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I don't know if I'm going to get to post this week so I'm going to slip one in. Enjoy guys ♥️


I watch her silently, just admiring the way her shoulders rose and fell with each shallow breath. She was curled up on her right side facing away from me her wrists laying together by her head, the red indentations starting to match the others and turn a deep violet purple. It looks painful, the way the color looked almost black against her skin. Her left arm just barely hid her nipple from my prying eyes. Without thinking I pick up my phone and take a picture of her and all her glory. Luckily the room was dark enough to cast shadows in all the right places and hide what no one should see.
I didn't care about them seeing the marks I left on her, I thought they were perfect that she was absolutely perfect, but how she would react was unknown. I didn't care about not being able to share pictures of my claims of her body, but I did want the world to know that she was in fact mine. I put a filter on the picture to ensure full coverage and caption it 'sleeping beauty' before sharing it with the world. In a matter of seconds it had over a thousand likes, shares, and reposts. My fans were eating the public relationship alive. I don't honestly know what we are but I do know I want her and her alone.
She hums softly tearing my attention away from my phone to look back at her. She was literally a sleeping princess, okay maybe no movie princess with her mouth ajar and soft snoring, but the way her soft brown long hair splayed out over her pillows, the way her face looked so relaxed, her soft shallow breaths. She lays on her back now her left hand laying over her ribs leaving her nipples fully exposed. Smiling I shift in the bed trying desperately not to wake her as I lean over her to capture her in yet another life long photo. I set my phone on the bed and just gaze down at her, my heart skipping a beat.
What is going on between us? What does she think this is? What do I think this is? I know what I want it to be, I want it to be so much more than what it is, but how much farther can we really go other than marriage and kids? I feel my body jolt. Marriage? How long have we actually known one another? Maybe a month why the fuck am I thinking about marriage? I feel my heart race with panic as I remember what happened the last time I asked a girl to spend the rest of her life with me. I caught her in bed with someone else fucking some other man in our bed and we were together for years. Avery's no different, she's young, just starting to learn what she likes, she'll be gone before I can blink. She's just another play thing.
The thought has me up and out of her bed far too quickly for my own liking. I search her closet for my scattered clothes before redressing. I look down as my phone lights up on the bed, a text in the group chat between my mother, Shannon, and I.
'Who's this girl all over your social media?'
'Why is she naked?'
I look back up at Avery as her face contorts and she turns over again, clearly having a bad dream. I want to strip off all my clothes and climb back in bed, pull her into me and cuddle her until the dream passes, but the more rational side of my brain tells me I've overstayed my welcome and need to leave before she wakes up. I snag my phone before going back down into her living room for my shoes, jacket, and car keys. I glance up the stairs before disappearing out the front door.
Several days pass since that night with Avery in her closet and she finally texts me.
'Okay, not that I miss you or anything but where the fuck have you been? I need to scream at you for that picture you posted all over the fucking world!' Smiling gently I bite my lip. I couldn't believe the blue balls I have after four days, but she's been posting constant half naked pictures from her latest photo shoot and I'm dying to fuck her. I want to answer, but I also want to make her suffer like she's making me suffer. So I ignore her text message and go to my Instagram posting a picture from the concert from last night.
'Had a great time in New York last night' Smirking I sit back on my coach waiting for her text message. She doesn't say anything until four more days later.
'Listen asshole don't make me come to you. Leaving me on read for fucking four days I hate you.' I can't wait for her to come to me. Grinning I pocket my phone before getting on stage. The entire concert all I can think about is how attached she's become to me. She went from cold hearted bitch to clinging in just over a month. Maybe this won't be so bad. When we get done I pull out my phone to see more texts from her. 'You're being ridiculous now.'
'Fine whatever don't answer me, leave me in the middle of the night, post on Instagram and ignore me whatever scumbag.'
'I'm so done with this goodbye Jared.' Chuckling I look open my phone to see the rest of the messages.
'It must be nice to toy with me and leave.'
'Yet you wonder why I'm so adamant on being emotionless.'
'I actually really hate you I hope you rot in hell.' Oh she's going to get punished and I can't wait. Like a kid in a candy store I get my coat, not bothering to undress, before going to her. I just walk into her house seeing as she was home.
