Chapter Three

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Cassandra sighed in relief as she walked in the door that afternoon. Grateful to be out of that prison of a school. She saw a note sitting on top of a box in the hallway. " Cassie, your dad and I will be working late tonight and your great grandma is out visiting some friends, but will be home to look after you. Could you please run this box up to the attic? Thank you. Love, mommy." Cassandra huffed annoyingly, she was seventeen, not five, did her mom seriously think she needed a babysitter? Lifting the box up in her arms, she lugged it up the stairs, the up the rickety old ladder to the attic. She shoved the box into the corner and noticed some odd dust on one trunk. Sure everything up there was coated in dust, but this dust seemed to sparkle almost. As her fingertips brushed over the latch, a faint tingling spread throughout her body. She opened the lid and saw three weathered journals and a doll. Picking it up, she saw the doll looked to be a boy dressed in green fairy-like clothes. " Huh... How long have these been up here?" she muttered, scooping the four things up and carrying them to her room. Flopping on her bed, she opened the first the journals one by one, seeing the names Wendy Moria​ Angela Darling, Jane Darling, and Moria Darling written on the first pages. Pictures and words of a magical world and it's inhabitants had her captivated, blue eyes shimmering with wonder. By that night, she now knew everything about that mystical world and was beginning to dream she could be there.

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