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I wake up the next morning feeling hazy, his shirt twisted around my body tangled in the sheets with hit arms and legs. Slowly I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before turning to look at him, he sleeps on his back, his bare chest barely covered by the sheets, his hair tousled from tossing and turning, his leg sticking out of the side of the blanket just barely covering his manhood. He looked like a sleeping God with all his muscles fully on display and completely bare. Smiling I decided to get revenge on him for the picture he took of me. Learning on my left hand so that it was in the picture showing off his shirt I was in I took a picture of his sleeping form and post it on social media.
'Sleeping beauty part 2' It wasn't exact revenge, he'd posted two naked pictures of me and this was the only one I had of him, but I'd get him back when he least expected it. I had an idea in mind for full body revenge. Sighing softly I lay back down facing him, he huffs a breath of air repositioning himself so that he's facing me still on his back. Chuckling evilly I pull up Snapchat and start putting the filters over his face, with one of the last ones he starts to move, clearly getting ready to wake up, so I push him just a bit more. I reach out and tickle the bottom of his nose, gently brushing it with my finger. Grunting he sweeps his hand across it to knock my hand away but the moment he settles I do it again. Now he was mad, his brows furrow and his face contorts into a bunch of angry lines as he rubs his nose again. Giggling I keep recording before tickling him again, this time he just turns away from me, his broad muscular back facing me now. I post it to my story and send it specifically to Shannon to which he responds with the laughing emoji.
I then put it on Instagram and caption it 'far too angry to be sleeping beauty' deciding that I've tormented him enough I get up and make us breakfast. Before I've finished completely he comes down the stairs rubbing his face and in a pair of pajama pants.
"How nice of you to put on clothes." I tease making him chuckle deeply. The sound made me shiver. God this man. I couldn't stop the fluttering in my heart. He really was perfect in all aspects.
"Breakfast." Smiling he sits at the island.
"Of course it is morning after all."
"Thanks beautiful."
"Sure." I blush lightly before turning away from him.
"Why are you so sensitive?"
"I'm not." I snap.
"So what do you want to do today."
"What do you mean?" I cock my head to the side watching him.
"I mean let's go out somewhere today."
"You want to go out in public? Together?"
"Why not? It's not like we're a secret anymore."
"But in the pictures you've posted technically they haven't seen my face so..."
"You can't call me Ava in public."
"That's true." He says chewing on his bottom lip as he contemplates going out or not. "I think we'll be okay."
"Well where do you want to go?"
"I don't care. Did you and you're dad ever go back out for lunch?"
"So why don't we do something with him."
"Let's go to the mall, I'll drive."
"You, drive?"
"Yes, I do know how to drive, we can pick my dad up on the way."
"But you have a Range Rover."
"No, I'm wanna take the Jeep it's nice out today."
"You have a jeep?"
"Yes, what the hell." I laugh slightly offended. "God you don't know me at all. And should I be offended that you don't like my Range Rover?"
"It's not that I don't like it it's just that it's nice out I wanted the top down."
"We are my going in your flash flame truck we're going in my Jeep." Huffing he nods.
"Good now let me call my dad."
"Okay I'm gonna go shower."
"Okay." I nod calling my dad. A few minutes later everything's all set up and I'm creeping into the bathroom to seek the last of my revenge. He sings as he showers the glass door fogged over on the bottom only showing the silhouette of his lower body. Chuckling I take a quick picture before he gets the chance to look over.
"Did you talk to your dad?"
"Yeah." I respond hiding my phone behind my back as I lean against the counter. "We're a go."
"Okay, wanna jump in?"
"Oh are you offering me more then just a shower?"
"Not unless you want it."
"For the record, I always want it." I tease stripping out of his shirt and my underwear.
"Nah, not now kitten lets just get ready to go."
"Is that the first time you've said no?" I tease stepping into the water. "What am I not good enough for you anymore?" He chuckles lightly.
"No, trust me that's definitely not it."
"Oh then why deprive yourself?" I gently kiss his jawline peppering little kisses up the edge of his jaw.
"Ava, come on we have to eat ready to go." Gently he pushes me away. A small pain runs through my  chest like a jolt of electricity. So what he only wants it if he initiates it? Not in the mood to fight with him I choose to let it go for now.
"Yeah you're right." I know my voice probably sounds just as sad as I feel but I step past him into the water anyway, letting the warmth wash away the pain. Gently I feel him caress me his hand skimming over my body slowly, like he's trying to remember every little thing. "What are you doing?" I ask watching him closely.
"Nothing, I can't touch you."
"Not when I'm trying to get out in a hurry." I retort switching places to lather in my shampoo.
"You know I didn't say that to deny you right?" He asks in a small voice once we've switched places again.
"Yeah, Of course." I say matter of factly.
"I really didn't, I just don't want you to think that, that's the only reason I'm with you." I feel my heart skip a beat at the confession.
"What are you talking about Jay?"
"I'm not with you just for the sex, though it's fucking mind blowing. I am with you for more than that. I want this relationship, I wouldn't be going public if I didn't, I don't do that, ever. Use women for sex, sometimes, but not go public with my relationship no."
"I didn't think that Jay."
"Well I started to, that's why I wanted to clarify before you got the wrong idea because trust me I want to fuck you, but I think we should step back at least for a few days."
"Okay." I shrug. "It really doesn't matter to me."
"Yeah I know that now, now I kind of wish I didn't say anything." He says sheepishly causing me to chuckle as I rinse the conditioner from my hair. We get out, fry off and get dressed before going out to the car in the garage. We take the top off the Jeep and I start to back out before saying anything. "Teal." I say over the sound of the wind as I head for my dad's place.