"Darling princess I'm home." I call out to her but she doesn't answer. I look around the bottom of the house before going up the stairs. Softly I hear moans coming from her bedroom, my heart stops as I imagine her with another man, as I think about another man having what I do rightfully claimed as mine. But when I barge into her room, she lays spread eagle on her bed, her vibratar pressed to her clit before slowly sinking into her body. Groaning I feel myself get hard as I watch her pleasure herself. Slowly, quietly I make my way over to her bed trying not to make her aware of my presence, wanting desperately to be the one to please her.
"Jay." She pants breathlessly making me stop dead in my gradual advancement on her. Moaning her left hand finds her clit her right keeping up stride. Clearly she was close to her end. I grab her hand without warning making her scream bloody murder. She would've jumped off the bed had my other hand not pressed her down into the bed seconds later.
"It's just me." I assure her.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" She shouts before gasping, my hand gently turning the vibratar that's still securely inside her.
"Pleasuring you so lay back and enjoy." I purr soft my free hand traveling over her breastplate before finder her swollen mound, her nipple taunt and that's when I notice the fresh piercing. "When did you get your nipples pierced?"
"A week ago." She pants heavily.
"I like them." I purr my mouth latching onto her left one. "But I do hate you pressuring yourself." I could tell how close she was based on her body's reactions. "So never do it again." I pull the vibratar from her making herwhimper her hand coming to her core as she closes her legs.
"Jay please I'm close."
"I don't care, you're not cunning. This is what happens when you're bad. Do it again and I'll leave you like this consecutively for a week."
"Jay please." She begs tears in her eyes.
"Red?" I ask her smuggly. I knew she wouldn't give in over something like this. She groans but shakes her head no. "Think of it as training to hold your orgasms." I smirk. She closes her eyes taking a few deep breaths before glaring at me.
"Where have you been?" Her voice no longer shook, her orgasm starting to wane.
"Around." I smirk at her smuggly. I loved this hazel eyes, especially when they were filled with uncaged lust they were filled with just a little more green then Carmel brown, but no matter how alluring her eyes are my attention still falls to her pierced nipples. The bar crosses through the center of her stiff pink bud with two purple gems on either end.
"Are you even listening to me!?" She snaps sitting up to glare at me harder.
"What?" My eyes slowly scan over her body to her face again.
"God Jared." She groans getting off her bed to get redressed. "You literally fell off the face of the Earth and then come back here like you never even left me-"
"Left you?" I cock my head to the side. "I didn't leave you."
"You can't tell me that you were too busy to text me back."
"I wasn't." Her face drops into a scowl.
"Get out!" She throws her jeans at me. "Right now!" Next was her shirt.
"Ava." I try to reason.
"What are we?!" I shout back at her. Her body freezes halfway through getting ready to throw her bra my way. "What are we Ava?" She sits down on her vanity chair.
"I don't know, what do you want to be?" Sheepishly she looks away, her cheeks a light red barely noticeable if I wasn't looking at her. That was a hard question. I did want to be with her but she's so young and inexperienced. What if she gets bored with me?
"What do you want Avery?"
"I asked you first." Fuck why am I the one that has to make this decision?
"I mean what I said before." I say after a long pause. "I want the world to know you're mine." She stares at me a second before nodding once before she disappears into her closet. I guess that's what she wanted to hear? "Ava?" I follow her as she slips into my shirt she got from god knows where. "Is that my shirt? Where did you get my shirt from?" Smirking she brushes past me.
"I have my ways."
"Wait a minute, did you get into my house?"
"Your maid isn't very protective you know. I told her I was your girlfriend and she couldn't wait to invite me in and have tea with her. She said some really interesting things that really made you ignoring me kind of hurt." I feel my face heat up at the hidden meaning to her words.
"What'd she tell you?"
"That you talk about me constantly, that you and Shannon have had long talks about me. The second I told her I was Ava and your girlfriend she knew exactly who I was. It was kind of creepy."
"God I'm gonna kill her." I mutter but she gives me a questioning look. "Nothing, so what else did you take from my house?"
"Just this." Before I know it I've followed her into the kitchen.
"So you already considered yourself my girlfriend before I said anything?" Now it was her turn to blush.
"I knew better, but I couldn't help but title it that, you're always here, we fuck constantly, you've met my dad, you wanted to claim me as yours. So when you didn't come around I got worried and went to see you to ask what we were and then your maid said you had a couple concerts and that she didn't know when you'd be back and some things she said just had me convinced."
"So that's why you looked like a deer in the headlights when I asked what we were."
"I mean no matter how much I'd convinced myself that I was your girlfriend, I knew who you were and that dating isn't exactly your thing. So I tried not to get my hopes up too much." She turns back around to look at me, her nipple piercings still showing through my shirt making me groan inwardly. God this woman will be the death of me.
