Chapter 5: Not Alone

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       It had been a few hours since the delinquents had landed. It was dark. Everyone was gathered around the fire. Clarke was looking around . Finn sat a few feet away looking at her, making sure nothing happened to her. Clarke heard something behind her. She looked behind her . It was Bellamy, throwing a knife at a tree.
    Once Finn turned his head to talk to a girl, Raven, Clarke limped towards Bellamy . Bellamy heard something in the trees , he quickly turned around putting a knife to Clarkes throat. "Well, look who's ease dropping on me again." Bellamy let her go.
     "I don't know what your talking about." Clarke said while holding her throat making sure he did not actually hurt her.
    "When I was talking to Octavia." Bellamy looked at Clarke. Confidently. Clarke looked down . She was speechless.
    "What'd you do?" She sat down and looked up to Bellamy. "That was so bad to get on the drop-ship."
   Bellamy looked at her like she was an idiot. "Why would I tell you?" Clarke shrugged.
There was a few moments of silence. Clarke sat and watched Bellamy throw knifes. "I was arrested for killing people." Clarke said. Bellamy smirked.
"Cute." He thought she was lying. "Is that why the guards were bringing you away from the drop-ship?" He laughed . "Because your such a mask murderer!" Bellamy was being sarcastic.
"I'm not lying." Clarke stood up. "I wouldn't lie about that." Clarke got closer to Bellamy.
"Then why were guards taking you away?" Bellamy questioned Clarke.
"It's your turn to tell me something about yourself." Clarke sat down again. She smirked. "I'll tell you why once you tell me something"
Before Bellamy could say anything Finn came out from the camp. "Clarke!" He yelled.
"Finn go away." Clarke tried to standup, but her ankle hurt to much.
"You need to stay off your ankle , what did you even do to it ?" Finn said while rushing to help her.
"You being weak princess?" Bellamy teased Clarke. Clarke began to grow angry.
"Assholes. I'm literally surrounded by assholes." She looked at both Bellamy, and Finn.
"Thank you, it means a lot." Bellamy said while walking to the camp with a smirk. Finn tried helping Clarke up , but she kept pushing him away.
"I can walk to the camp by myself." Clarke demanded. She walked back , with Finn behind her.

It was early in the morning. Bellamy was sharpening his knife. He loved to hunt. He never went that far away from the camp though, the delinquents didn't know if it was safe. Clarke went out of her tent. She wanted to explore, see flowers and roll in the grass.
Clarke didn't see Bellamy when she left, but Bellamy saw her. Clarke was walking through the woods . She heard water. Clarke began to limp towards the sound . A waterfall. Her smile was from ear to ear . As she knelt down to touch the mud near the bank of the water , an arrow flew past her. She began to try to get up, but it was too slippery and her ankle could not support her.
Than, out of the trees , Bellamy ran. He picked up her arm and started to ran, almost dragging her. He ran for about 5 minutes. There was no noise. Bellamy started panting from being out of breath.
"What the hell were you doing?" Bellamy started yelling at Clarke. "You could've died!"
Clarke was startled. "I'm sorry." She said while looking down at her feet. "I can walk the rest of the way"
Bellamy and Clarke had been walking for what felt like forever. Than, "I was alone." Bellamy said randomly. Clarke looked at him confused. "That's why I went on the drop-ship. My mom was floated , Octavia was in jail. I could protect Octavia if I went to the ground." He was actually saying something not dumb.
Clarke mimicked Bellamy from the night before. "Cute." She smirked.
Bellamy than mimicked her like how she did to him, "I wouldn't lie about something like that." They both laughed.
"My mom is dating the Chancellor." Clarke smiled and looked down. Bellamys stomach dropped , but he didn't let her notice. "She didn't want me going to earth." Clarke continued.
     "So the arrows?" Bellamy questioned. "I guess we aren't alone." And indeed they weren't.

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