"Teal what?" He yells back.
"It's my favorite color." I smile, the edge of my sunglasses pressing into the top of my cheeks.
"Red." He smiles back at me, his head resting against the back of the seat as he faces me. Smiling I reach out to brush the hair back from his face before he catches it, tangling our fingers together. I honestly couldn't think of a better way to spend the day. We don't say much of anything else other than a few random comments before getting to my dads. We pull up to the black and gold gates where I punch in the code and drive up to the mansion like house. "So when you're mom said your dad was a junkies he lied right?" Laughing I nod.
"He's a doctor, his wife's a plastic surgeon that works for celebrities."
"Does he have any other kids beside you?"
"No she can't have kids and he never wanted any after me, not that I counted as his kid until a few years ago."
"His new wife didn't want kids?"
"She has three, she just can't have anymore, she got her tubes tied." I shut off the Jeep and we get out going up to the house. Helen, the maid answers the door.
"Hello Avery." She flashes me a huge smile motioning for us to come in.
"Hey. Where's dad?"
"Waiting for you in the study."
"Great thanks."
"Sure." She nods in my direction before disappearing upstairs. I lead Jay to the study where Asher and Nate sit playing video games.
"Sup Ava." Asher nods in my direct.
"Ay." Comes the short creating from Nate.
"There she is, and I see you brought Jay." Dad says coming out in a pair of jeans and a t shirt.
"Yeah." I smile embarrassing his hug. "Jay this is Asher and Nate, the twins of Annalise."
"Sup." Jay greats folding his arms under his chest.
"Where is Annalise?"
"Oh, well Annalise is Dad's wife, the woman who answered the door is Helen, she's the maid."
"Okay." Is all he says.
"Ready? Come on guys we're going to the mall."
"Ava!" Marcy comes running from the dining room. A huge grin on her face her short blonde hair framing her young face her light green eyes reflecting the low lights of the sitting room. She was ten and the twins were fourteen.
"Hey Marcy." I pull her into a tight hug.
"Marcy we're getting ready to go, let Ava go so we can get out to the car."
"Can you sing real quick for my friend before we leave?" She asks anxiously. Sing? Dear lord.
"Sure, but quickly." She pulls me into the dining room where her friend sits.
"Aerial, this is Lilly, she's my sister."
"Oh my gosh!" The brunette squeals.
"She's gonna sing!"
"You can sing Lilly?!"
"Yeah, course." I sit across from her at the table. I pick the first song that comes to mind which happens to be one I wrote. They look at me with stars in their eyes smiling I look up at Jay to see a confused look on his face. "Come on let's go."
"Wait a minute." Jared pulls me to a stop halfway to my car.
"What is it?"
"You can sing?" For the second time today I was reminded of how little we knew each other. Yet we're dating and having sex.
"Yeah, I don't do it often but I do."
"No not just like singing in the shower kind of sing, you're like professional level." He says dumbfounded.
"What's going on you two?" My dad comes back to our sides after making sure Marcy and her friend was secure in Helens car. We made a deal that they'd have to switch for the way back.
"Nothing." I chuckle brushing off Jays shock.
"Do you realize the talent she has?" Jay asks my father as we get in the car.
"Of course I do."
"Well how come you never got involved with it?"
"I didn't want to."
"Ava, come on you can go places with this."
"Listen Jay, I'd stop talking."
"Because Ava hates talking about things she doesn't want to do. Don't push her."
"Ava." Jay sighs. "I think it's something you should explore."
"I think you need to stop talking about it." I snap my eyebrow twitching behind my sunglasses. "I've been pushed to do things all my life, now drop it." He stares at me for an extra second before turning away, biting his lip. I drive us to the mall making small talk with my dad before he turns his sights on Jared.
"Jay, you're being offly quiet."
"Hm?" He turns to look at my dad in the back seat.
"You weren't even this quiet when we first met, I'm sure you were fucking my daughter even then so what's on your mind?" Jay chokes on air making me chuckle softly, gently rubbing his back.
"For the record no." I say shaking my head.
"Nothing, just thinking how bad of a driver Ava is." Laughing he and my dad ignore the fake hurt look on my face.
"That's so wrong." I yip chuckling gently. "How dare you?" Playfully I hit his arm, and it's like nothing ever happened. They continue to poke and prod at me over little things, teasing me until I turn a light shade of pink, then proceeding to tease me about blushing. We find a spot a mile and a half away from the mall chattering as we walk through. The twins couldn't wait to go to the video game store and get some new game they had their sights set on and Helen was more than happy to take the girls to the play place on the first floor. We agreed that that was where we'd meet up. Jay and I took the time to leisurely brows through the stores hand in hand as people took pictures of us and asked to take pictures with us. Felix and Caleb never too far away. Once it got annoying I motioned for them to fend them off. 
After a while we get ready to leave and bring them back to the house. When Jay and I finally make it to his house, deciding to change it up for the night, I flip down on his coach, exhausted from the busy day. Jay follows shortly after me huffing.
"Marcy and her friend are a handful."
"Very true." I huff kicking off my shoes before turning on the couch to lay my head on his lap yawning.
"You tired princess?"
"Yeah, can I take a bath?"
"For the record you don't have to ask, for anything, whatever you want, take it."
"Wanna come with m-"
"Fuck yes." Laughing I settle a little deeper into his lap.
"In a minute." I yawn again.
"Yeah okay." He says brushing back my hair.

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