Chapter 13: Kidnapped

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          Kane, Abby , Clarke and Bellamy were walking back to the camp to bring back the rest of the delinquents. Clarke had been talking about the grounders majority of the time. Abby pulled Clarke to the side. Abby held out her hand infront  of Clarke. There was an engagement ring.
            Clarkes eyes widened. "He promised me a wedding on earth." Abby smiled looking at the ring. "He's truly the best." Abby put her hand to her heart. Clarke grinned. "So. You and any boy?" Abby nudged Clarke. Clarke rolled her eyes. "Come on. What about Finn? I know he snuck on." Abby smiled. Clarkes face shut down. Abby could tell something happened. "Clarke?" Abby frowned.
             "He didn't make it." Clarke said looking straight ahead. Abby didn't know what to say.
               Abby looked at Bellamy who was infront of them with Kane. "What about him?" Clarke looked at Bellamy and shook her head. "You care about him."
               "I care about everyone." Clarke replied confidently. Abby was proud.
                "You worry about him more." Abby gave a little side smile. As they were all in the middle of the woods, Kane heard noises in the trees.
                  Grounders jumped down, but these weren't like the grounders Clarke had met in Polis. These grounders were wearing black cloth to cover their faces except their eyes. "Clarke?" Abby grabbed Clarkes hand.
                  "These aren't grounders." Clarke didn't know what to say. One grounder came more forward. He pointed to Bellamy. Two grounders came and grabbed Bellamy and pulled him to the rest of them. Clarke grabbed the knife from her jacket. A few grounders pulled out spears and pointed to Clarke.
                  "Let him go." Clarkes voice was deep and sharp. The grounder closest to her shook his head. Bellamy was still being pulled by two of the black hidden figured.
                  "Clarke. Don't fight them." Bellamy said getting further away from her, Abby and Kane. Soon all the grounders ran in the opposite direction. There was no one left. Clarke was shocked.
                 She turned to Abby and Kane. "Hurry, I need to get you to the drop-ship to get everyone, so I can go to Polis." Clarke started marching off. Abby and Kane looked at eachother. Kane reached out for her hand, she grabbed. They walked together.
                 They got to the entrance of the camp. Abby and Kane began to instruct everyone to bring what they wanted to the ark. Clarke packed nuts for Polis. "Clarke." Octavia said behind her. "Where's Bellamy?" Clarke turned around to Octavia. She had looked completely different. Octavia had her hair in braids like how grounder girls did them. She also had a sword attached to her back.
                "Black hooded figures took him." Clarke was shuffling. Octavia looked worried. "I know, I'm going to Polis right now. Go to Lincoln, see what he knows." Clarke nudged Octavia to the woods, there she left.
                When Clarke started walking out of the camp, she noticed Raven watching her. They looked at eachother for a few seconds, than Clarke continued waking.
                Clarke got to Polis safely. Lexa met her outside of the town. Lexa showed up under a hood. As she arrived, Clarke was impatient. "What is wrong?" Lexa asked putting her hood down.
                "People took Bellamy, they wore these black clothes." Clarke said with such confusion. Lexa knew exactly what Clarke was talking about, you can see it on her face. "You know who they are?" Clarkes face lit up with hope.
                Lexa nodded, "Azgeda." Lexas face was disgusted. "They disagree with my ways, but were promised peace if they stayed off our land." Lexa explained.
                Clarke was confused. "Why would they want Bellamy?" Lexas face turned to the woods.
                  Lexa held up her finger hinting for Clarke to be quiet. Lexa walked behind a tree and than the next thing Clarke saw was Lexa holding a knife against Ravens throat. Clarke was in shock.
                  Lexa let the knife go. "Who are you?" Lexa and Raven had direct eye contact. Raven looked pissed.
                  "Why would I tell you?" Raven was passionate. "So you can kill me?" Lexa squinted her eyes.
                  "So much suffering" Lexa started, but Raven pushed Lexa onto a tree. Clarke ran over. "I got this Clarke." Lexa smiled. Raven still held Lexa against the tree. "I really don't want to hurt you. So I insist you let me go." Clarke had never seen Lexa talk in this tone.
                "Raven." Clarke demanded. Lexa chuckled.
                "Raven, that happens to be my favorite bird." Raven let go of Lexa. "Thank you." Raven rolled her eyes. Lexa kept looking at Raven, almost admiring her.
"We need to leave now." Clarke put her foot down. Lexa nodded.
"Come with me to tell my second, we can get supplies too." Lexa looked at Raven, she was holding a backpack. "It appears you already have some."
"It's tech. Also, I'm not going in there. Finn was killed by you. All your people are , are monsters." Raven was disgusted. Lexas resting face turned to a frown. One could tell Raven hurt her feelings. Raven looked sorry.
"Maybe, you should go get supplies and we can stay here." Clarke broke the silence. Lexa nodded, than put her hood on and walked back to Polis. Raven kept looking at her while she left.
It had been a few minutes since Lexa left. She came back with two packs. Clarke reached out for one of them. "Let's go." Clarke was ready.
Lexa reached in her pack for a folded piece of paper. She handed it to Clarke. "A map." Clarke smiled. Lexa turned to Raven. "Are you going?"
Raven straightened her posture . "Sure." She shrugged her shoulders. The three walked for hours until it was dark. Lexa said to rest until light. Raven pulled out wires from her pack and started working on them.
Lexa was amazed. "That's amazing!" Lexa was joyful. Raven shushed Lexa because Clarke was sleeping. Lexas face looked like she did something terribly wrong, Raven laughed at her.
"I'm trying to wire a communication system." Raven began. "To contact the Ark Incase something happens." Raven fiddled with wires.
                   Lexa smiled brightly. "My people would be fascinated by this." Lexa observed Raven.
                  Raven looked at Lexa. "Here grab this wire." Raven held out a green, skinny wire. Lexa reached over and pinched it. "Now get the red wire to the left." With Lexas other hand she grabbed the red wire. Raven grabbed the wire tweezers. "Now let me tweeze them together." There a small shock. Lexa laughed. "Wa-la. Your a mechanic." Raven gave a small smile.
                "Thank you." Lexa tilt her head down to show Raven her thankfulness. Raven noticed a locket on Lexas chest.
                 "Your locket, it's beautiful." It was gold, but rusted over. Lexa put her hand on it and nodded. Lexa looked down.
                "I should sleep." Lexa turned around so Raven couldn't see her. Raven felt an energy from her, something new and different, she just couldn't put her finger on it.

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