Chapter 26

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"Has your mate ever cheated on you?" Sarae asks me. Her eyes seem dead as she speaks.

I️ shake my head, "We are new mates, so it hasn't happened. I️ don't think he will." I️ speculate our future together. Since I'm in a cell, I'm not sure if we have a future together anymore, let alone if I️ even have a future. He doesn't seem like the type to cheat, then again what do I️ know?

It's been two days here in the cell with only food coming to us out of a spot in the wall. I had started talking to the woman in the other cell after the first day. She is worn out and broken. I can only hope I won't become like her.

"You're lucky. You and your soft, cushy life. I'd give anything to trade places." She says with a sarcastic and thickly laced malice voice. Words seep from her mouth like venom to its prey. I️ don't like how she's acting toward me. Why do people always assume things about me?

I️ tilt my head in curiosity of what she meant. "I'm sorry?"

She whips her head to meet my gaze, "When you were looking for your mate, he was actually looking for you too. When you found each other, he wanted you. You both get to dedicate your lives to one another. Me?" She scoffs loudly, "I️ get to rot in this cell for the rest of my life, being called out into the open once a month, if I'm lucky. Even then, I️ am not so lucky since I'm called out to whore myself out to the so-called 'beloved Alpha.' Hah!"

My body stiffens. Am I️ going to become a sex slave like her? "He calls you?" I️ ask. I️ could counter everything she said by explaining my past, but that's not important right now.

"Yup. My ex mate." She narrows her eyes at me, "Alpha of the Central Pack. He never cared for a mate or love. He uses women for his pleasure and then tosses them to the side. He only doesn't want a Luna because he wants to be with multiple women all the time. He also doesn't like the idea of a woman ruling beside him."

She slams her fist on the glowing bars, getting stung because it is laced with silver. Hers is different from mine? I don't hurt when I touch mine. It must be because she is the Alpha's mate and he can't risk letting her loose. "He only uses me for my body when his wolf craves the touch of a mate. He keeps me around so his wolf doesn't die from abandonment from his mate. That bastard!" She is angrily beating the wall, incapable of controlling her rage.

"I've already denied him, but he has to deny me back since he is the Alpha. He's keeping me in here to block out our bond so he doesn't feel too bad of pain, but his wolf is still lonely. I hope his wolf destroys him from the inside out!" She practically yells into the open hallway. "And he's abusing his own daughter. He won't even let anyone know he has one!"

I hear pain in her voice, "He won't even let me see her... My little Sae... I'd give anything to see her." She looks up at me with tears flowing down her face, "I never even got to hold her after I gave birth. Isn't that the worst thing you can do to a mother? That initial skin interaction between baby and mother is crucial to build up a bond. I got nothing. Nothing!" She hits the bars again and her hand starts to burn.

Looking down in sadness, I don't know what to say. This is not at all what I've learned about my Alpha. Everyone praises his name, yet he is the worst person on this very earth. I've never felt more disturbed or broken. I've been ignorant for all these years when she has been rotting in here with nobody even suspecting it. I've been a fool for being one of those blinded people, praising his name.

She stops crying enough to seethe in anger, "If I ever get out of here..." She looks up with angered eyes with fresh tears, "I'm going to kill him." She sounds so sure and confident. Even Ryland might have some reservations killing another Alpha because it will cause a lot of repercussions for his pack. He might get kicked out! But if she can kill the Alpha while we get his army and distract him, we will be set!

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