Chapter 7: Lincoln

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Octavia and the grounder were sitting next to eachother. Clarke noticed they were very close.
"Octavia!" Clarke shouted. Both the grounder and Octavia jumped. The grounder pulled out a knife and pointed it to Clarke. Clarke put her fist in front of her. She killed people on the ark. She knew how to fight.
"Lincoln stop!" Octavia pulled the grounders arm down. The grounder followed Octavia's direction.
Clarke raised her eyebrows, "Lincoln?" She rested her arms. "Octavia, Bellamy is worried about you!" Clarke was studying the grounder. Octavia didn't say anything back . Clarke walked closer to them."I don't know if Bellamy told you, but there was something shooting arrows at me this morning." Clarke saw that Lincoln had tattoos on him. There were few visible cuts on his body as well. "It wouldn't surprise me if it was you."
"It wasn't him!" Octavia jumped in-front of Lincoln. "There are other grounders. We can make peace with them and live together." Octavia's face like lit up as she said that with joy.
Clarke sighed. "You really think Bellamy and others would want to do that? After they tried attacking us?" Clarkes voice was hopeless
"Just give Lincoln some time to talk to his people. Until then, we don't tell Bellamy or anyone." Octavia re assured Clarke.
Clarke looked back and forth between them. "Fine, but if Bellamy figures out that I knew about this, I'm dead." Clarke started to turn around. "You should head back to the camp, Octavia."
Octavia left the cave to the camp. Clarke started walking back to where Bellamy was sleeping. When she got there, sure enough , he was still sleeping. Clarke laid down and looked at the stores. She thought about what would happen in the ark came down. Her mom would want to be with her, and Kane would want to be with her mom and her. Clarke wish she could just run away, but she knew she couldn't do that to Finn.
        It was morning now, Clarke was sleeping when Bellamy woke up. He looked around and picked a leaf off a tree. He tickled her nose with it. Clarke woke up mad. "Ooo angry princess." He laughed. Clarke smacked the leaf out of his hand.
         "Funny." Clarke said sarcastically. Clarke was trying to get up, but her ankle still was hurting. Bellamys smile faded.
        "Let me help you up-"he walked closer to her.
         "No!" Clarke motioned him away. "I can get up by myself." Bellamy knew her ankle hurt because of him. He didn't know how to talk about that with her. "Let's go back to the dropship." Clarke said starting to be able to stand up. "She might've came back by now." She was standing.
           "Ok." Bellamy began walking. The walk back was pretty much silent. Until, Bellamy heard a noise . "Clarke!" He whispered and grabbed her hand. She turned around. "Did you hear that?" Clarke looked confused. Bellamy ran off in the bushes.
Clarke stood there waits for Bellamy to come back. To her surprise, he came back with something. Someone. Lincoln. "Bellamy, what the hell!" She yelled at him when she saw him holding Lincoln with a knife to his throat. She tried running to them.
"It's probably the thing that tried killing you." Bellamy threw Lincoln against a tree. Clarke looked at Lincoln . It was easy to tell that Lincoln had seen Clarke before. He looked at her hinting to help him. Bellamy noticed this, but didn't bother to say anything.
"Bellamy! He's a person!" Clarke was trying to get Bellamy to settle down.
"What if he took Octavia?" Bellamy question. Lincoln's face lit of the slightest when Bellamy said Octavia. Clarke noticed, she hoped Bellamy didn't pick up Lincoln's reactions.
"We can bring him back to the drop-ship." Clarke insisted. Bellamy looked at Lincoln. "Bellamy, trust me." Bellamy looked at Clarke.
"Let's get walking."

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