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*Violent smut*

I sit on the couch watching a movie when Jay comes in the front door.
"Um can I help you?" I look over at him as he flops down onto the couch.
"No." He flashes me a smile before he looks down at his phone.
"Don't you have a home? Why are you here?"
"To spend time with you."
"I didn't even give you a fucking key."
"I know." He smiles slyly as he watches whatever's on his phone.
"I'm on my period so I hope you didn't come here expecting something."
"I know." He flashes me another sly grin.
"Shut up. And get the fuck out of my house."
"Make me little princess." Grinning I reach out to snatch his phone. Laughing I hop off the couch as he shouts at me, I run around the other side away from him.
"You should know better than to be on your phone." I laugh darting into kitchen. I lean on the island as he comes in after me. "So can you live without this thing?" I playfully flip his phone in my hand.
"Avery, give it to me."
"Why? You came here to be on your phone."
"You know that's not why I'm here."
"Then why are you here?" I ask looking at his phone as it vibrates. He takes the chance to try and leap over the island but I pull back. "Very sneaky."
"Avery this isn't funny."
"Why what are you hiding?"
"Nothing just give it to me."
"No." I shake my head before slowly matching his pace around the island.
"Avery." Smiling I hold up his phone as it begins to ring. "Avery right now I'm not kidding."
"You're not kidding?" I purr shaking his phone again. "Why so serious?"
"Avery!" Laughing I dash out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room. "Avery!" Laughing I slam my bedroom door and hop over my bed into the closet. I turn his phone to shut it off so I can hide from him when I see the name come over the screen. Natalie. My heart skips a beat and I lean back against the door jam. "Avery!" He bursts into the room but stops dead when he looks at me. "Av?"
"Here, if it's so important." I didn't know where this feeling came from or why I wanted to literally throw his phone at him.
"Avery it's not what you think."
"What do I care?" I say folding my arms over my chest.
"Lilly." He sighs softly.
"It doesn't matter." I say shaking my head. "I'm gonna shower and go to bed are you going to stay here?"
"Not if you don't want-" Before he can finish I'm slamming the bathroom door shut. Does that answer your question? I step into the scorching hot shower washing away the grime from today before wrapping myself in a towel. When I step out Jays learned back on my bed looking at the TV. Before I can snap at him the lights flicker and the power shuts off.
"What the hell?"
"The storms getting worse."
"What storm?"
"What do you mean what storm?" He laughs before going over to my bedroom window, pulling open the curtains to reveal the rainstorm outside.
"How long has it been raining?"
"A while."
"I didn't even notice." A chill blows through the room making me shiver.
"Get dressed before you get sick." He commands making me scoff.
"Why are you still here?"
"I was going to leave but then I saw how bad it was out and decided against it, though I'm sure you wouldn't care if I die." I scoff again before heading to the closet. I drop my towel and step into the back of my closet where my underwear are when Jay comes up behind me his lips kissing over the edge of my neck.
"Jared." I bat him away with my shoulder.
"What else are we going to do?"
"Go ask Natalie."
"Are you jealous?" He purrs kissing my shoulder.
"Stop." I shake him off again reaching for a pair of underwear. He stops back and next thing I know there's a flash in the dark room. "What are you doing?" I growl staring at him.
"Showing the world that you're mine."
"Jared, put that phone down right now!"
"No." He looks up at me a serious look on his face. "You are mine." My heart skips an involuntary beat as I stare at him. He takes the chance to take another photo this time of my front.
"Jay." I sigh but just the thought of people seeing me naked on his social media had my heart thumping. I could feel my core wetting at the idea, but that didn't change the fact that aunt flow was still heavily paying a visit, but if he didn't care, why should I? He puts his phone on one of the dressers built into the side of the closet before stalking toward me. We were anything but gracious his hands roamed my bare wet skin as I pressed my chest to his clothes one. My nipples stood proudly on my chest as the cotton rubs against my flesh.
I moan softly as he lifts me up off my feet, wrapping my legs around his waist like the first time.
"Wait Jay." I push him away as his lips trail down my neck. "My period."
"Like I haven't slept with someone on their period before." Now I just felt awkward, but he kisses it away, his soft warm lips kissing down my chest as he puts me on the dresser top knocking over my jewelry. I moan as his lips attach to my nipple his free hand plucking the other between his fingertips. "Jay." I wrap my hand in his hair as his head comes back up to kiss the side of my neck. His free hand moves between my thighs making me sigh contently. "Tampon?"
"Yeah." He lifts me back up carrying me toward the bathroom, his lips meeting mine hungrily. Gently he sets me on the cold tiled floor, before kneeling in front of me. His lips kiss down my abdomen his hands softly caressing my sides, his tongue slides across my belly, dipping in before he messily kisses my hip bones. His hand drop to my knees slowly caressing up my inner thighs headed for my core. I gasp softly when his fingertips brush against my lips. My fingers thread through his hair as he reaches for the string attached to the hygiene product. I bright my lip to suppress my moan as he gently pulls it free. Without thinking he drops it in the trash can beside the counter before returning his attention to my hips. Messily he kisses his way back up my body, steadily holding my hips he kisses me passionately, easing me back toward the counter before lifting me up. Sighing softly against his mouth I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him toward me when I realize he's still in his clothes.
I break away from the kiss pulling his shirt off discarding it somewhere on the floor before moving toward his belt. I made sure that my hand gently caressed over his toned muscles before grabbing and undoing his belt. He groans against my lips the vibration sending shockwaves through my body. I couldn't undo his jeans fast enough, I hook my thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and yank him free. He wastes no time lining up our bodies and pushing in. Moaning I lean away from his kiss forcing him to kiss some other part of me, in this case my neck, collarbone, and the top of my chest.
