Chapter 1:The Beginning

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         In Polis , Madi and Clarke were sitting down admiring the view out of the Heda's master room . Madi , now 12 years old , turned to Clarke,"Heda, who are my parents ?" Clarke looks down . Clarke shows discomfort in her appearance when Madi brings up that topic.
       "We talked about this Madi, your to young to know." Clarke stands up and starts to walk away . Madi, furious , follows Clarke and grabs her hand.
       "Heda, I've been waiting for 12, almost 13 years! You think I don't desire to hear where I come from?" Madi says with passion. Clarke looks at Madi while they are still touching hands . There is a look in Clarkes eyes that shows connection between the two . "Please" Madi continued.
      "Fine." Clarke rolls her eyes as Madi starts to cheer. "Sit down." Madi was in for a story, a story that was debatable on the happy ending. Clarke begins,"Once upon a time there was a castle in the sky..."
       A young Clarke is walking down a hall in the Ark. She has an ear piece in. "Dad, I don't see the target" She speaks while she is alone .
        "Just keep looking he should be there any moment" Her Dad answered back. "Once he is in the break room, I'll disconnect the cameras , you will have 5 minutes to eliminate him and then get out've there before the mechanics fix the cameras"
        "Easy." Clarke smirks while entering the break room. She sees a man ,the only one in there . She begins to take a gun out of her boot and boom. The man is shot. The gun had little red roses painted on it. It was her dads. Clarke began to ran.
          When she got back to her fathers cabinet he gave her a big hug. "Good job kiddo!" Her dads smile was from ear to ear.
         "I promised I'd stay with mom tonight sorry Dad." Clarkes parents had been divorced. Clarkes mom, Abby, began to go out with chancellor Kane. Abby didn't know about Clarke and her dads assassin business. "Love you!" Clarke said while leaving to her moms .
         Abby always thought Clarke and her father were hiding things. Clarke had no friends and hardly went to school. Abby always pressured Clarke to make a friend. In the hall Clarke ran into someone. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry" she looked up, it was a boy.
       "No problem! I wasn't looking where I was going." The boy smiled at her. "I'm Finn" Clarke nodded.
         "Clarke." Finn and Clarke began to hangout. It was safe to say , Finn was Clarkes only friend.

     "Bellamy!" A young 14 year old girl yelled. A boy in his later teenage years came running. His face frightened when he saw the young girl almost being chocked by a grown women.
       "Mom!" The boy yelled. He tore the girl and the women away from each other. " Octavia are you okay?" He knelt down to the girl. She was fine. "Mom what the hell were you doing?"
        "I'm sick of this ! I'm sick of hiding Octavia . I'm sick of you always spoiling her. I'm sick of not being normal." Their mother began to slowly tear up.
        Bellamy began to think of what their mother could have possibly done. "Bell, what is mom doing?" Octavia looked up to Bell. Then before he could say anything , there was a pond on the door.
      "You turned you and Octavia in? To the council!" Bellamy began to pull Octavia into a hiding spot .
      "Bellamy stop!" Their mother yelled at Bellamy." If you hide her, you'll get floated. If you agree with me to turn us in , you won't be hurt." Bellamy looked down to Octavia.
      "We are coming in , 10 seconds" The men behind the door began to count down. Bellamy knelt to Octavia.
      "I love you, Octavia" He kissed her on the forehead along with a tear going down his cheek.
        " I love you too , big brother" Octavia gave him a big hug. Then the door was broken down. The guards took both Bellamys mom and his baby sister. Bellamy was alone.

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