Chapter 16: Shock

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             Two months later- There was still Azgeda people in the woods who would try to cause conflict in Polis. Bellamy joined Polis's army to capture Azgeda people. Abby turned a floor in the tower to a lab with monitors and doctor supplies.
             Raven had worked with Abby. Raven and Lexa always hung out, they would teach eachother different things. They were a great fit. Octavia and Lincoln were always in the woods. Octavia never talked to Clarke after what happened with Bellamy. Clarke and him never saw eachother.
               Clarke was always helping someone. Lexa ruled both her people and now Arcadians. Kane believed she could do it. Lexa and Clarke had a great friendship. Clarke would listen to Lexas plans and point out flaws or benefits.
                Clarke always felt sharp pains in her ankle, but she never told anyone. In the lab one day, Raven was messing around on a computer. Clarke was standing. Clarke felt a growing sensation from her ankle to her head. "Raven." Clarke yelled as she lost her balance.
                 Raven turned around and saw Clarke fall on the floor. Raven ran to her. Clarkes eyes were closed. "Abby!" Raven screamed while putting Clarkes head in her hands.
                Abby ran to her daughter. "Help me put her on the bed." The two lifted Clarke on the medical bed . Once Clarke woke up, Abby and Raven were looking at a computer. Clarke had tubes in her arms and a scanning helmet on her head.
                 Lexa was ahead of her. Bellamy was behind her. It shocked clarke that he was here. "Your awake!" Lexa came closer to Clarke and hugged her.
                Raven stared at her the computer. "Clarke?" Raven turned slowly around. "What exactly happened to your ankle?"
                Clarke looked at Bellamy. He looked horrible, cuts on his face and bags under his eyes. "While we landed, we jerked. I tried standing up and fell on my ankle."
                Raven looked at the screen. "Hmm" she tapped her cheek. "Your vital signs are off the roof. How could a sprain in your ankle affect towards your brain?"
                Clarke looked at the computer than at Bellamy. Bellamy was fidgeting about to talk. The two locked eyes. He was about to open his mouth, but Clarke shook her head.
               Raven turned to Abby. Abby teared. "Clarke" Raven turned back around to Clarke. "I don't see another way to solve this  problem besides amputating your ankle, maybe even your knee down."
               Bellamy sat down putting his head in his hands. Clarke looked at him. Lexa held Ravens hand. Abby ran out the door, it was sad to see disappointment on everyone's face. "Can you give us a moment?" Bellamy said.
                Raven and Lexa left the room. Bellamy stood up and shoved objects off a counter out of rage. "Bellamy!" Clarke screamed. Bellamy kept grunting and kicking the wall. "Bellamy stop!" Clarke got up and ran to him holding his fist.
                "No don't get up." Bellamy released his fist holding Clarkes wrist. "Lay back down. Please." Bellamy began to sob. Clarke looked at him. It was scary to see eachother suffering. "I'm sorry." He sobbed. "I'm so sorry" Clarke held the back of his head in a hug.
                 Clarke shushed him as they were inclined. "Bellamy." She stepped back. "It's not your fault." Bellamy shook his head. "I should've known when to stop."
                "This is why I should've stayed away from you." Bellamy wiped his tears. "I don't want to hurt you." Clarke looked down. "Clarke, I think about you so much. Everyday. When I wake up, when I go to sleep and I don't know how much you think of me, but I hate myself for doing this to you." Bellamy started walking away from her.
                There was a pause. "All the time." Clarke said softly. Bellamy turned confused. "I think of you all the time." Clarke gave the smallest smile to Bellamy, but it was enough for Bellamy to notice. Raven entered the room.
                "Abby wants to operate you fast." Raven noticed Clarke was standing. "You need to lay down." Clarke nodded and layed back down on the medic bed.
                 Abby entered. The two pulled out tools and had diagrams on the computers. Abby was about to inject anesthesia into Clarke before, "Wait!" Bellamy yelled. Clarke was worried, he had all their attention.  "I was the one who did this to her. I threw a guard stick and it hurt her ankle. After that she fell and has been on it since."
                 Raven and Abby were in shock. Abby's face grew angry. Raven started to think. "Is this true?" Abby looked at Clarke. Clarke nodded. Raven headed to the computer typing. "You are to be punished."
                Clarke aggressively shook her head at Abby. Bellamy nodded. "Wait Bellamy." Raven smiled. "You might have just saved her." Everyone looked at Raven. "The guard stick must have hit this tendon." Raven pointed to a diagram of an ankle on the computer. "Then kept sending electric shocks to your heart."
               Raven pulled out a machine that looked like a laundry iron and placed it over Clarkes heart. Her heart showed on the screen. "Your heart is slow because of the shock." Abby nodded. Raven smiled.
              "Exactly!" Raven shouted. "Now, If we can shock her with the right amount of voltage, it can cure everything." Ravens smile was huge. Abby walked to Bellamy. Bellamy stood waiting for her to yell at him. She pulled the guard stick out of its pocket.
Abby and Raven did more work on the computer. They placed bandages over Clarkes major pulse points. Abby went over Clarkes face. Abby put her hand over her forehead and then kissed it. Bellamy watched.
"It's not gonna feel good first." Raven said walking to a keyboard. Clarke closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "3...2...1" Raven pushed a button causing a shock through Clarkes body.
Raven and Abby looked at the screen which was Clarkes vitals. They were changing into a steady rate. "It's working." Abby stated. Few minutes later, there were no errors in Clarkes vitals.
"Your pain free!" Raven cheered. Clarke got up off her bed and hugged her mother than Raven. "I'm going to tell Lexa!" Raven ran off.
Abby walked to Bellamy. "You should be ashamed. She could have died! If it weren't for you-"
"The amount of times Bellamy has saved me compared to my ankle is crazy." Clarke cut Abby off. Abby looked down. She walked out of the room.
Bellamy walked slowly out of the lab. He hesitated to talk. "Goodbye."
Clarke smiled. "Goodbye."
Few days had passed, Clarke was invited to Lexas throne room. Lexa was standing looking out at Polis. Clarke walked next to her. "Polis is beautiful." Clarke smiled.
"It will be yours." Lexa replied. Clarke turned to her confused. "I know your confused, but Clarke." Lexa paused. "I am growing sick, I'm not as strong as I used to. It may not look like it, but both my healer and I notice it."
Clarke shook her head. "Lexa"
"I wish to leave you as the Heda if I pass." Lexa kept staring out the window.
"No, your perfectly healthy." Clarke shook her head.
Lexa chuckled. "Than, your my second, Incase anything happens to me." Clarke noticed her seriousness. Clarke nodded.
                     Clarke had felt sick and sluggish. She stayed in her room and would rest. Abby came in with food and water. Clarke devoured her meal. "Clarke." Abby was surprised. "I haven't seen you eat like this before and you just had breakfast."
                      "I feel so slow and I'm always hungry." Clarke shrugged. Abby's eyes widened.
                       "Sweetie, have you had." Abby raised her eyebrows. Clarke remembered the wedding, the night with Bellamy. She nodded awkwardly. Abby gasped. "Clarke, are you pregnant?"
                        It felt like Clarke got the wind knocked over her, than she threw up. Could she really be pregnant?

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