"Harder." I plead.
"You get one little taste and you're completely submerged." He chuckles.
"Shut up." I hiss grabbing a handful of his hair making him groan.
"Watch it." He warns, snarling through his teeth.
"Why what are you going to do?" I've never regretted a sentence so much in my life. Before I could blink I was off the counter and turned to face the mirror, my body pressed against the counter as he held me down by the side of my head. "Jay." I snarl trying to push up.
"Oh what's the matter? Not so tough now are you?" His hand travels over my side before moving to my wrist. He lets off my head and grabs my other wrist forcing them behind my back. I can't see what he's doing but by the feeling of leather against my wrist I assume he was bending down for his belt.
"What the hell are you doing!?" I struggle against the restraint.
"You're the one pushing your limits but before we carry on, maybe a safe word should be established."
"Oh like what?" I snap glaring at him as best as I can over my shoulder.
"Like a color, flower, something along those lines, I'm sure you've seen fifty shades of Grey, you tell me."
"This isn't funny Jared."
"Come on, I have a feeling you're going to like it."
"Listen you sick sadistic asshole let me go!"
"Hm, no." He purrs in my ear one hand grabbing the belt between my wrists the other smacking against my right cheek. I jolt from the feeling my breath catching in my throat. "Oh? Did you like that?"
"Jared stop!"
"Give me a word and I will." I wanted him to stop but nothing he was doing was actually hurting me in any way. I feel my fingers twitch in irritation as I bite my bottom lip. "Oh nothing to say? What's your safe word kitten?"
"How about enough jackass?" I snarl.
"No no, you're going to be saying a lot of things you need something specific." What the hell, the lights are out what else am I going to do for the rest of the night?
"Red, it means stop after all."
"Fuck." He snarls. "You better remember that."
"I will." I promise.
"Don't be afraid to tell me when you've had too much."
"I won't." I say softly. Before I could continue, not that he gave me much time to add anything else he had his hand firmly planted on my ass again. The sting radiated from the center, but it didn't have time to register to any other part of my body before he was hitting me again. I moan softly biting down on my lip drawing blood this time.
"You like it don't you?" Growling lowly I twist my hands in the belt, the leather rubbing into my wrists my core throbbing for attention. "I can't wait to pound you into the counter." I could feel my core clenching at the notion. Slowly he puts his crown to my entrance, slowly pushing into me. Gasping I desperately try to pull him in deeper. "Fuck you feel so good." A soft breathless moan leaves my lips.
"Jay." I rasp.
"What?" He questions still entering at a brutally slow pace making me squirm. "You want more? You want me?"
"Yes, fuck yes." He grabs a fist full of my hair peeling me off the counter, pressing me to his chest at the same moment he thrusts into me. Squealing softly I clutch my hands together. His hand still firm in my hair, keeping my back arched against him he pounds me. Practically screaming I let him dominate me, yanking out my hair as he bites into my neck softly, sucking the areas as I come undone. "Fuck Jay." My body convulses as he keeps pounding my body. Moaning loudly I let my head fall forward letting him hit me from a different angle, his hand releases my hair, loosely holding onto me by the belt around my hands. I couldnt think straight, couldn't command my body to do anything other than moan and whimper as he took me for all I was worth. I'd never felt so sensitive, so alive. "Jay." I grunt pulling on my hands again.
"Stop, you're going to hurt yourself." He grunts pulling my hands back against his body roughly.
"Ouch." I hiss, but my body responds the complete opposite way. The belt pinches my skin, pain shooting up through my arms and straight down my spin causing me to clench my core.
"Fuck, you like being hurt?"
"Fuck Jay." I whimper softly.
"God you're so fucking sexy. That beautiful body at my full mercy."
"Jay, fuck I'm cumming again."
"Good, cum." He commands and I do, on command. I was impressed with both him and myself, at the way he had my body surrendering and how well I was listening.
"Please Jay, I'm done."
"No you're not, you're done when I say you're done." He snarls pulling my hair making me moan from deep in my chest, my body vibrating from the sound. Growling he pulls harder his hips hitting deeper, the sound echoing from his body into mine, sending a shock right to my spent core. I found myself hoping he was close to his end so we can stop, but I didn't want to stop. "Fuck I have to stop." He pulls away from me forcing me to my knees in front of him. I open my mouth like I knew it was coming, his hand still grips my hair, tilting my chin toward him as the other pumps his body. He stares down at me with lustful eyes, a haze spreading over his hooded eyes before he grunts deeply, coming undone on my face and upper chest. I catch what I can, taking the salty liquid like I was born to do it and maybe I was. "Shit you're so hot." He purrs his hand steadily bringing him down from his high.
"Can you let me go now?"
"Yeah, just let me start the shower so we can clean up." One of the perks of having city water, water when the lights go out. I didn't realise how bad I was bleeding until now.
"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."
"It's okay it's supposed to help cramps."
"That's nice but I'm bleeding profusely."
"Calm down." He cups my face his blue eyes still hazy with lust as he gazes at me. "It's okay. I've done this before and we're okay. You're okay." My heart beat slows down and I give him a weak nod. "I'm gonna untie you."
"Okay." He undoes his belt and helps me to my feet. I stagger a second before finding my footing.
"It's okay, I've got you." He lifts me up setting me in the cascading water. "I'll wash you, just relax."
"What the hells gotten into you?"
"Nothing." Gently he caresses his fingertips over my skin rubbing in the soap. I honestly couldn't figure out how he went from sweet to aggressive and right back to sweet. He was complicated maybe even more complicated than I am.

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