Chapter 16: Wedding

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After Octavia checked if Raven was ok, Lincoln entered the room. Octavia ran and hugged him. Raven holding her throat went to Lexa.
             Lexa was kneeling, looking at Roans body. Raven knelt next to her. Raven put her hand on Lexas shoulder. Clarke went across from them. "We should get going." Clarke touched Lexas hand. Lexa nodded.
               Octavia and Lincoln walked out first, than Bellamy and Clarke. Raven got up. She took a few steps realizing Lexa wasn't getting up. Lexa had few tears going down her face. Raven felt bad. Lexa got up and walked past Raven, pushing all emotions to the side.
                The way home Clarke and Bellamy talked about what had happen to each-other the time they were apart. Everyone was walking then Clarke had to stop. She yelped and fell down against a tree.
                "Clarke?" Bellamy shouted grabbing her hands. Lexa and Raven surrounded her.
                "I'm fine." Clarke used Bellamys hands to get back up. Bellamy noticed it was her ankle, the one he threw a guard stick at. Clarke noticed the guilt on his face. He was about to say something, but then she repeated, "I'm fine." She smiled. Bellamy nodded.
                When the group entered Arkadia, guards pointed guns at Lexa and Lincoln. Clarke was quick to tell no. Kane and Abby ran to the entrance. Abby pulling Clarke into her arms. Kane shook Bellamys hand, and greeted everyone else. Abby looked at everyone.
                 "I'm glad you all could make it tonight." Everyone was confused. Clarke raised her eyebrow. "We are celebrating tonight." She took Kane's hand. "A wedding, but you can think of it as a welcome to earth party."
                    The ground smiled, including Lexa. Abby than told them to get ready. The party was in what was a lounge area on the Ark. Bellamy and Lincoln got their first. Raven and Lexa than arrived later, but Lexa didn't look like a grounder anymore. She looked like someone from the ark.
                    When Octavia came, her and Lincoln started to dance. Bellamy waited for something interesting to happen until Clarke walked in. She was clean, no blood or dirt on her. She looked beautiful. He went up to her. "Princess cleans up nice."
                    Clarke laughed. "When your mom gets married it's a big deal." Clarke walked to go sit a table. Bellamy pulled her arm.
                  "Why are you going to sit?" Bellamy questioned. Clarke squinted her eyes. Bellamy turned her with his arm. Her laughter was music to his ears. "A princess dances."
                  Clarke smirked. "Your trying way to hard, Bellamy." Bellamy took her other hand and started swaying to the music.
                  Raven watched everyone dance. Lexa was sitting at a table watching everyone. "Hey." Raven walked to her. Lexa smiled and nodded. Raven put her hand out to her. "Come on. Dance with me." Lexa looked down, than put her hand on Ravens. The two danced as well.
                 As Clarke was dancing, she looked around. "What are you worrying about?" Bellamy asked her.
                 "Nothing, it's just everyone's happy." Clarke smiled. "I haven't seen everyone smile since." She paused a tear ran down her cheek. Bellamy knew she was talking about Finn.
                 "Well they have an amazing hero that saved them." He wiped her tear off her face. She smiled. He looked in her eyes. They sparkled. They were the beautifulest blue in the world. He winked at her.
                 "Your a dangerous man, Bellamy Blake." Clarke chuckled. Bellamy nodded.
                  "Anytime." The music stopped. Kane made a toast to Abby. It amazed Clarke how much her mom loved someone like Kane. It made her miss her dad, but seeing her mom with Kane was beautiful. The party ended.
                 Clarke lied in her room thinking about Bellamy. It was crazy, everytime he came into her mind she smiled. She got up and walked in the hall. She knocked on a door to a room. Bellamy opened. "What's up." He was wearing night time clothes. She smiled. Than, boom. She put her hand behind is head and kissed him. Bellamy kissed her back. He pulled her in his room, and closed the door.
                  (U get what happened from there) This night would affect a lot of people's life forever. Something everyone thought was the happy ending, but was the begging of a tragedy.

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