Chapter 6: Grounder

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     When Bellamy and Clarke arrived to the dropship , Clarke was certain that Finn would be looking for her. To her surprise, he wasn't. Finn was talking to Raven next to a tent. The two were laughing. Bellamy pulled Clarke aside.
     "You aren't going to tell anyone about what happened at the bank? Right?" Bellamy looked down at Clarke. This was probably the first time he actually looked her in the eyes.
    "I thought we were." Clarke was confused. "Why wouldn't we? Other people could get hurt!" Clarke became worried.
     "Exactly." Bellamy re assured her. Clarke gave back a confused look. "If we tell them who knows what they might do. Leave it to me and Murphy to find the things that attacked." Bellamy began to walk away, but Clarke pulled him back.
      "Are you crazy?" She was mad now. "Those 'things' might be people! People who know their ways around the woods , who can fight." Bellamy rolled his eyes. Clarke was annoyed. "I won't tell anyone , but the second someone's hurt , don't expect to trust me." Clarke turned away aggressively.
        Bellamy gave a big sigh. He made her mad, and she made him mad. Clarke walked past Raven and Finn. Finn got up to talk to Clarke. "Where were you?" He was worried.
     "No where." Clarke kept walking the opposite way of him.
      Finn reached out and grabbed Clarkes hand. "With Bellamy? Seriously?" Finn looked unimpressed.
      Clarke didn't say anything. She just stood there, waiting for him to let go. He did. She marched off to a tent as Finn sighed. Raven observed them.

      A few hours passed. Clarke had lied in her tent thinking about everything. She thought about how much she hated her mom. How much she hated Finn. How much she hated Bellamy. Than, someone came in her tent.
      "Hey, I need your help." It was Bellamy , his face was concerned. Before Clarke could say anything, "Octavia's missing."
         Clarke was about to say she was probably looking at flowers , but Bellamy probably had his mind set on that someone took her. "I'll meet you outside in 5 to look for her." Clarke replied. Clarke put her shoes on and went outside.
        It was getting dark when Clarke and Bellamy left. It was easy to say they were still mad about the talk they had about earlier. Out of silence Clarke began to talk as they were walking, "You know, if we told Octavia something was out here , she might've not left."
       Bellamy rolled his eyes. "You just have to be right about everything, don't you." Bellamy began to walk quicker.
        "No, not all the time." Clarke tried catching up, but her foot wasn't capable of it. Then, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle . "Ahh." She wined. "My ankle, I need a break." Clarke sat down.
       "Only this one time." Bellamy agreed and sat next to her. Within moments Bellamy fell asleep. While Clarke watched the stars, she heard a noise. She jumped up and looked around, she saw light not to far from her and Bellamy. She didn't bother waking Bellamy up.
          As Clarke approached closer to the light she noticed it was in a cave. The caves entrance was open. She walked in. There she saw not just Octavia, but someone else. Not a delinquent, but someone from the ground. A grounder.

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