Chapter 14: Electrifying

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Bellamy slowly woke up. He was in a big room , inside. There was black walls with high ceilings. He looked around, the walls weren't man made . He went to a wall, a cave. He was in a giant cave. He heard footsteps coming. Bellamy frantically looked around for something to defend himself.
All the grounders were wearing black, except for one, he was wearing dark brown pants and a red worn out t-shirt. He carried a staff which made him look powerful. The rest of the grounders stayed behind him.
The man came closer to Bellamy. "Hello, I meant no harm when I sent people off to fetch you." The man smiled.
Bellamy rolled his eyes. "Yeah ok." He looked around for a place to escape. He did not want to be with grounders.
The man laughed. "I know you hate grounders, and Lexas rules." Bellamy shrugged. "I wanted you because, with your help we can defeat Lexa."
Bellamy was confused. "My help?" Bellamy pointed to his chest. The man nodded.
"My sources say when you visited Lexa, you were...disappointed." Bellamy didn't say anything. "It's ok, everyone here is." The man waved his arms to the group of grounders behind him.
"And. Why do you need me? What is it that you need from me to help? Why would I chose to help you?" Bellamy had a threatened tension.
"Your from the sky, you have access to weapons." Bellamys eyes widened. "They'd only be for safety in case they try to attack us. They kill more than we do." Bellamy thought about Finn, Bellamy nodded. "We know you agree with us and not Lexa."
"Ok." Bellamy agreed. He crossed his arms.
"Well than, I'll be back soon, feel free to wonder through our wonderful cave." The man turned around.
"Wait!" Bellamy shouted. The man turned back around. "What's your name? Mine is Bellamy, if you didn't know."
The man nodded. "I know," he looked at the grounders behind him. "I'm Roan. King, Roan." Roan smiled and walked out. Bellamy looked at the group of people walk away. He thought about Octavia, than Clarke. He might be protecting them.

Clarke woke up suddenly feeling a throbbing pain. She squeezed her body. She looked around, Raven and Lexa were sleeping. Clarke tried not making a sound. She started rocking back and fourth looking up at the sunrise. Clarke gave deep breaths. It wasn't just her ankle that hurt, it went up to hip. She layed still while looking up, she started to tear up. Lexa started to wake up, Clarke immediately shut her eyes.
"Wake up aliens." Lexa stood up and started nudging Raven and Clarke with a small branch that was on the ground. The two got up and shortly they began walking again.
"So Azgeda?" Clarke started. "Who are they, why are they against you?"
Lexa looked straight ahead. "Their leader." She swallowed. "He believes I'm a monster." She looked at Raven, because that is what she called her. "He created a different clan, one that does not participate in the collation. They are all against me."
Raven chuckled. "Man he must really hate you."
Lexa frowned. "He's my brother. Roan" Ravens smile went away.
"I'm sorry." Raven apologized. Clarke nodded , she was glad Raven was getting her emotion back.
Lexa turned to Raven and smiled, "it's fine." Lexa had a small tear down her cheek. Raven looked sincere. Before anything else happened, there was a ruffle in the woods. Lexa pulled out her sword, Clarke brought out Bellamys knife. "Raven go behind me." Lexa nodded her head to Raven to the direction behind her.
Raven stood behind Lexa watching what would happen. Octavia and Lincoln appeared out of the trees. Octavia had looked like a grounder. Lincoln and her war paint were identical. Clarke and Lexa put down their weapons. Clarke and Raven ran to Octavia to hug her. They all smiled.
Lincoln went to Lexa and bowed. "Commander." He said. Lexa nodded. "We came to go to Azgeda with you." Lincoln added.
                 "I'm getting my brother back." Octavia marched by Lincoln. Lexa remembered what Clarke told her , about Bellamy protecting his sister. Lexa looked at Clarke, who was smiling. Clarke was ready to save Bellamy.
                  "Well than get your asses moving, come on." Raven started walking. Octavia pulled her back.
                   "Lincoln and I scouted Azgeda territory." Octavia looked at Lincoln, they held each others hands. "You guys are going straight to them from Polis. It's all guards there." Lexa was shocked. "If we go around the river we can enter from the back which will mean few people will be there." Lincoln smiled at Octavia. She smiled back.
                     Raven was embarrassed. She couldn't even walk in the right direction. Clarke started walking the way to the river everyone followed.
                     It had been a few hours, they made it to the river. "Let's rest a little out from the bank." Lexa suggested. Everyone lay down. Octavia and Lincoln were together. Clarke was falling asleep fiddling with Bellamys knife, the one he held against her when they first got to the ground. Raven was sitting looking at the stars. Lexa walked over to her.
                     "The stars are pretty aren't they?" Lexa sat down next to Raven. Raven nodded.
                      "Im sorry" Raven began. Lexa turned confused to Raven. "For calling you a monster. Your not." Raven gave a little smirk. Lexa nodded. "I guess I'm just taking everything out on people. I mean I lost the one person who cared about me. I literally do nothing." Raven started to cry. "Clarke is trying to save everyone. Octavia is becoming this warrior. Your leading a civilization. And." Raven stopped, tears streamed down her face. "I just play with wires." She kicked the dirt. "I'm useless." Raven looke down with her hand on the ground.
                       Lexa reached out, she put her hand on top of Ravens. "Raven, your not useless." Raven looked up. "Your electrifying." Lexa smiled. Raven laughed. "We all lose our minds a little, it's ok." Raven wiped her tears off her face. Lexa got up. "Time to go to sleep." She put her hand out to Raven to help her up.
                      Raven stood watching Lexa walk away. "Lexa!" Lexa turned around. Raven threw herself in Lexas arms. "Thank you." Lexa smiled.
                       "Anytime." They let go of eachother and went to sleep. When Raven went to sleep she didn't feel sad, or alone like she had been, she felt , electrifying.

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