Chapter 3: The Dropship

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A year and a half after Clarke and her father were caught, Clarke was in containment. She made one friend. Octavia Blake . They weren't that much of friends, but it was good to have someone who didn't want to fight you every minute considering you were surrounded by delinquents.
While Clarke was in her cell, a few guards pulled her out. Once she saw the hall , guards were taking the prisoners the opposite way she was going. Something was up. She began to listen to the guards radios.
"This is chancellor Kane , do you have Clarke Griffin? Over."
One of the guards picked up," yes, currently bringing her to Mrs Griffin. Over."
"Ok good. Make sure she does not get on that drop-ship. Her mother does not want her going to earth. Over." Clarke was startled . Every prisoner was going to earth, except for her .
When they reached the hall, they saw Kane. Kane was pretty far away from them. As they got closer they heard a gun shot . Then Kane dropped . Clarke began to run down the hall to the way of the drop-ship.
As she was running , someone was behind her , a guard. He tried reaching out for her , but a guard zap stick hit their hand instead. The guard stick then fell on Clarkes ankle . She tumbled and her ankle made a disturbing noise. She looked up to see the one who threw the stick. It was Bellamy. Of course, they didn't know one and an other.
Bellamy began walking closer to the drop-ship. Clarke wasn't able to get up on her own. "Please! Help me !" Clarke begged. Bellamy turned around . He rolled his eyes and put her arm around his shoulder. "Thank you"
"Guess it's time to go to earth together" Bellamy said in a sarcastic, annoyed tone. Clarke felt the anger vibe he sent.
"Together" Clarke then said to purposely annoy him. Little did they know, this would be the first time of many times they'd do something together.

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