had enough time alone to do so, on more than one occasion, but it was like the second I cried virgin he didn't want things going that far that fast. What difference did it make? I could care less about the finer details, I didn't care about the things he did, I didn't care about anything. But despite being surprised and me ignoring him coupled with his 'wanting to get to know me' he hasn't left me alone for a single moment. He wanted me despite being cautious about me still being a virgin.
I step from the car my hair blowing off my shoulders cascading down to the center of my back even with it tightly curled. Cameras flash the second one of them lays eyes on me, my facade comes up my perfect smile claiming my face as my heels find the carpeted sidewalk, my body swaying as I proceed toward the doors to the building. If only they knew who I was. Pulling off my signature pose fluffing up my hair and sticking out my hip as I laugh fakely and the crowd ate it up.
"Well little princess we meet again." Quirking a brow I look up at him. "Hello your highness."he bows fakely and my smile falls, my hand finding my hip.
"Jared." I purr fakely. "How are you?"
"I'm fine." He says smuggly. "And yourself?"
"You two are friends?!"
"You know each other?!"
"Sadly." I mutter to myself.

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