"Yeah?" She looks up at me from her hands as she rolls up a chocolate croissant.
"Come here."
"Hang on." She chuckles.
"Now." I command visibly a shiver runs through her body. She comes around the island to stand in front of me. "Unbutton it." I jerk my chin toward my shirt she's in. Slowly her hands undo the buttons of the button up letting it lay open on her chest. "Come up here." I pat my lap she hesitates a second looking at the stool. "I won't let you fall, come on." Smiling up at me she gets on my lap, straddling me. I kiss her cheek moving to her neck before pushing her back to lean against the counter, my lips finding her piercing. She lets out a soft moan her hands tangling in my hair, pulling gently.
"Jay." She whimpers as I switch sides. My free hand slides down her stomach finding the front of her underwear, palming her through the soft fabric.
"Are you read to continue your training?" I lift her off my lap and set her on the counter, spreading her legs. It seemed like this was all we knew how to do, like sex was the only thing we ever wanted. I had to change that before she started feeling the same way and I didn't want that. It's time we do something else. I couldn't think of anything as she laid before me on the counter her legs spread and her hazy eyes looking at me, just the sight had my cock twitching. Keeping our eyes locked I lean forward kissing her through her thin underwear making her gasp.
"Jay." She rasps making me groan quietly. I love the ways she pants me name, the way she looks at me with those trusting eyes. I love the way she pants and moans and calls my name, the ways she listens and shivers and squirms, the way her body convulses when she comes on command, the way her body curves, the planes of her face and body, but most of all the sound of her voice when she talks, the look in her eyes when she's horny, when she just wakes up and they're still hazy with sleep. I was in deep for this girl and it scares me, it makes me feel like I'm trapped in this space that we've created and it terrifies me when I think of how fast she's taken over my life, how fast she's consumed me.
"Play with yourself." I breathe against her panties making her gasp. I sit back in the chair as she sits up on the counter to take of her panties. "No cumming until I say and don't forget to warn me when you get close."
"How long do I have to hold it for?" She rasps.
"Twenty seconds." Groaning she haditantlh complies setting the heels of her feet on the edge of the counter spreading herself before her head reaches for her clit. She doesn't start slow, her fingers find a fast pace and she goes for it moaning she lays in front of me pleasuring herself again. She was still wet from her first session so I know she's not going to last long. Watching her work so hard to make me happy sends a jolt down my spine.
"Fuck Jay I'm close." She pants. Greedily I push her hand to the side, licking her sensually.
"Count." I command. She yips when my to tongue finds her again.
"Twenty, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen..." each second she counted down her voice was high pitched and needy. Her voice shook and cracked her body shaking as she counted off the last seconds. I knew she was trying to focus on something else by the time she made it to ten, her breathing became labored and shallow as she clenched her hands to keep her from cumming without me allowing her. I pull away gently rubbing her with my middle and forefinger admiring the way she twitched and spasmed. "Jay please." She whimpers.
"Keep going." I urge.
"I can't." Tears leak from the corners of her eyes. "It hurts."
"Keep going Avery." I press down on her making her groan. "Five."
"Four." Her voice shakes as she counts down again, finally reaching one but I wait an extra couple seconds before giving her, her command. "Jay." She whines.
"Okay you can cum." She practically screams as she comes undone, with me lapping at her softly, drinking down all that she'll give me. Panting she leans back her chest rising at an alarming rate. I pull away from her licking clean my lips as I watch her calm down. Her face was flushed, the deep red staining her tanned cheeks. I kiss between her V lines before standing up kissing both her nipples.
"I hate you." She pants.
"Yeah?" I quiz my tongue circling the piercing.
"Oh god don't."
"How was that?" I ask sitting back on the chair.
"I hate you." She huffs again.
"Do you though?" I question my fingers finding her swollen clit.
"Ahha dont." She groans closing her legs over my hand.
"Why?" I smirk at her. "Was that the best orgasm of your life?"
"Yes." She pants after a pause.
"Don't worry, it gets better, but I'll let you recover, baby steps." I kiss her throbbing core again before pulling her back into my lap. I kiss her lips softly making her chuckle. "You're too cute." I breathe lowly, brushing back a few stray hairs from her face. She laughs quietly again before wrapping her arms around my neck before kissing me deeply and that's when I knew.
I was totally, uncontrollably in love with this woman.

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